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travis-ci has joined #mlpack
< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#261 (master - 3464c8e : Ryan Curtin): The build was fixed.
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tham has joined #mlpack
< tham> Hi, failed to serialize the arma::mat by mlpack::data::CreateNVP, the error message is "serialize is not a member of arma::Mat<double>"
< tham> I find no way to serialize the arma mat by the build in function of mlpack, so I develop one by myself
< tham> I put it at (
< tham> My question is do I need this function?Or mlpack already provide something like that?I check the source codes and findout the class GaussianDistribution
< tham> do use CreateNVP to serialize arma::mat, but I do not know why my codes can not handle arma::Mat
< tham> I include <mlpack/core.hpp>
< tham> <mlpack/core/arma_extend.hpp>
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< naywhayare> weird issue... I hope he comes back so I can help out
< naywhayare> I bet <armadillo> was included before <mlpack/core.hpp>
tham has joined #mlpack
< tham> The problem is solved, should not include <armadillo> before <mlpack/core.hpp>
< tham> Thanks, naywhayare
< naywhayare> yep, that's what I figured :)
< naywhayare> I should change my name to avoid confusion...
< rcurtin> probably easier this way
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