changed the topic of #mlpack to: -- We don't respond instantly... but we will respond. Give it a few minutes. Or hours. -- Channel logs:
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< rcurtin> marcosirc: I kinda wish that Github had a nice way to track which comments I had responded to and which I hadn't
< rcurtin> it seems like I need to scroll all the way through the spill trees PR to check what's been responded to
< rcurtin> it's probably some nice functionality that Gitlab has but Github doesn't :)
< marcosirc> Yeah! That PR became really full of comments! :)
< marcosirc> I am working improving the implementation of TreeTraversers for Spill Trees right now. I will push some commit in the next minutes.
< rcurtin> have you pushed 0715884 yet?
< rcurtin> it seems github doesn't show it to me
< marcosirc> Sorry, it looks like I have ammended some changes after writing the link in the comment.
< rcurtin> ahh, okay, thanks
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< Kirizaki> Hi
< Kirizaki> zoq
< Kirizaki> are You online? :>
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< rcurtin> sweet! I just noticed the benchmark finally ran correctly last night, showing the big improvement in allkfn runtimes
< rcurtin> I think it also shows lozhnikov's improvements to hrectbound distance calculations
< Kirizaki> is it public?
< rcurtin> yeah, let me link to the logs that were posted in this channel:
< rcurtin> it's all the messages from "benchmark:#mlpack"
< rcurtin> but I think they are displayed very ugly there... :(
< rcurtin> I don't think that the particular database of benchmark results that was calculated is being displayed on the website
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< rcurtin> we are still waiting for my company to get a nice build server online... when it comes up, I think we will be able to set up the benchmark system much nicer
< Kirizaki> so it's kind of "nightly" script which checks performance of algorithms ?
< rcurtin> yeah, I can link to the job:
< rcurtin> every time someone commits something, the build job checks to see if any files are modified
< rcurtin> and based on what files are modified, it will re-run benchmarks for modified algorithms, then print the results in this channel (and save them to a database)
< Kirizaki> ohh, nice
< Kirizaki> it should give now realy good feedback
< Kirizaki> I'm pretty amazed of it ;)
< Kirizaki> good job
< rcurtin> yeah, zoq built it for Summer of Code in 2013 and we have been using it ever since
< rcurtin> the shogun project has started contributing to it also
< Kirizaki> btw. about mlpack under windows
< Kirizaki> I found out new way to "link" mlpack and boost_serialization
< Kirizaki> by adding references, but when I'm pointing at .dlls or .libs I'm getting weird error:
< Kirizaki> or I'm gonna paste it in specific issue
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< rcurtin> yeah, probably pasting it there is the right thing to do
< rcurtin> I am not an expert about windows so I can't help much :(
< rcurtin> mentekid: I am writing you an email response now... I hope it is helpful
< rcurtin> now that I understand the question I think I can write a reasonable answer :)
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< zoq> Kirizaki: Hello, I wasn't able to look into the issue, but it's on my agenda for today.
< Kirizaki> Hi
< Kirizaki> I wanted to try with You via Team Viewer?
< zoq> Kirizaki: let my first test it on my machine
< Kirizaki> ok
< Kirizaki> some successes... I can run this simpel program:
< Kirizaki> simple*
< Kirizaki> my output is only: Hi
< Kirizaki> which comes from std::cout
< rcurtin> make sure to specify "-v" as an input option if you want the output from Log::Info :)
< Kirizaki> and I wanted to write
< Kirizaki> that I'm putting -v but it doesn't show
< Kirizaki> but hmm
< Kirizaki> nvm, I think this is my biggest achievement with using mlpack @Windows
< Kirizaki> Warn & Fatal looks like work properly so...
< Kirizaki> uufffff
< rcurtin> hm, maybe print argc and argv on cout for debugging?
< Kirizaki> yup, it's empty
< rcurtin> if the program receives a "-v" option, then it should print all the stuff from Log::Info
< Kirizaki> :P
< rcurtin> hm, well I suppose that might be the problem :)
< Kirizaki> hehehe
< Kirizaki> for sure
< rcurtin> but I dunno why that would be, if you are running the program with -v
< rcurtin> like I said I am not a windows expert :(
< Kirizaki> I'm gonna dig for it in google :P
< Kirizaki> o jeez :P
< Kirizaki> everything it's working properly :D
< Kirizaki> I can't believe :D
< Kirizaki> heh, ok, nvm
< Kirizaki> sorry for spam
< zoq> Kirizaki: Sounds great :)
< zoq> Do you think you could write a simple "How to build a simple program which links against mlpack" tutorial? Would be much appreciated :)
< Kirizaki> of course
< Kirizaki> first I'm gonna remember how to reproduce it on and on
< Kirizaki> because still using notes :P
< Kirizaki> but after all, I'll do it
< zoq> awesome, Thanks!
< Kirizaki> ok, I can start doing how-to
< Kirizaki> could it be on github > WIKI > dev. ref. > Windows Build > How-to...?
< Kirizaki> or prefer using doxygen, some like iodoc.hpp?
< zoq> Updating the wiki page sounds like a good idea :)
< Kirizaki> I think wiki page should be better, I can tak iodoc.hpp as a reference to it
< Kirizaki> and put some screen shots
< Kirizaki> "finger pointing" on screen shots prevent against people like me :3
< zoq> yeah, I like the style of keon's tutorial
< Kirizaki> yup
< Kirizaki> btw, it's not a problem if I use the same tutorial on my blog?
< zoq> You mean keon's tutorial?
< Kirizaki> any quotations of mlpack or something - do I will need to add it to my post?
< Kirizaki> no, this "how-to" which I want to make
< Kirizaki> I understand that I'm gonna be the author but it's under mlpack project so..
< zoq> Of course you can publish it anywhere you like, if you like we can link to your blog.
< Kirizaki> no, better will be to put it on mlpack's wiki page and I'm gonna rewrite word-to-word on my blog
< Kirizaki> cause I'm not sure how long it's gonna be alive
< Kirizaki> I'm just starting with blogging and it's free domain right now
< zoq> okay, it's up to you.
< Kirizaki> Ryan: WindowsBuild tutorial on wiki page - in my opinion, this page should point to keonkim's tutorial from: and rest of it can be erase, what You think about it?
< Kirizaki> erased*
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< rcurtin> Kirizaki: I agree, Keon's tutorial is much better than mine!
< Kirizaki> ok, I'm already modifing Windows Build guide on wiki. I will left there some piece of yours guide but mainly I'll put a link to keonkim's post
< rcurtin> sounds good, thanks for taking the time to do that!
< Kirizaki> no problem
< Kirizaki> um
< Kirizaki> if I put screen shot as img in wiki page, in preview it shows only small icon of img, but later it'll show normal image from link?
< rcurtin> I'm not sure, I'm not familiar enough with the github wiki system
< Kirizaki> ok, then I'll put just tag-link to img
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< Kirizaki> and I created a pull request to add 1 line in -> WindowsBuild info
< Kirizaki> so, please review, I'm going to sleep, by!
< Kirizaki> see You guys tommorrow :)
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