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< favre49> It gets so active here when GSoC starts :)
< favre49> For those interested in NeuroEvolution, I'd suggest reading the PR for NEAT, I remember I had made it so that it could more easily be extended into HyperNEAT and other variants
< favre49> I was also thinking, for those interested in the project on CMA-ES, there is issue #70 on ensmallen
< favre49> I made PR #88 to address some of those concerns, but I never got around to finishing it.
< Nakul[m]> @favre49 long see.
< favre49> Also in the realm of neuro-evolution, our current implementations could be even more heavily templated with different mutation or selection schemes (though I'd defer to @zoq about whether it is worth it)
< favre49> Nakul[m] Yeah I've been very very busy with college and other projects/competitions :)
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< travis-ci> birm/ensmallen#1 (backup-master - 08994c5 : Marcus Edel): The build has errored.
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< travis-ci> birm/ensmallen#3 (master - 8bb3b77 : Ryan Birmingham): The build passed.
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< travis-ci> birm/ensmallen#4 (sanity-quickfix - 72bd46c : Ryan Birmingham): The build has errored.
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< ShikharJaiswalGi> @zoq @rcurtin What do you guys think about adding a disclaimer in the Ideas section mentioning aspirants to reach out to mentors through public channels and not their personal mails?
< zoq> ShikharJaiswalGi: Well, I think you added that last year?
< ShikharJaiswalGi> Did I? Hmm, interesting.
< zoq> ShikharJaiswalGi: "Also, it is probably not a great idea to contact mentors directly (this is why their emails are not given here); [...]"
< ShikharJaiswalGi> Hmm, then I guess we're doing all we could from our side to encourage private channel talk.
< zoq> Hm, I encourage people to use the public channels.
< ShikharJaiswalGi> (edited) ... encourage private channel ... => ... encourage public channel ...
< ShikharJaiswalGi> Ah yes, public, not private. Gitter has a an edit option luckily.
< zoq> Perhaps, we can use another color as well.
< ShikharJaiswalGi> I didn't know GitHub markdown had that option.
< zoq> I guess HTML inline works, but not sure.
< ShikharJaiswalGi> Nice, I'll try it out then.
< ShikharJaiswalGi> Apparently, Markdown doesn't support HTML based color rendering the text.
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< SriramSKGitter[m> ```diff
< SriramSKGitter[m> - What about a hack like this?
< SriramSKGitter[m> ```
< SriramSKGitter[m> Hmm that didn't come out right over here. Anyway, wrapping the text within ```diff and - highlights it in red, albeit there is a hyphen at the start of the sentence.
< zoq> SriramSKGitter[m: I think that could work
< SriramSKGitter[m> Glad to hear it : )
< rcurtin> we could remove the mentor names from the projects entirely, but, I'm not sure that's a great idea since then everyone will be asking "who's the mentor"?
< Nakul[m]> <rcurtin "we could remove the mentor names"> Hahahaha
< zoq> Looks like the diff solution would put everything into a single line.
< SriramSKGitter[m> @zoq : Definitely a hacky solution
< SriramSKGitter[m> Honestly, it's in bold already and pretty prominent. I don't think highlighting it will help much.
< zoq> you are probably right
< rcurtin> yeah, I think there are some people who don't manage to read or find the right pages to read and there's not too much we can do about it :)
< rcurtin> it's *way* better than the first year when we didn't have *anything* set up for students... the only thing we had was the mailing list, and it wasn't easy to get involved writing code
< rcurtin> so the first year or really the first three years, until we got a nicer process for onboarding, most of March and April was spent responding to emails on the mailing list
< rcurtin> I used to set aside 60-90 minutes every morning to handle the emails that had come in... much better to have some pages we can link to quickly now, and better-described projects that show interested folks where to look
< SriramSKGitter[m> It's really well organized now! I found just about everything I wanted to know without any help :D
< rcurtin> that's great to hear, it means we did a decent job :)
< rcurtin> (that said, if there is anything you think we can improve... do let us know!)
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< Param-29Gitter[m> Hey @rcurtin regarding #2169 do you want me to implement similar code with information_gain? then you can review both of them once you are free?
< rcurtin> I wouldn't take the time to do it for information gain until the gini gain code has been adequately reviewed
< Param-29Gitter[m> had a similar thought. That's why didn't do it yet :)
< rcurtin> yep, sounds good---sorry that I'm moving slow on these. I have to limit the time I put into reviewing PRs, otherwise I don't actually manage to write any mlpack code :(
< Param-29Gitter[m> I understand I'll try to find other parts in the code which I can rewrite to improve performance. Any specific algorithms which you expect to be improved in Profiling for parallelism?
< Param-29Gitter[m> or any specific research papers that would help me in understanding what we need to do in that project?
< rcurtin> totally up to you; it would generally be better to parallelize more widely used algorithms (logistic regression, random forests, k-means, etc.), but it may be that those have already been optimized pretty heavily so it may not be easy
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< Param-29Gitter[m> Ya... I found a paper but algorithms mentioned in it have already been optimized using OpenMP. Ill do profiling of some other algorithms and try finding some other research papers which could be helpful. Also I tried working on KNN, results are not that satisfactory yet :( . I'll probably spend some more time on it and open a PR if i find something interesting ;)
< rcurtin> Param-29Gitter[m: sounds good, but do keep in mind that OpenBLAS is itself parallelized, so any algorithm that calls out to OpenBLAS for linear algebra functions may already be effectively parallelized
< rcurtin> but to see this you'd need to compile against OpenBLAS, and not ATLAS or the reference LAPACK/BLAS implementations
< SaraanshTandonGi> Is it because of the type of the file
< SaraanshTandonGi> ?
