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< Anand> Marcus : I made the merge. See if the changes are reflected
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< Anand> Marcus : Do we not have the code for all methods in shogun? I see only kmeans.cpp
< Anand> The m_label_prob.vector[i] gives the probability for class 'i' , I suppose but where is this vector set? Where do the values come from?
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< marcus_zoq> Anand: Generally we use the python bindings to run the shogun method, but to set initial centroids we had to modify the C++ code. Thats the reason for the kmeans.cpp code.
< Anand> Marcus : Yeah I got that. We will need the code for Gaussian Naive bayes though
< Anand> Right?
< Anand> And currently you use the apply(..) method in nbc. Form there we can get the predicted labels
< Anand> To get the probabilities we will need the m_label_prob vector. I cannot figure out how does this vector get its values from. We need to get that method and then we can have the probabilities
< andrewmw94> naywhayare: In the R-Tree, the non-leaf nodes will not store any points. However, I made the dataset a reference instead of a pointer to match the dataset in the BSP tree, which means I can't set it to null or reassign it etc. Am I correct in assuming that there are tree abstractions that make it important to have this match the BSP trees?
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< oldbeardo> marcus_zoq: hey, I just pushed a blog post, and like last time I cannot see it
< marcus_zoq> Anand: Okay I will look into the code.
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< marcus_zoq> oldbeardo: You've done everything right. Sometimes the webhook don't react immediately after a new commit. Btw. now there is a new blog post :)
< oldbeardo> marcus_zoq: okay, thanks. I thought I had made some mistake again
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< naywhayare> andrewmw94: no, what's held internally is not a problem. Only the public methods must act the same
< naywhayare> so you can use a pointer -- or a matrix itself -- so that each leaf node can hold whatever points
< andrewmw94> ahh. That's good.
< andrewmw94> thanks
< naywhayare> I may be losing service soon... any other questions?
< naywhayare> currently at the New Mexico / Arizona border
< naywhayare> lots of nothing ahead... lots of nothing behind
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< andrewmw94> no more at the moment. I'm starting to realize I did a lot of things very wrong
< naywhayare> isn't that always the case :-)
< naywhayare> if you get hung up on something, as always, feel free to ask
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< udit_s> marcus_zoq: hey, I'm having a few problems with the perceptron - could have a look at the code ?
< udit_s> naywhayare: you too ?
< udit_s> I've pushed the code on my repo, and have provided the tests for AND, OR and an arbitrary linearly separable testcase.
< udit_s> The perceptron seems to be working for OR perfectly, and not so for the other tow.
< udit_s> *two.
< marcus_zoq> udit_s: Sure I'll look into the code tonight, if this is okay for you?
< udit_s> okay. I've been stuck on this for almost half a day - I'd gotten this coded and set up yesterday; been trying out these test cases for a while now.
< udit_s> marcus: also, the paper you shared says that for the pocket algorithm with ratchet check, " the number
< udit_s> of trials required to produce an optimal weight vector is prohibitively large (Gallant, 1990)."
< udit_s> and further goes on to talk about the majority vote and the averaged perceptron being almost identical and less cheaper than pocket with rachet.
< marcus_zoq> udit_s: Yeah, the algorithm is probably not the way to go.
< udit_s> Right now, I've just used the normal RosenBlatt update rule, w = w + x for the correct class and w = w -x for the incorrect class predictions.
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