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< kris> zoq: Do we have env.observation_space.low something equivalent gym module
< zoq> kris: Not sure I get what you mean; do you like the equivalent of env.observation_space.low? I think it should be env.observation_space.boxLow
< zoq> I wonder why I used boxLow instead of just low.
< zoq> Btw. its defined in space.hpp.
< kris> I saw that and was confused by the name boxLow i thought it was meant for the contrainer.
< kris> but running std::cout << env.observation_space.boxLow.size() << std::endl; always give me 0
< kris> ideally for cartpole it should give 4
< kris> zoq: is it giving same result for you
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< zoq> kris: Yes, I get the same results.
< zoq> I commented line 109-112 in the file, because sometimes for some environments the worker just stuck at that point.
< zoq> I didn't really looked into the issue because I thought, low and high isn't that much of interest.
< zoq> If you include that lines it should work as expected.
< zoq> I'll take a closer look at the issue later today.
< kris> but i think that these values are important when you don't want to work in the continuous space but a discrete case like when you use q table solver. I will also look at the code and see if i can get it work
< zoq> kris: ah, right. I think, I encountered some issues with the atari environments, not sure. But as I said it should work if you revert the change I did for line 109-112.
< zoq> I guess you are using your own instance and not the public server?
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< kris> zoq: Yes i am using my personal instance
< zoq> kris: Okay, good, it's getting late here, time to get some sleep.
< kris> zoq: Good Night. And thanks for all the help
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1874 (master - e0f6e97 : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1875 (master - 5b0abcd : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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< zoq> hm, has to be another obscure failure with #830 on windows. I can't see anything in the log file, so this makes it even harder to solve the issue.
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< zoq> kris: Turns out that a connection timeout caused the problem, so I will revert the change I did.
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< Thyrix> Hello, is there any tutorial of ANN in mlpack?
< zoq> Thyrix: Hello, not really, working on it, for now you best chance is to take a look at the tests:
< Thyrix> thank you
< zoq> rcurtin: Can you checkout the latest version of the repo?
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< kris> zoq: Sorry i was not able to understand
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< kris> Also i un commented the lines you said in file. And re- make the example.cpp files with no effect. It still shows 0 for the lowBox.size(). I am using a local server could that be a problem ??
< zoq> kris: I fixed the issue with the observation_space by increasing the timeout:
< zoq> kris: Did you restart the server?
< kris> ohh sorry thats really stupid of me.
< kris> i am embarrassed now .:-(
< zoq> nah
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< rcurtin> zoq: sure, hang on...
< zoq> rcurtin: Thanks!
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< zoq> rcurtin: Any idea, why #830 doesn't build on windows?
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< rcurtin> right, that was the one other thing I needed to fix!
< rcurtin> let me work on that now
< rcurtin> I was thinking that the issue was the initialization of the std::vector, I'll try changing that to something more "traditional"
< zoq> yeah, I was thinking the same as I checked the code.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1876 (master - e46a8b5 : Ryan Curtin): The build was broken.
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< zoq> But if that's the case, it's kinda ridiculous.
< rcurtin> yeah, probably incorrect C++11 support or something
< rcurtin> typical for MSVC I guess... :)
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< rcurtin> seems like something is still hanging though, maybe there is some bug that only shows on sparc64
< rcurtin> I guess that would make the whole effort of setting those up worthwhile then though!
< zoq> I thought it's failing because it runs out of memory.
< rcurtin> yeah, some of them are failing, I think that I need to reduce the number of executors on each system
< jarvis_> zoq: I was thinking VGGNet should be in the mlpack arsenal if someone wished to utilise it. Because GoogLeNet is a drastic shift from conventional stacking of conv and pooling layers of the likes of LeNet/AlexNet architecture. So, it's not very easy to understand how to properly exploit it. There may be users who wish to utilise VGGNet instead. But you are right, GoogLeNet requires less parameters and less computation. I think I'll l
< jarvis_> Inception v4 should be a good choice
< rcurtin> jarvis_: looks like your first message got cut off at "I think I'll l", maybe there was more to the message?
< jarvis_> I meant to say "I'll lean towards Inception v4"
< rcurtin> :)
< jarvis_> Hehe :D
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< zoq> jarvis_: I get your point, I have to take a look at the actual numbers but isn't Inception V4 superior in terms of classication error and runtime? On the other side, the implementation is rather simple right? Convolution, Pooling, ... Linear, Softmax?
