ChanServ changed the topic of #mlpack to: "mlpack: a fast, flexible machine learning library :: We don't always respond instantly, but we will respond; please be patient :: Logs at
< kartikdutt18Gitt> Thank you very much @zoq . I will refine my proposal a bit according to the changes you suggested and get back to you. Thanks.
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #636: STILL FAILING in 2 hr 51 min:
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< pickle-rick[m]> Hey there, is there a way to make bindings for python3 instead of python2 when running cmake? It always discovers python2 when I run cmake.
< zoq> pickle-rick[m]: Yes, add -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python to the cmake step.
< zoq> kartikdutt18Gitt: Sounds good.
< pickle-rick[m]> <zoq "pickle-rick: Yes, add -DPYTHON_E"> Oh nice. Thanks
< SriramSKGitter[m> Has anyone used for OSX VMs? Is this reliable? Or does anyone know of an alternate solution?
< pickle-rick[m]> Are there dependencies apart from python3-numpy, python3-pandas and python3-setuptools, that I need to install to successfully build mlpack with python3.
< pickle-rick[m]> I guess the dependencies given on the mlpack website covers dependencies only for python2? Am I correct in assuming that?
< zoq> pickle-rick[m]: cython setuptools distutils numpy pandas
< zoq> pickle-rick[m]: same for python3 and python2
< pickle-rick[m]> I see
< zoq> SriramSKGitter[m: Never used that part, we used/use travis and azure to run tests against macOS
< SriramSKGitter[m> @zoq : The macOS tests on #2241 are failing with an unhelpful error message. So I'm trying to get my hands on an OSX VM to build from scratch and find out what's wrong
< SriramSKGitter[m> I could use my brother's Macbook, but it's a company issued laptop and I'd rather not mess with it :)
< zoq> SriramSKGitter[m: you mean the hdf5 error?
< zoq> SriramSKGitter[m: I think this is a package issue.
< zoq> SriramSKGitter[m: The other issue can be replicated on a Linux machine as well, so no need to look for a macOS machine.
< zoq> SriramSKGitter[m: and we have some members that have access to a mac machine.
< SriramSKGitter[m> @zoq : I'm not sure about the hdf5 error you've mentioned. The error is a simple unit test I've written for the CosineTree. The test only fails on the macOS builds
< SriramSKGitter[m> If anyone with a Mac would like to help me with #2241, I'd be grateful :)
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< zoq> SriramSKGitter[m: CosineTreeTest fails on the Linux Plain build as well.
< zoq> SriramSKGitter[m: Make sure you build with -DDEBUG=ON, to enable bound checking.
< SriramSKGitter[m> @zoq : Ah, I thought the Linux build failed because of #2257 , but yeah looks like there's something wrong there as well.
< SriramSKGitter[m> I'll try my luck with the `-DDEBUG=ON` switch
< kartikdutt18Gitt> Hi @sriramsk1999, The linux build was fixed in #2257, For Mac OS, Some update in a dependency is causing the failure. I tried on my local machine it worked fine, however then I updated my dependencies, then same the load save test failed.
< kartikdutt18Gitt> I have opened #2271 to investigate the same. Hopefully it will be fixed too.
< rcurtin> zoq: you're right! thanks for pointing out that CosineTreeTest also failed on Linux
< rcurtin> I'm not sure how I overlooked the error when I looked through that log originally, sorry about that SriramSKGitter[m
< SriramSKGitter[m> @kartikdutt18 : Hmm, that's very curious, there was a loadsave test fail on one of my commits as well, but that was resolved after @rcurtin restarted the build.
< SriramSKGitter[m> What leaves me stumped right now is how my one new test is failing when it doesn't bring any new functionality to the table as far as I can see
< SriramSKGitter[m> No problem @rcurtin, I overlooked it as well :)
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< kartikdutt18Gitt> Well all builds that were made yesterday failed LoadSaveTest. And I think the same goes for pretty much every build today. (I have also made the error occur on my local machine so I am thinking this is not a random error but something that's needed to be fixed, I might be missing something though.)
< AbishaiEbenezerG> got a question here- having experience of rl to a certain level, what should i do from here after having gone through the codebase? Need a bit of guidance here...
< PrinceGuptaGitte> You can try replicating some basic example using MLPack. It's always a good idea
< AbishaiEbenezerG> ok
< AbishaiEbenezerG> you mean i could try implementing something i have learnt with mlpack ..right?
< AbishaiEbenezerG> sorry if that didn't make sense
< PrinceGuptaGitte> yes
< PrinceGuptaGitte> like hello world of reinforced learning
< AbishaiEbenezerG> got it. Thanks alot !
< AbishaiEbenezerG> hey btw
< AbishaiEbenezerG> till now, and probably for a few more days, the number of PRs of mine on github might remain zero
< AbishaiEbenezerG> would that affect my chances...? i will contribute as much as i can asap...
< AbishaiEbenezerG> how big a factor is it? I should be in a position to start experimenting with the codebase by thursday/friday. Would it hamper my chances?
< PrinceGuptaGitte> I don't think it should affect if you contribute decently, but only a mentor can answer it.
< AbishaiEbenezerG> alright. thanks tho!
< AbishaiEbenezerG> @zoq any specific advice for me given where i stand right now?
