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< LakshyaOjhaGitte> @rcurtin can you see #2229 when you get time. Thanks.
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< favre49> rcurtin The function definitions in the docs are still broken though. Any idea why?
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< rcurtin> favre49: I'll take a look later tomorrow---some friends are in town this weekend so it doesn't leave me any time to be at a computer :)
< hemal[m]> the command grep -ri "foo bar" is useful to explore the mlpack codebase ! To check for some functionality, whether it exists on MLpack the command works like a charm
< hemal[m]> And if you forget the keyword, do: history | grep "grep"
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #641: STILL FAILING in 2 hr 53 min:
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< johnsoncarl[m]> zoq:
< johnsoncarl[m]> rcurtin:
< PrinceGuptaGitte> Hi everyone, I had a little doubt. Does only 1 proposal get accepted per idea of idea list. Like only 1 person will be selected from idea "
< PrinceGuptaGitte> Application of ANN Algorithms Implemented in mlpack" even if the project proposed is different?
< PrinceGuptaGitte> Sorry if this question is dumb, someone said this to me so I think I should confirm it.
< Saksham[m]> I don’t think so
< Saksham[m]> If you check last years mlpack gsoc archive
< Saksham[m]> Multiple people have been accepted for same project
< PrinceGuptaGitte> Oh, yes. Thanks for the help.
< GarvTambiGitter[> @prince776 I don't think it is a dumb question ...because I also have the same query..
< GarvTambiGitter[> Thanks @matrixbot for clarification
< SakshamRastogiGi> @prince776 but the members would be able to clarify it better
< SakshamRastogiGi> I’m just guessing considering last years project
< sreenik[m]> It actually depends on the content of a project I suppose. Not all project ideas can accommodate multiple people. As it was correctly pointed out, two people were accepted a particular project last year.
< SriramSKGitter[m> Anyone have any idea on how proposals are evaluated when their contents overlap?
< pickle-rick[m]> hello, how does one go about expediting NN training using openblas?
< pickle-rick[m]> Do i simply link openblas when creating the executable? (also i need this to happen in my cmake file)
< pickle-rick[m]> My network trains really slow right now, but it does compile. It was suggested that I use openblas / nvblas, but I'm not sure on how to get this off the ground...
< sreenik[m]> freenode_gitter_sriramsk1999[m]: If I remember correctly, compiling with -lopenblas should be fine if you want to use Openblas. However, the training time won't reduce by a very high amount since it is the CPU that is doing all the work after all (and not the GPU).
< pickle-rick[m]> <sreenik[m] "freenode_gitter_sriramsk1999[m]:"> Oh okay. Thanks.
< pickle-rick[m]> Does training stop sometimes during an epoch for anyone? What can i do to fix this?
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< pickle-rick[m]> For more context, i compiled my neural net file using `g++ vgg_test.cpp -lmlpack -O2 -I /home/blah/armadillo-7.600.2/include -DARMA_DONT_USE_WRAPPER -lopenblas -llapack -fopenmp`
< pickle-rick[m]> and i got the following error:
< pickle-rick[m]> `corrupted size vs. prev_size`
< pickle-rick[m]> `Aborted (core dumped)`
< pickle-rick[m]> it failed after 2% of the first epoch.
< robertohueso> Hi everyone! :) How're you doing with this whole coronavirus thing?
< robertohueso> In Spain we're all confined at home and emergency state has been declared :(
< metahost> Here in India, most school, colleges have dissolved the classes. Offices are still on though. Stay safe everyone!
< birm[m]1> I'm scheduled to leave canada, and hoping I'll be able to.
< sreenik[m]> Even Google cloud is sending out emails saying that their support channels might see some hindrance or delay due to COVID-19
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