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< rcurtin> ok... I think I am finally getting better... that took a really long time
< rcurtin> not 100% yet but now I can sit at a computer again
< rcurtin> I have learned why it is a good idea to get a flu vaccination each year :)
< rcurtin> zoq: I think -Wunused-command-line-argument would be fine, but really for that one I am not sure why -pthread is specified but not needed... it might be OpenMP?
< zoq> sounds great :)
< zoq> about -pthread, I don't use OpenMP, so I don't think that's reason
< zoq> sounds like there is no need to use -pthread on mac OS
< rcurtin> zoq: agree, but I can't seem to see why -pthread is being included as a link flag
< rcurtin> er, as a compile flag
< rcurtin> if you know an easy way to disable it anyway, there is already a block in CMakeLists.txt that handles when the user is using clang on OS X
< rcurtin> ah, ok, I think I am not thinking 100% yet :)
< rcurtin> I was searching on an older version
< rcurtin> let me fix that now then...
< zoq> no need to rush
< rcurtin> gopala: I know it has been a while but I have not been able to reproduce your problem, do you think you can open an issue on github?