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< naywhayare> sumedh_: I don't think I have the version of the code that calculates the validation RMSE
< naywhayare> can you send that to me too?
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< sumedh_> naywhayare: Hey ryan, I am really sorry... I went for a run... you still there??
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< sumedhghaisas> naywhayare: hey ryan, any luck on that issue??
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imi has joined #mlpack
< imi> hi
< marcus_zoq> imi: Hello!
< imi> :) I'm just watching the stanford machine learning course, and I was googling for C++ machine learning, that's how I found mlpack. Now, I don't really see how modules provided by mlpack will plug to each other. so for instance, let's suppose I have a binary classification problem. I don't see the functions that could be parameterized like anytype theta=learn(trainingset); neither bool l=getHypothesis(theta,someX);
< imi> I see I can query K nearest neighbours, but if I do so, I still need to have an other container, a mapping from trainingCandidate to bool and query that then average the bool values I trained my container to get the hypothesis... now I think that's both a memory and a CPU overhead to look up twice (once from mlpack, then my mapping)
< marcus_zoq> imi: In fact at this moment there isn't a k-nearest-neighbor classifier implemented. However, all required functions should be implemented, so maybe in the near future there is an implementation for this classifier.
< marcus_zoq> imi: There are some other classifier like the naive bayes classifier, which implemented the requested interface.
< marcus_zoq> imi: If you're interested you can open a ticket with a feature request.
< imi> well... bayes classifier is based on bayes theorem, which is about conditional probabilities, but that's how far my knowledge goes in this exact moment... anyways I'd like to have a hypothesis mapping from int[60] or double[60] to bool (having a double in interval [0..1] is even better in some ways)
< imi> (I mean having a a double in interval [0..1] instead of the bool is even better in ...)
< marcus_zoq> imi: So if your just dealing with binary classification problems, I guess you can use logistic regression or a simple perceptron. Is this helpful?
< imi> yes. thanks
< imi> can I use that logistic regression stuff not to output either 0 or 1 but to return a double/float in range [0..1] ?
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< imi> does the regression algorithms use gradient descent or Newtons method?
< sumedhghaisas> imi: Hello imi, which regression algorithm are you referring to?
< imi> all of them. they might use the same parameter (theta) optimalization algorithm
< imi> if that algorithm cannot be plugged/changed using a template parameter as well
< imi> can I use that logistic regression stuff not to output either 0 or 1 but to return a double/float in range [0..1] ?
< sumedhghaisas> imi: if my memory servers correct linear regression uses simple gradient descent...
< sumedhghaisas> *serves
< sumedhghaisas> and logistic regression is templatized I guess.. the default optimization will be LBFGS... which is somewhat optimized form of newton raphson method...
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< sumedh_> if you want to get a output in the range of [0..1] you require fuzzy techniques...
< sumedh_> imi: my msges gettin to you?? my internet connection is bad nowadays...
< sumedh_> ini: anyways... one way is to use the sigmoid values generated ... is that what you are asking?
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< imi> received
< imi> newton method is quadratic in itself, so in my opinion there's no rational point in further optimizing
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