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< naywhayare> I compiled some statistics off the server logs:
< tarun_ml_enthusi> hello...i was reading the mlpack page and i find the project very interesting..
< naywhayare> tarun_ml_enthusi: hello there!
< tarun_ml_enthusi> i have a keen interest in machine learning and have completed a coursera course on it out of curiousity
< tarun_ml_enthusi> i would like to try my best to contribute and work on mlpack..could anyone help me in getting started off please
< naywhayare> have you looked through the tutorials?
< naywhayare> I would suggest downloading mlpack, compiling from source, then going through some of the tutorials to perform some simple machine learning tasks like nearest neighbor search, k-means clustering, naive bayes classifier, etc.
< naywhayare> that should give you a good handle of how to work with mlpack
< naywhayare> then you can take a look through the list of bugs on, and maybe you can find one that interests you, or maybe you can implement an entirely new machine learning algorithm for mlpack
< tarun_ml_enthusi> thank you :)
< naywhayare> those are some ideas... I hope they are helpful
< naywhayare> I have to go to a meeting, but I'll be back later, and if you need help there is often someone in the channel who can help, or there is also the mlpack mailing list
< tarun_ml_enthusi> in the machine learning course i was talking about i have implemented various algorithms as assignments
< tarun_ml_enthusi> linear regression , logistic regressoin , k means etc.
< naywhayare> yeah, but that's a bit different than implementing flexible, high-quality, fast implementations for use in a library like mlpack :)
< naywhayare> I'll be back later...
< tarun_ml_enthusi> oh okay ...yes i have signed up for the mailing list...ill take a closer look at the tutorials...thank you
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< zoq> naywhayare: The download statistic is fascinating. I wonder which event triggered the last peak.
< naywhayare> zoq: not sure, it would have been about two weeks ago
< naywhayare> maybe something to do with the SE4ML workshop? but I don't think the word 'mlpack' is on their website anywhere
< naywhayare> so it could just be random noise
< naywhayare> are the statistics as compiled by MLOSS (though I don't think that many people are downloading software through MLOSS anymore)
< naywhayare> it shows a recent peak too; I wonder if it's the same one
< zoq> yeah, I comared the results from mloss with the results your created from the server logs.
< naywhayare> my logs don't pick up downloads where people installed the mlpack package from fedora/debian/ubuntu repos, though
< zoq> maybe it is correlated with the k-means code you committed two weeks ago? I'm not sure
< naywhayare> I doubt it; I don't think many people are watching the svn repo, but I suppose it's possible
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