< SaraanshTandonGi> I'm trying to run the following simple code:
< SaraanshTandonGi> with the command:
< SaraanshTandonGi> `g++ -std=c++11 -fopenmp ffn.cpp `
< SaraanshTandonGi> Am i supposed to run it some other way?
< zoq> SaraanshTandonGi: You have to linka gainst mlpack and armadillo
< zoq> g++ -std=c++11 ffn.cpp -larmadillo -lmlpack -o ffn
< zoq> Somethng like that
< SaraanshTandonGi> Still getting the same error with:
< SaraanshTandonGi> `g++ -std=c++11 -lmlpack -larmadillo -fopenmp ffn.cpp`
< PrinceGuptaGitte> have you run the command `sudo make install`
< PrinceGuptaGitte> in mlpack build dir
< zoq> SaraanshTandonGi: Did you make sure both mlpack and armadillo are available?
< SaraanshTandonGi> got it to work using:
< SaraanshTandonGi> `g++ -std=c++11 ffn.cpp -lmlpack -larmadillo -fopenmp`
< zoq> Great
< SaraanshTandonGi> Stupid mistake :p
< PrinceGuptaGitte> Hi, I was thinking about GSOC project(once again), and I had an idea which doesn't exactly fit any Idea propsed in the idea-list, but as it suggests we can provide some other ideas too.
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< PrinceGuptaGitte> It would be great to hear some opinions on "Hyperparameter optimization tool" in MLPack for Ann
< SriramSKGitter[m> Do you mean something like hyperas? That sounds interesting
< PrinceGuptaGitte> Yes
< PrinceGuptaGitte> It'll have a lot of things to implement like grid search, random search, coarse to fine sampling.
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< jeffin143[m]> We do have some of the algorithm implemented
< jeffin143[m]> But we have to implement some more definitely
< PrinceGuptaGitte> @jeffin143 I can't seem to find where they are, can you tell me.
< Param-29Gitter[m> :point_up: [February 28, 2020 9:52 PM]( Ya.. thanks. I'll make sure I compile it correctly this time.
< kartikdutt18Gitt> I think I saw grid search on mlpack.
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< PrinceGuptaGitte> Thanks @kartikdutt18 , I see a good foundation is already present
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< SriramSKGitter[m> @prince776 Came across this as well, might be helpful.
< PrinceGuptaGitte> Thanks
< PrinceGuptaGitte> Guess I will work on it but not for GSOC project
< SriramSKGitter[m> Happy to help :)
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< PrinceGuptaGitte> Hi @zoq @ShikharJ , can I ask if implementation of YOLO algorithm for object detection is a good enough idea for GSOC 2020 regarding the idea *Application of ANN Algorithms Implemented in mlpack* in Idea-list. @zoq I know that it seems interesting but I was confused if it's enough for GSOC. Can you please give me your input. I've been working on theoretical part, now I want to move ahead.
< tanvi> Hello everyone. I am a beginner to start as an open source contributor so can anybody help me to start?
< zoq> PrinceGuptaGitte: Yes, it's an interesting and big enough project for GSoC.
< tanvi> I want to contribute in mlpack how can I start from here?
< zoq> tanvi: Hello, see
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< zoq> tanvi: I think, might be intersting as well.
< tanvi> thank you for this let me explore this
< PrinceGuptaGitte> Oh thanks a lot. I'm gonna start digging deeper into it and think about implementational part to start building the propasal
< PrinceGuptaGitte> Thanks a lot @zoq
< zoq> Sounds good.
< tanvi> this isn't working
< zoq> Did you remove the . at the end?
< tanvi> I think no
< tanvi> i opened it directly from here so didnt think about that
< zoq> Ahh, good to know, will post it without the stop at the end next time.
< PrinceGuptaGitte> Interesting, gitter automatically excludes the stop from link.
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< favre49> Would it be good to have links to older GSoC proposals on the webpage? How to write a proposal seems to be a common question here
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< himanshu_pathak[> Hey zoq can you please answer a simple query in I want to finish it as soon as possible
< zoq> favre49: Hm, don't think we can publish older proposals without any consent, and I guess we would probably see simialr proposals, which I think it's what we are looking for.
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< favre49> zoq That's true, i guess a lot of people would see it as a copyable format rather than just an example
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< Nakul[m]> Here are some of my seniors proposal.If you guys need any help related to that.
< Nakul[m]> Making proposal is totally personalize think so don't just copy paste do research about work.
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< Nakul[m]> Let me know if I am wrong
< saksham189Gitter> Hey @zoq I wanted your opinion regarding the adaptive pooling mean and max layers PR ( ). Do you think we should implement the layer as a wrapper over the original pooling layer since most of the code is exactly the same once the stride and kernel parameters have been calculated?
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< EL-SHREIFGitter[> Why this project :
< EL-SHREIFGitter[> Still has no mentor?
< rcurtin> Nakul[m]: agreed, every proposal is specific to the person and the project. there's no strict template or guideline to follow, and since so many people work directly with the community before submitting an application, we often have a pretty clear picture of the applicant already
< rcurtin> which should relieve a bit of pressure; we already know who you are, so the application doesn't have to be *perfect* :)
< rcurtin> EL-SHREIFGitter[: not sure why there's not a name there, but someone wrote it in the list so there likely is a mentor. it was probably an oversight
< rcurtin> in any case, feel free to discuss the project here
< jeffin143[m]> Toshal Agrawal (Gitter) / ToshalAgrawal[m] is the mentor for that project ,EL-SHREIF (Gitter)
< Nakul[m]> rcurtin: birm added some comments #49. have a look when you got time.
< Nakul[m]> And also is there any tool or any way to test build (due to change made in cmake) on all different OS. currently using Virtual Machine for that.
< Nakul[m]> > rcurtin: birm added some comments #49. have a look when you got time.
< Nakul[m]> On model repo.