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< tham> I finished the function exportFiltersToPGMGrid, which could show the encoder matrix of sparseAutoencoder
< tham> which module would you suggest me to place it?
< tham> exportFiltersToPGMGrid(std::string const &fileName, arma::mat const &input)
< tham> I try to add zero check to SparseAutoencoder, and find out this do not have obvious impact to the performance
< tham> try on 256 features and 10000 samples, with and without nan/inf checking, both of them finish at the same time(63 seconds on my machine)
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< tham> ah, sorry, it is 64 features and 10000 samples
< tham> finished bilinearInterpolation, now exportFiltersToPGMGrid could specify the size of each block
< tham> The api looks like
< tham> arma::mat exportFiltersToPGMGrid(std::string const &fileName, arma::mat const &input, size_t height_per_block, size_t width_per_block);
zoq_ is now known as zoq
< zoq> tham: Right now, there isn't a tutorial or something like that that shows how to use the code to do image classification. You can look at the cnn test suite, which uses the modules to classify a subset of the mnist dataset. I'm working on a tutorial including some demos that shows the potential of the existing code:
< zoq> If you are planing to do speech recognition maybe you like to read soemthing about recurrent neural networks.
< tham> thank you very much
< tham> By the way, when I studying the test cases, I find out the cnn and fnn cannot compile by vc2015
< tham> I think it maybe a bug of the compiler, you can check the details on the pull request
< tham> Thanks for your cool ann modules
< naywhayare> tham: I have a bunch of other stuff to pop off the stack tomorrow, but I'm really hoping to have a chance to reproduce your vs2015 bug and commit the fix
< naywhayare> by the way, you mentioned that you sent a mail to the mailing list, but I never saw it... are you subscribed to the list? you need to be subscribed to post, so maybe that is the issue
< tham> I already subscribed to the list, the email I send to is ""
< tham> Maybe I should open an issue on github?
< tham> I also send to "", anyway, thanks for your works
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< zoq> tham: You have to subscribe to the mlpack discussion list available at: ( the is the commit notification list and is read only.
tham has joined #mlpack
< tham> After some experiment, link to openBLAS is much faster than BLAS even on windows, it is atleast three times faster on my laptop
< tham> If you plan to provide builded version for version, please link to openBLAS
< tham> I will update the build instruction later, my first build of mlpack is based on the blas, but not openBLAS
< tham> hope this help out
< tham> thank you
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< naywhayare> nice! I should test openblas timings on linux too
< naywhayare> then we can say mlpack is not singlethreaded in many cases, too :)