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< pantsforbirds> so if i want to contribute an optimizer i should use 2 .hpp files, one for definitions and one for implementation. right?
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< Sukrut> hello i wish to set up mlpack on my computer running ubuntu and on executing cmake it gives an error saying boost_unit_test_framework not found
< Sukrut> i used the locate command and it shows that unit_test_framework is located in /usr/include/boost/test/iincluded/unit_test_framework.hpp
< Sukrut> so what should i do??
< rcurtin> hi Sukrut, it seems like CMake is not finding where boost is installed
< rcurtin> can you tell me how you installed boost?
< Sukrut> i am new to ubuntu and mlpack so plz tell me what should i do
< Sukrut> i used sudo apt-get install libboost-dev
< rcurtin> ok
< rcurtin> mlpack is in those repositories, so why not just do 'sudo apt-get install libmlpack-dev'?
< rcurtin> that should lead to an easier installation :)
< Sukrut> oh
< Sukrut> i followed the instructions given on the website
< rcurtin> can you link to the page you followed? it sounds like I should update the instructions to mention that mlpack is in repositories
< rcurtin> ok, I will add some documentation there, thank you for the link
< Sukrut> np
< Sukrut> now should i reinstall mlpack using the command u mentioned?
< rcurtin> yes, I would install mlpack with 'sudo apt-get install libmlpack-dev'
< rcurtin> that should take care of everything, and then you should be able to write and compile programs that use mlpack
< Sukrut> okay thanks
< Sukrut> will try
< rcurtin> or use the command-line programs that mlpack comes with
< Sukrut> how should i do that?
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< rcurtin> type 'mlpack_' and then hit tab twice, and your shell will probably show you all of the programs mlpack comes with
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< rcurtin> each of these programs can be run with the '-h' option ("help")
< rcurtin> so e.g. you can run "mlpack_knn --help" and it will give you documentation for how to use that program
< Sukrut> 'mlpack_ ' did not work i guess because mlpack has not yet been built
< Sukrut> on my computer
< rcurtin> did you install 'libmlpack-dev'?
< Sukrut> it says unable to locate libmlpack-dev
< rcurtin> what version of ubuntu are you using?
< Sukrut> 14.04
< Sukrut> LTS
< rcurtin> ok, I see, that is a pretty old version of ubuntu and its repositories do not have mlpack in them
< rcurtin> I would say, if you have the capability to upgrade to 16.04 or 16.10, it will be way easier if you do that
< Sukrut> should i update the version?
< rcurtin> since you say you're new to Ubuntu, that will by far be the easiest road
< rcurtin> yeah, I would say so
< rcurtin> otherwise you will have to build from scratch and that can be a long and difficult process if you are new to the command line
< Sukrut> thanks
< Sukrut> ill try to update the version
< rcurtin> sure, if you update the version then you should be able to install 'libmlpack-dev' just like I suggested
< Sukrut> gr8
< rcurtin> probably you should also install 'mlpack-bin' if you want the command-line programs... I forgot they are two separate packages on Ubuntu
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1484 (master - bd6a79a : Ryan Curtin): The build was broken.
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