< AbishaiEbenezerG> or for that matter, any mentor's advice would be great to have
< rcurtin> SriramSKGitter[m: when I debug serialization tests, one of the things I'll do is comment out the code that removes the temporary file at the end of the serialization tests so that I can `cat` that file and see if anything is wrong
< rcurtin> I'll also try and determine if the issue is with the XML, text, or binary archives
< rcurtin> it's usually easier to debug if the issue is XML, since the file is readable
< rcurtin> and if you can reproduce locally, you can use a debugger like gdb to find the actual line of code that's causing the problem
< rcurtin> (warning: boost serialization backtraces are big! :))
< SriramSKGitter[m> @rcurtin : I'm setting up mlpack on a Mac right now, hopefully I can reproduce the error right here and find out the cause. I'll keep all the other methods in mind in case the test runs successfully here as well.
< rcurtin> sounds good; looks like it would be pretty straightforward to reproduce on Linux too
< SriramSKGitter[m> > `rcurtin on Freenode` Sriram S K (Gitter): when I debug serialization tests, one of the things I'll do is comment out the code that removes the temporary file at the end of the serialization tests so that I can `cat` that file and see if anything is wrong
< SriramSKGitter[m> I just had a look at `serialization.hpp`. Is `remove(fileName.c_str());` the line you're talking about?
< rcurtin> yeah, exactly, if you comment that out you'll get a bunch of temporary files in your build directory after you run the tests
< rcurtin> I find the most recent one with `ls -lth | head -1` and then cat it
< rcurtin> (it'll be whatever model got serialized, but failed to deserialize, I think)
< zoq> AbishaiEbenezerG: Running some experiments is a good idea, you can take a look at the test cases to see some simple examples.
< SriramSKGitter[m> @rcurtin : Thanks for the help :) I have an arsenal of things to try out :)
< zoq> AbishaiEbenezerG: Also, the number of PR's doesn't impact your chances, it's a nice way to show you are familiar with the codebase, also we look for quality and not for quantity.
< zoq> And I think at this point, we can't keep up witht he number of PR's, a review takes time; like if someone implements a new activation function, we have to read the paper, check the implementation and tests.
< zoq> Not something we can do in like 20 minutes or so.
< AbishaiEbenezerG> thank you so much @zoq. Very heartening. I'll do some study on the test cases and my own cases and take it from there...
< zoq> AbishaiEbenezerG: Sounds good :)
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< kunal12298Gitter> Please guide me on how to get started
< kunal12298Gitter> Hello, I am Kunal Gupta and am looking forward to contribute to the project Essential Deep Learning Modules.
< PrinceGuptaGitte> Hi @kunal12298 have a look at and
< SriramSKGitter[m> I have a question for the mentors. It
< SriramSKGitter[m> It's mentioned in the application guide that the project proposal is the most important part of the application. With the large number of ideas on the mailing list, I find many ideas quite similar to my own :) In that case, how would be the proposals be evaluated?
< kunal12298Gitter> And for the other project, I want to apply for Algorithm Optimization. How should I contact the mentors regarding this project as there are no PRs mentioned with its description
< saksham189Gitter> @kunal12298 you can ask your questions here
< kunal12298Gitter> Okay
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< PrinceGuptaGitte> Hi @zoq , I've added test cases in PR #2243 , but I have a doubt the way layer_names is set up, please have a look when you get time. Thanks
< jenkins-mlpack2> Yippee, build fixed!
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project mlpack - git commit test build #338: FIXED in 1 hr 0 min:
< kartikdutt18Gitt> Hey @rcurtin, Would it be possible to add #2265 to mlpack 3.3.0, it's a bug fix for pooling layers. Currently if we use pooling layers with unequal strides, the pooling layers might throw an out of index bounds error.
< rcurtin> kartikdutt18Gitt: ah, good point, it looks like a pretty simple change so I think we can add it
< rcurtin> I'll try and review it later today
< kartikdutt18Gitt> Great, Thanks a lot.
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< pickle-rick[m]> Also it'd be really helpful, if someone could point me towards documentation on the usage of accuracy metrics. I'm doing something wrong when trying to use accuracy.hpp, don't know what. Thanks in advance.
< rcurtin> pickle-rick[m]: I thought we had one-hot encoding utilities but they don't appear to be there... I've written some code to do it, though, let me see if I can dig it up to submit as a PR...
< pickle-rick[m]>
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< PrinceGuptaGitte> Hi, I'm trying to deserialize the layers in the `network` of data type `std::vector<LayerTypes<CustomLayers...> > `. But it's not working. Anyone have any idea
< zoq> PrinceGuptaGitte: Not sure, we can provide much help, because "it's not working" isn't really helpful; maybe you can provide some more context, maybe even a simple example, or the error you get.
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< PrinceGuptaGitte> I'm really sorry for being so vague about the problem. Actually I was getting an error like: , So I was thinkinh if I'm doing some common mistake. Turns out I wasn't including `-lboost_serialization -lboost_program_options` these flags while compiling
< PrinceGuptaGitte> (edited) ... sorry for being so vague about the problem. Actually I was getting an error like: , So I was thinkinh if ... => ... sorry @zoq for being so vague about the problem. Actually I was getting an error like: , So I was thinking if ...
< rcurtin> pickle-rick[m]: ah, there it is! I think what I wrote was a preprocess_onehot_main.cpp (a binding for it)
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< PrinceGuptaGitte> I can't seem to find a way to map what these values are signifying, like this value is input, this is ouput size etc.
< PrinceGuptaGitte> Any suggestion is highly appreciated. Thanks