changed the topic of #mlpack to: -- We don't respond instantly... but we will respond. Give it a few minutes. Or hours. -- Channel logs:
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1486 (master - 42ddcbb : Ryan Curtin): The build was fixed.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1487 (master - 5617fbc : Ryan Curtin): The build is still failing.
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< rcurtin> jenkins-mlpack: hello, are you alive?
< jenkins-mlpack> rcurtin did you mean me? Unknown command 'hello,'
< jenkins-mlpack> Use '!jenkins help' to get help!
< rcurtin> sweet
< rcurtin> !jenkins help
< rcurtin> jenkins-mlpack: !jenkins help
< jenkins-mlpack> rcurtin did you mean me? Unknown command '!jenkins'
< jenkins-mlpack> Use '!jenkins help' to get help!
< rcurtin> jenkins-mlpack: status
< jenkins-mlpack> Project mlpack - git commit test build #2506: ABORTED in 4 min 43 sec:
< jenkins-mlpack> Starting build #2507 for job mlpack - git commit test (previous build: ABORTED -- last SUCCESS #2505 57 min ago)
< rcurtin> ok, well, if it's only able to do notifications because I don't seem to have permissions set up right, that's good enough for me
< zoq> jenkins-mlpack: !help
< jenkins-mlpack> zoq did you mean me? Unknown command '!help'
< jenkins-mlpack> Use '!jenkins help' to get help!
< zoq> hm
< zoq> jenkins-mlpack: help
< zoq> jenkins-mlpack: health
< rcurtin> yeah, I checked the logs, when you submit a command, it seems to want to check if you are a valid Jenkins user
< rcurtin> and since we're not using the same usernames as jenkins here, I think it fails
< zoq> ah
zoq is now known as marcus
< marcus> jenkins-mlpack: health
< rcurtin> I tried to do that but the nick 'ryan' was taken :)
marcus is now known as Guest70354
Guest70354 is now known as zoq
< zoq> ah right
< rcurtin> WARNING: org.acegisecurity.userdetails.UsernameNotFoundException: No such Unix user:
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< rcurtin> I need to restart jenkins, hang on...
< rcurtin> hm, something is wrong, but I gotta get lunch, back later
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< zoq> okaye, have fun
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< rcurtin> pantsforbirds: in response to your question from a few days ago, yes, one file for definitions and one file for implementation :)
< pantsforbirds> rcurtin: awesome! i'm really excited to contribute to an open source project
< rcurtin> :)
< rcurtin> when you submit a PR, we can go over it and get it merged
< rcurtin> but be aware, sometimes that process can take a little while and a few revisions :)
< pantsforbirds> yeah im still reading through the code base trying to make sure i follow the same coding style as you guys
< rcurtin> there's a wiki page with some more information, have you seen it? let me find a link
< rcurtin> the actual style guidelines start about halfway down, but hopefully the whole document is useful
< pantsforbirds> right i've been reading through it. figured the more i do correctly before the pr the easier it would be on everyoen
< pantsforbirds> everyone*
< rcurtin> true, thank you for doing that :)
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< pantsforbirds> rcurtin: what kind of optimizers would you guys be interested in? are you looking for mostly hill climbing methods, or would you be interested in some different heuristic algorithms as well?
< pantsforbirds> and would root finding algorithms be of interest as well? and if so would i add them to the core/math or core/optimizers?
< rcurtin> really any optimizer can be useful, and it would be best to put them in core/optimizers
< rcurtin> if you implement something, we can easily test it with the various machine learning algorithms that we have
< rcurtin> and see how well it performs
< pantsforbirds> that actually sounds pretty fun
< jenkins-mlpack> Project mlpack - nightly matrix build build #1090: STILL FAILING in 2 hr 11 min:
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< jenkins-mlpack> Starting build #47 for job mlpack_coverage (previous build: STILL FAILING)
< jenkins-mlpack> Project mlpack_coverage build #47: STILL FAILING in 15 sec:
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