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< aadarsh-asthanaG> Hello everybody
< aadarsh-asthanaG> I was thinking of implementing inverse rl for apprenticeship learning as a GSoC project
< aadarsh-asthanaG> Is that a good enough project idea
< aadarsh-asthanaG>
< aadarsh-asthanaG>
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #635: STILL FAILING in 3 hr 1 min:
< PranavReddyP16Gi> Also @zoq How much of the NEAT Algorithm was implemented last year? I've taken a look at the PR but I'm kind of confused
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< zoq> PranavReddyP16Gi: It's pretty much complete, I just have to run some further tests.
< PranavReddyP16Gi> Thanks @zoq
< aadarsh-asthanaG> @zoq could you tell whether that is a GSoC worthy idea
< zoq> aadarsh-asthanaG: Saw your message on the mailing list, but still have to take a look at the paper.
< aadarsh-asthanaG> Ok cool
< kartikdutt18Gitt> Hi @zoq, Did you get a chance to look at the mail I sent on the mailing list? I would love to get your opinion on it.
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< aadarsh-asthanaG> I'm getting a invalid syntax error on running make install
< Param-29Gitter[m> Run sudo make install in mlpack/build after you have executed make -j2.
< Param-29Gitter[m> where 2 specifies number of processors that you want to assign to the task.
< aadarsh-asthanaG> Yeah I did that and got this error
< Param-29Gitter[m> can you paste your error here...
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< DRipper> Hlw
< DRipper> im a beginner regarding
< DRipper> thsi
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< DRipper> Hi,Im completely new,would be happy if someone guides where to start for GSoc 2020
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< kartikdutt18Gitt> Hey Dripper, take a look at and .
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< zoq> kartikdutt18Gitt: Just responded.
< zoq> aadarsh-asthanaG: Not sure what the problem is, but you could disable the python bindings for now as a workaround by passing -DBUILD_PYTHON_BINDINGS=OFF to cmake.
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< akashd> Hi, I just realised that we do not have documentation for mac OS build, should I go ahead and write those?
< zoq> akashd: Please fell free.
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