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tham has joined #mlpack
< tham> About fine tune the stacked autoencoder, is it possible to design a generic class or function for it?
< tham> By now the tutorial of UFLDL use softmax as the classifier, and the fine tune tasks also assume softmax as the classifier
< tham> Is it possible to design a generic class to do the finetune tasks, which could use any classifier?
< tham> To tell you the truth, I do not understand the equations listed at here(
< tham> Do anyone know how to do it?
< tham> I would like to design a fine tune algorithm of stack autoencoder based on softmax first
< tham> but it would be better if it could accept any classfier as the layer
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< tham> There are implementation details of softmax, but what if the last classfier is svm or another classfier?
< tham> I mean, implementation details of using softmax to finetune the whole network
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#282 (master - dc2c5c6 : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#283 (master - 7a8b0e1 : Ryan Curtin): The build was broken.
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