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1880 (master - 40d4a39 : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1881 (master - 56090dc : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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< zoq> rcurtin: About #830 I was talking about:
< zoq> probabilities(std::vector<arma::vec>(1))
< zoq> and
< zoq> probabilities(std::vector<arma::vec>(1, arma::ones<arma::vec>(numObservations)/numObservations))
< rcurtin> hmm, ok, I remembered a different error on appveyor, so maybe I remembered incorrectly
< rcurtin> I'm on a plane right now so I am not brave enough to try and load the appveyor logs :)
< zoq> it's still building your change
< rcurtin> yeah, I was waiting until I saw the result of that
< rcurtin> and then I was going to decide whether I wanted to spend 5 minutes trying to load the page :)
< zoq> :)
< rcurtin> if it is the probabilities initialization like you pointed out, the issue is probably that the MSVC compiler isn't properly recognizing that the Armadillo operation can be cast to an arma::vec
< zoq> std::vector<arma::vec>(1, arma::ones<arma::vec>(numObservations)/numObservations) not even sure that's correct
< zoq> nice :)
< rcurtin> awesome, we are part of GSoC! :)
< rcurtin> soon the mailing list will explode :)
< rcurtin> I think that that initialization is valid for std::vector, that should be std::vector(size_type n, value_type val)
< zoq> :)
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< zoq> heading home now
< rcurtin> ok, talk to you soon... maybe appveyor will be done by the time you get back
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< Guest4693> guys i want to participate in gsoc what should i do to be in ....?
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< Guest4693> hi sir where should i start contributing for this organisation and if i face any problem so to whom i should contact
< rcurtin> Guest4693: please start by consulting the mlpack website
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< soumyadeep> I wnt to participate in G-Soc 2017.
< soumyadeep> What should i do?
< zoq> soumyadeep: Hallo and welcome, have you seen:
< soumyadeep> I have gone through it.
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< zoq> soumyadeep: Okay, great, so I guess the next step is to explore the codebase, maybe you find an interesting issue on github, that you like to solve.
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< Sinjan_> I am really interested in working in this project. I have a strong foundation in c++. Besides I am involved in two machine learning projects over the past year. I will be really grateful if you can guide me where to start.
< zoq> Sinjan_: Hello, and thank you for your interest, we have a special page that should provide a bunch of useful information:
< Sinjan_> I read the get introduced section. I am trying to install the stable version of mlpack in my Ubuntu. Can you help me out with the installation? The link is
< rcurtin> Sinjan_: note also you can just install mlpack via apt too
< Sinjan_> I tried sudo apt-get install libmlpack-dev. But it seems its not available in my system's package manager.
< rcurtin> maybe you are using an old version of Ubuntu?
< Sinjan_> Ubuntu 14.04
< rcurtin> yeah, unfortunately, it looks like mlpack has not been backported to that
< rcurtin> if you upgrade to 16.04 or newer it is there, but that is probably too much work to be worth it :)
< rcurtin> it's probably easier to just compile it at that point
< Sinjan_> So, is there a way to install it on Ubuntu 14.04?
< rcurtin> well, either install from source, try to find a ppa, or rebuild the .deb against 14.04... I think the first is the easiest
< rcurtin> zoq gave you a link to the build directions
< Sinjan_> I will try that.
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< Sinjan__> I tried installing it.
< Sinjan__> But in the make step, I am getting a few errors.
< Sinjan__> In file included from /home/user/mlpack-2.1.1/src/mlpack/../mlpack/core/tree/rectangle_tree/r_plus_tree_descent_heuristic.hpp:51:0, from /home/user/mlpack-2.1.1/src/mlpack/../mlpack/core/tree/rectangle_tree.hpp:36, from /home/user/mlpack-2.1.1/src/mlpack/../mlpack/methods/neighbor_search/neighbor_search.hpp:21, from /home/user/mlpack-2.1.1/src/mlpack/tests/aknn_test.cpp:12: /home/u
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< zoq> Sinjan__: Can you use pastebin, or some other service to post your error?
< Sinjan__> Okay
< zoq> hm, is that the complete output? I can only see the warning about the uninitialized success parameter.
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< Sinjan__> Warning received repetitively while usinf $ make : ; Error message on using $ make install :
< zoq> Sinjan__: You can ignore the warnings, If I remember right there is an open PR that should solve all compiler warnings you see on your system.
< zoq> Sinjan__: About the last error, my guess is your are not allowed to write into /usr/local/lib/ you can either use 'sudo make install' or specify another installation directory or just use the current build directory and skip the last step.
< Sinjan__> Okay.
< Sinjan__> sudo make install worked.
< zoq> Sinjan__: Perfect
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< Sinjan__> I will now try out the command-line programs(man pages) on mlpack.
< zoq> Sinjan__: Sounds good, if you need datasets you could take a look at: UCI Machine Learning Repository or mlpack already comes with some test dataset (src/mlpack/tests/data).
< Sinjan__> Okay.
< Sinjan__> In which directory are supposed to be to use these command line programs?
< zoq> If you open a terminal and write e.g. 'mlpack_pca -h' it should work, if not /usr/local/bin/mlpack_pca -h should work for you.
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< Sinjan__> The commands mlack_pca -h and /usr/local/bin/mlpack_pca -h are not working. Although, I noticed that all the command program files are there in /usr/local/bin/.
< rcurtin> Sinjan__: I wonder if you have to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH
< rcurtin> try
< rcurtin> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/ /usr/local/bin/mlpack_pca -h
< rcurtin> and see if that works
< rcurtin> if it does, then you can just set LD_LIBRARY_PATH:
< rcurtin> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib
< rcurtin> I believe there's a bit about this somewhere in
< Sinjan__> Okay
< Sinjan__> It worked
< Sinjan__> In the issues section, at first I want to work on an issue of easy difficulty level. But there is a separate tag P: major and P: minor. What are they about?
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