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< rcurtin> I found this fascinating video that someone posted on youtube for some reason:
< rcurtin> e
< rcurtin> I'm not sure why anyone posted it but it's a visualization of the development of mlpack until about fall 2015
< rcurtin> (which is too bad it didn't go further, I think things got really interesting in the last year!)
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< zoq> Really interesting, we could open an issue, to create an updated visualization.
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< rcurtin> ok, I have these sparc64 systems online (at least can be SSH'ed to)
< rcurtin> but they are running Solaris 10, and the package repositories are basically abandoned (like pkgutil) so I think maybe I should go with a different OS...
< rcurtin> it seems reasonable choices would be debian and freebsd... zoq, do you think freebsd would be a good choice for sparc64?
< rcurtin> at least on Solaris 10 I can't even get a copy of gcc5 easily
< rcurtin> or I guess it is possible to get a free copy of Solaris 11 but I don't know if I am that adventurous...
< zoq> I think, FreeBSD is definitely an option. I'm not sure if there is a FreeBSD docker image. But I guess the same applies for Solaris.
< rcurtin> hm, actually, that is a good point, I should see if it is even possible to run docker (or similar) on FreeBSD
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< Wanne> hello there :-) Is there an interest for supporting GPU acceleration or optimizations for Xeon Phi?
< rcurtin> hi Wanne, I think it woudl be very cool and it may happen at some point in the future
< rcurtin> for now GPU acceleration is best done via NVBLAS which is a plug-in replacement for BLAS
< rcurtin> one of the big problems is that programming for either of those accelerators can give very unwieldy and difficult-to-maintain code, so that is something that we haven't really been able to make much progress with
< rcurtin> I like NVBLAS though: it just checks the size of the matrices being used for BLAS operations, and if the size is large enough that the computation time + transfer time on the GPU is expected to be less than the computation time on the CPU, it does it on the GPU
< Wanne> I might write some software for my master thesis and I am looking for a place to contribute the results, still planning phase, though.
< rcurtin> sure, depending on how it was done there might be interest here in merging it in
< rcurtin> the key is always maintainability and portability (I guess readability too), which are all hard things to do with Phi or GPUs...
< rcurtin> I have to get lunch, I'll be back later...
< Wanne> tanks, I will keep it in mind and might come back with some questions :-)
< Wanne> *thanks
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< travis-ci> akanuraj200/mlpack#6 (master - c488c34 : Anuraj Kanodia): The build was fixed.
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< rcurtin> zoq: I set up mysql on
< rcurtin> the 'jenkins' user has access to the 'benchmark' database
< rcurtin> and port 3306 on is only accessible from masterblaster, the 5 benchmark machines, and the 3 sun machines
< zoq> sounds great, thanks a lot