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< vigsterkr[m]> rcurtin: ;)
< vigsterkr[m]> rcurtin: julia wrapper? who made it?
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< rcurtin> vigsterkr[m]: I did, it was for my job :) I work for a company that uses Julia as the implementation language for its product
< rcurtin> it's a reasonably nice language, but it definitely has some warts that need to be improved---like pretty bad compile times for complex code the first time you run it
< rcurtin> (C++ has that too, but it's very different because nobody uses C++ like a REPL...)
< rcurtin> also, looks like mlpack-bot is failing to auto-approve after a day... maybe someday I will be finished fighting with it...
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< M_slack_mlpack_7> So apparently when building mlpack I can find pthread.h but when I try to build the client for gym_tcp_api it can't be found
< M_slack_mlpack_7> Forcefully bypassing the boost thread check gives
< M_slack_mlpack_7> ```CMakeFiles/example.dir/example.cpp.o: undefined reference to symbol 'pthread_join@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
< M_slack_mlpack_7> glibc-2.30/lib/ error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line```
< rcurtin> M_slack_mlpack_7: I'm not familiar with the gym client, but perhaps set -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-pthread" when you configure CMake for that project?
< rcurtin> maybe it's CMAKE_LINKER_FLAGS that would be necessary... I'm not exactly sure
< rcurtin> hopefully that type of thing is at least helpful as a direction though
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #629: FAILURE in 2 hr 57 min:
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< favre49> Odd problems with azure - on github it says that the test has been running for a week, but on checking the test has complete
< favre49> On #2239
< favre49> Also wondering, why do we use travis for some things and azure for others? I haven't been keeping up to date I'm afraid
< favre49> Just realized, there's an AUR package for mlpack :) If it works, we could add it to the website
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< rcurtin> favre49: nice, if you want to add the AUR package to the website, you can just open a PR on the website, does that sound reasonable?
< rcurtin> also for azure and travis, I think that the reason is just convenience... azure provides more resources, but some jobs just haven't been transitioned yet
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< favre49> rcurtin Yeah I checked it out and it works, robertohueso maintains it. I'll add it to the site once my exams are over
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< rcurtin> favre49: awesome, sounds good :)
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< EdmundWu[m]> Got the gym to work, spent a good deal of time trying to figure out why there was an error and it turned out to be because I was using Python3
< EdmundWu[m]> Solved the linker error by just spamming -lpthread on every invocation
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< zoq> EdmundWu[m]: hm, do you like to open a PR with the fix? I guess we could just set the correct CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS.
< EdmundWu[m]> I don't think it's really nice since it's still a hack after I disabled the thread component for Boost
< EdmundWu[m]> Still fails if I have the thread component
< Param-29Gitter[m> How do i remove binding error? When I try to execute any example programs i get following error #error "Unknown binding type! Be sure BINDING_TYPE is defined if you are " \
< Param-29Gitter[m>
< rcurtin> okay... finally... looks like mlpack-bot auto-approve is working again
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< AbhiSaphire> Hello guys, I am not able to locate any optimizer algorithms on mlpack repo. Can someone provide a link to me. Thanks
< SriramSKGitter[m> @AbhiSaphire : Have a look at
< AbhiSaphire> Thanks SriramSKGitter[m but I was looking for loss function optimizers.
< AbhiSaphire> OK found it, sorry for this naive question
< rcurtin> Param-29Gitter[m: don't compile the _main.cpp programs by hand, use CMake to build those
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< travis-ci> mlpack/ensmallen#726 (2.11.4 - b35b5ac : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
< travis-ci> Change view :^...b35b5acbdcc2
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< GauravSinghGitte> Hi @rcurtin sorry to disturb you but if have some time can you provide some more insights on #2238. I am confused as to how to move forward after the comments from @ShikharJ. Thanks.
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< EdmundWu[m]> How important is stb as a dependency
< zoq> EdmundWu[m]: It's used to load images.
< EdmundWu[m]> Trying to compile with `-DSTB_IMAGE_INCLUDE_DIR` but I'm getting linker errors like
< EdmundWu[m]> ``````
< zoq> EdmundWu[m]: That said, it's an optional dependency.
< EdmundWu[m]> Yeah build works fine without it