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< tham> Hi, part of the cnn function could not compile with vc2015, it will occur internal error
< tham> I think this maybe a compiler bug, but with some workaround, it will work
< tham> Looks like when you are doing compile time recursive, the template parameter of size_t could not accept arithmetic calculation
< tham> in other words
< tham> template<size_t I> some_func()
< tham> typename std::enable_if<I < (sizeof...(Tp) - 1), void>::type
< tham> is not ok if yo are doing recursive
< tham> but if you are not doing recursive, it could pass the test, I will commit the fix to the server later on
< tham> It should be easier to understand when you look at the codes
< tham> Commited
< naywhayare> yeah, vc2015 does have some compiler bugs that have to be worked around, unfortunately
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