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< ridhwan> helllo, I was going through the project ideas that you had for gsoc 2016 and noticed that no one worked on automatic bindings. and the old project for creating bindings for python was stopped because of this. I would like to pursue either of these projects for gsoc 2017.
< ridhwan> I am a Student at cluster Innovation Centre, Delhi university. My stream is IT and Mathematics Innovations.
< ridhwan> I am pursuing my studies in AI and Robotics, with major focus on Machine Learning Algorithms for localisation of Robots. I am proficient with C++ and Python.
< ridhwan> I would really appreciate if you you could inform me about your ideas for gsoc 2017 and how I can contribute in the most effective manner.
< ridhwan> thank you
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< zoq> ridhwan: Hello, rcurtin is currently working on the automatic bindings project. There is probably a way to help him with the implementation. Also, we haven't thought about new projects. Note, new, interesting ideas are also suitable and always much appreciated.
< ridhwan> I had a few things in mind that i would like to share please give you views on each.
< ridhwan> first, I wanted to increase the functionality of the library by implementing algorithms specific to robotics systems and making them compatible with ros (robotics operating system)
< ridhwan> second, I would be interested in expanding the tutorials for mlpack.
< ridhwan> I was wondering if we could reduce the run-time of the algorithms by including parallelism.
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< zoq> ridhwan: Do you have a specific algorithm in mind, you like to add that that is useful for robotics? Also, right now I'm not sure what you have to do to make it compatible with ros, I thought you could use any library.
< zoq> Expanding the tutorials is always a nice way to get started and is much appreciated. Adding parallelism is also a great idea, we already use OpenMP in some places.
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< ridhwan> I do not have any specific algorithm in mind and for ros we need to create a script to publish topics so that other nodes can communicate with it.
< ridhwan> for tutorials - what kind of tutorials would you like me to create and also could you give me some guidelines for that.
< ridhwan> parallelism - please, share in where do i begin in order to achieve this for all the methods. also, i am pretty new to parallel computing, so could you suggest where to begin.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1386 (master - 1a702c5 : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1387 (master - 8a0ad2f : Ryan Curtin): The build was broken.
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< rcurtin> that's weird, I expected order of magnitude speedup+ for the allkfn runs