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< tham> Could anyone provide some examples of cnn?I would like to use it to do some image classification tasks
< tham> About the sparse_autoencoder I commit yesterday, I put it in ann module because this class will break the old codes.Besides, I hope it could leverage different layers of ann
< tham> But I am not sure my implementation is correct
< tham> The codes are based on the implementaion of the original SparseAutoencoder, just some minor chnage
< tham> I will try to write some test codes and upload to the server
< tham> Have no idea why the pull request would cause failed 249 yet
< tham> I upload the test case
< tham> the file name is sparse_autoencoder_test_2.cpp
< tham> it is based on the original test cases from sparse_autoencoder_test.cpp
< naywhayare> hi tham, thanks for the tests -- I was going to port the sparse_autoencoder_test.cpp tests but you beat me to it :)
< naywhayare> I was going to merge it yesterday, but since it's part of the ann code, I'll let zoq do it since he's far more familiar with that code
< naywhayare> the build is failing because you have two test suites named "SparseAutoencoderTest"
< naywhayare> i.e. change line 30 of sparse_autoencoder_test_2.cpp
< tham> Okay, I change the name of it, but the error I mentioned about is 249, the error you mentioned about is 251
< tham> Do zoq have any plan to write some examples?
< tham> I heard that cnn is quite success on image and voice recognition
< tham> It would be nice if there are some examples
< naywhayare> tham: ah, #249, sorry about the confusion
< naywhayare> it looks like the build was unlucky. many of the mlpack tests are probabilistic, so sometimes they will randomly fail
< naywhayare> this usually means that the tolerances need to be loosened a little bit
< naywhayare> but there is nothing wrong with your code in that instance
< naywhayare> I've seen that test (NystroemMethodTest/Rank10Test) fail a few times now... I'll see if I can figure out where that NaN is coming from
< tham> Thanks, I recommit, this time it should be able to compile
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