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< zoq> rcurtin: Can you create another database for the commit benchmarks? I'd like to distinguish between the commit and release benchmarks.
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< zoq> Got my GSoC T-Shirt yesterday, looks really nice, great color.
< rcurtin> sure, do you want me to create two: "benchmark_commit" and "benchmark_release"?
< rcurtin> I got my t-shirt too, it seems like it doesn't say '2016' on it anywhere so now I won't know which year it's from :)
< rcurtin> I think half my shirts are GSoC shirts at this point...
< zoq> The database name scheme sounds good. I think I have 4 GSoC Shirts, including one where they messed up the size XL instead of M :)
< rcurtin> oops :)
< rcurtin> ok, I created the two databases, so let me know if there are any problems
< zoq> okay, thanks, I'll let you know if I run into any problems.
< rcurtin> I decided to go with freebsd on the Sun systems; even if I can't run Docker on sparc64, I have read a little bit about freebsd jails and think they will be able to do the same task
< zoq> yeah, jails are great super simple to setup, to manage etc.
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< zoq> Also, if you need any help with the setup let me know.
< rcurtin> sure, right now the difficulty is figuring out how to use the Sun ILOM system to mount the freebsd ISO and boot from it :)
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< veer23> hi I am college student from India and I want to contribute to this project. How can I start?
< rcurtin> veer23: hello there, you might get started by looking at
< veer23> what should be the prerequisites to work and suggest me some basic issues with which I can start with
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< veer23> Hey actually I am beginner with open source technology.That's why I am asking?
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< yash1998> Hi! i wish to pursue a project with mlpack in c++ for GSoC 2017 (or later). i am currently a first year undergraduate student with around 2-3 yrs of basic c++ coding. could u tell me how to get started?
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< rcurtin> why so much GSoC interest in September?
< rcurtin> crazy
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