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< danny474> hello guys! Im new to mlpack. I've looked up a couple of tutorials and source codes, and I want to contribute. Can someone guide me on how to get started coz choosing an algorithm to work on can be confusing. Thanx.
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< zoq> danny474: The best way to get started is to download and compile mlpack, and go through the tutorials; especially the parts of them that involve the C++ interface. That will help give you an idea of how the code is laid out and the code standards that are used; probably you already finished the task.
< zoq> danny474: It is mainly up to you to choose the task and algorithm that suits your interests and skills. There are a few tickets open in the bug tracker; you can take a look on the bug tracker and see if you find any of them interesting. Or you can contribute a new algorithm, we can talk about this if you like.
< danny474> thanx. Is an SVM package not available in mlpack yet?
< zoq> danny474: You are right, currently there isn't any svm code in mlpack.
< danny474> i would love to work on a new algorithm, but its difficult deciding on what. can u suggest something?
< zoq> hm, It's hard to recommend something out of the blue, because I don't know in which field you are interested. Maybe you can give us some hints? If you are interested in trees I think naywhayare would like to see new trees.
< danny474> hmm, ive mostly worked on svm and nn recently.
< danny474> broadly speaking
< zoq> I think if you are interested in svm's you can start by writing a generic svm that works with different kernels. This is just a suggestion, maybe someone the channel has any ideas? But it looks like they are all idle.
< danny474> ok thanx. ill look into it. Any idea why wasnt svm picked up yet, coz surely its very popular.
< zoq> I'm not sure, maybe there was none with an higher interest in svm's. I think naywhayare can enlighten us once he is back, I think in a couble of hours or minutes ... not sure
< zoq> *couple of hours
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< naywhayare> danny474: zoq: if someone's going to write an SVM implementation, it should outperform libsvm, which might be pretty difficult
< naywhayare> if you're up for a challenge, then that might be a good one :)
< danny474> i thought of that :P will have to think of something else
< naywhayare> I think zoq's advice is right on; it's hard to recommend something. maybe best for you to take a look at what mlpack has and either aim to improve that implementation or implement something new entirely?
< naywhayare> one guy has been working on deep neural nets and wrote a sparse autoencoder and softmax regression, but it hasn't been assembled into a complete deep learning framework yet
< danny474> maybe i can try looking into something on those lines...
< danny474> stacked ae, denoising ae, convnets, rbm ,dbm ... lots can be implemented ... though deep techniques require immense infrastructural firepower at times. I start with some small steps.
< danny474> *I'll
< naywhayare> yeah; if you sketch up a plan for an API or something, or maybe a way to templatize the autoencoders, that would probably be a great start
< naywhayare> I'm more than happy to iterate on ideas until we come to a good solution
< danny474> Ok fine. I'll look into that. Do u have anything specific in mind wrt templatizing the autoencoders ?
< naywhayare> I don't know enough about autoencoders at the moment
< naywhayare> but the template parameters should minimize duplicated code and also provide a lot of flexibility
< naywhayare> but I'm not sure what types of flexibility are needed for autoencoders... things like number of neurons, etc., can be set at runtime through the constructor
< danny474> ok i look more in the present code on them ...
< danny474> *i'll
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< ajinkya> do we still have the R bindings for mlpack somewhere ?
< naywhayare> I don't think we ever had R bindings, but there's the RcppMLPACK project by Qiang Kou:
< ajinkya> i remember Patrick Mason worked on it when I was at GT but i am not able to find it
< ajinkya> aah cool
< ajinkya> thanks!
< naywhayare> Patrick worked on some MATLAB bindings
< naywhayare> I think there's still in src/mlpack/bindings/, but I don't think they work anymore
< naywhayare> I really want to find some student this summer to do the automatic bindings project
< naywhayare> also, how's it going in California? :)
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< ajinkya> i was thinking of taking up the R bindings to get started with contributions again :)
< ajinkya> but yes we should definitely make bindings a priority in next releases ... i think that will boost the overall usage of mlpack
< ajinkya> .. and yes about Cali, its been nice to me so far :) some exciting work where I am getting to play with ml libraries (finally!)
< naywhayare> ajinkya: I agree, bindings are quite important
< naywhayare> I can't find the time to do them myself though
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< ajinkya> i was not suggesting that either :)
< ajinkya> i will look more into RcppMLPACK but is it enough to be a R binding for mlpack? do you have any experience with it ? wondering why is it not pushed back into mlpack yet
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