changed the topic of #mlpack to: -- We don't respond instantly... but we will respond. Give it a few minutes. Or hours. -- Channel logs:
pantsforbirds has joined #mlpack
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Dispatch has joined #mlpack
mribeirodantas has joined #mlpack
< mribeirodantas> Cooler_: ping
< mribeirodantas> :)
< Cooler_> hello master
< Cooler_> o/
< Cooler_> put your eyes in hplusroadmap channel... have good stuff...
< mribeirodantas> So mlpack is a C++ library. I thought it was channel about ml in general :-D
< mribeirodantas> Okey
mribeirodantas has quit [Quit: bbl]
Rodya has quit [Quit: Adieu, dear Werther!]
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Dispatch has joined #mlpack
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