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< zoq> PrinceGuptaGitte: If you store the result as json or xml it should provide some more output (meta data).
< rcurtin> vcpkg is updated with mlpack 3.2.2:
< rcurtin> some really nice packaging efforts going on there, when I mentioned that the package was out of date, they already had a PR open
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< JoelJosephGitter> how can i make "Log::Debug" print its output into the command line,
< SriramSKGitter[m> I think compiling with the debug switch on should do it, @joeljosephjin `cmake -DDEBUG=ON`
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #637: STILL FAILING in 2 hr 54 min:
< JoelJosephGitter> @sriramsk1999 i was trying to do like "g++ -DDEBUG", but it didnt work... I tried adding "#define DEBUG" at the beginnning of the .cpp file, but it didn't work either. Anyhow, "cout" fits my purpose, for now. Thanks anyways.
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< PrinceGuptaGitte> I tried altering serialize function of class to use `BOOST_SERIALIZATION_BASE_OBJECT_NVP` instead of `BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP` but that also doesn't help
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< rcurtin> JoelJosephGitter: compile your program with -DDEBUG, and make sure that mlpack is compiled with debugging symbols also, and then you should get debugging output :)
< AbishaiEbenezerG> Hi mlpack! Apparently, there is an issue in the q-learning test module. Shal i go forward with it? I am particularly interested in the rl module, so i would really like to study this...
< Param-29Gitter[m> I tired using perf for performance analysis but when i run perf record and try to see perf report file comes out to be empty. ( I compiled using g++ test_decision_tree.cpp -fopenmp -lmlpack -g). I also tried with a c program that does not use mlpack and it works perfercly fine with it. How do I solve this?
< pickle-rick[m]> how could I make the markdown for just gmm and hmm locally?
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< zoq> AbishaiEbenezerG: If you find an issue would be great if you open an issue on GitHUb oder a PR with a fix.
< pickle-rick[m]> hi, I'm in the process of making a pull request after pushing my work from a certain branch. When i opened github to "compare & pull request", my commit from another branch (I pushed the work on that branch in a previous pull request) also shows up. Is that ok?
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< AbishaiEbenezerG> cool @zoq. I'll keep you updated on it...
< pickle-rick[m]> > hi, I'm in the process of making a pull request after pushing my work from a certain branch. When i opened github to "compare & pull request", my commit from another branch (I pushed the work on that branch in a previous pull request) also shows up. Is that ok?
< pickle-rick[m]> Sorry, but I got flustered and closed that pull request. Opened a new one with just the new changes (markdown pipe symbol fix) .
< pickle-rick[m]> > hi, I'm in the process of making a pull request after pushing my work from a certain branch. When i opened github to "compare & pull request", my commit from another branch (I pushed the work on that branch in a previous pull request) also shows up. Is that ok?
< pickle-rick[m]> Sorry, but I got flustered and closed that pull request. Opened a new one with just the new changes (markdown pipe symbol fix) .
< rcurtin> pickle-rick: no need to get flustered :) looks like you got it worked out though?
< pickle-rick[m]> Yeah seems like it. :)
< rcurtin> also, sorry I missed your message earlier, I don't think you can make the markdown for *just* gmm/hmm... I think you'd have to build it for all of them
< pickle-rick[m]> No worries. I totally understand you guys have a lot on your plates, especially right now :)
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< favre49> Running make on mlpack requires me to have superuser access due to moving mlpack_export.hpp
< favre49> Am I doing something wrong?
< rcurtin> favre49: are you running just 'make' or 'make install'?
< rcurtin> definitely 'make' shouldn't need superuser, unless root owns some file in the build tree or something?
< favre49> Running make
< favre49> This is on my personal machine, so the build tree shouldn't be a problem
< favre49> Should I open an issue for this?
< favre49> Unless birm[m] knows something about this, I think there have been recent CMake changes
< favre49> Also, is there a difference in armadillo between setting seed to `std::time(NULL)` or setting it with `arma_rng::set_seed_random()`
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< rcurtin> favre49: sure, maybe opening an issue makes it a bit easier to debug
< rcurtin> either that or pastebin output here or something, I'm still not sure I understand the issue
< rcurtin> I think that those two lines in Armadillo are equivalent, also
< pickle-rick[m]> Anyone know why the "julia_binding_test" keeps failing?
< rcurtin> pickle-rick[m]: it's on me, bad merge... I should have it solved later today
< rcurtin> not sure why the tests didn't pick it up in the PR?
< rcurtin> wait... it looks like the azure pipeline jobs never ran on that PR? anyway, I've reproduced it locally, shouldn't be too hard to fix
< pickle-rick[m]> rcurtin: oh alright.
< himanshu_pathak[> I waste most of the time in debugging do anyone have better idea instead of using gdb efficiently in less time span
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< favre49> rcurtin You can see the error here -
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< rcurtin> favre49: what are the permissions on build/include/ and build/include/mlpack?
< rcurtin> i.e. `ls -lh build/include/`
< rcurtin> that should tell us
< rcurtin> himanshu_pathak[: wish I had a better response, but at least I just got used to gdb and got a bit better with it over time. maybe there is another debugger out there you could use? I'm not familiar with anything but gdb though :(
< sreenik[m]> himanshu_pathak: There is a graphical gdb also available, might be somewhat less of a hassle if that is what you mean :)
< himanshu_pathak[> rcurtin: Is there any way that I can skip boost visitor implementation if I am running the program step by step because every time I try to run a program step by step every time boost::applyvisitor part also shows I want to skip that is there any way to do that. sreenik[m] Sure I will try it thanks for suggesting
< rcurtin> himanshu_pathak[: maybe use breakpoints to try and only stop at the part that you're interested in?
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< himanshu_pathak[> rcurtin: Yes I use breakpoints but in some cases when you don't know where the problem might be it is quite overwhelming to see boost::applyvisitor output again and again.
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