naywhayare changed the topic of #mlpack to: -- We don't respond instantly... but we will respond. Give it a few minutes. Or hours. -- Channel logs:
< jenkins-mlpack> Starting build #1960 for job mlpack - svn checkin test (previous build: SUCCESS)
< jenkins-mlpack> Project mlpack - svn checkin test build #1960: SUCCESS in 1 hr 11 min:
< jenkins-mlpack> * Ryan Curtin: For clarity, use separate split and binLabels objects instead of storing the label in the split matrix. No casting is necessary anymore.
< jenkins-mlpack> * Ryan Curtin: Use const double where possible instead of having a variable used throughout the
< jenkins-mlpack> function. This is only for clarity and consistency and is not likely to make
< jenkins-mlpack> any runtime difference.
< jenkins-mlpack> Starting build #1961 for job mlpack - svn checkin test (previous build: SUCCESS)
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< jenkins-mlpack> Project mlpack - svn checkin test build #1961: SUCCESS in 1 hr 13 min:
< jenkins-mlpack> Ryan Curtin: Remove unused variables.
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< Anand_> Marcus : I will try implementing logistic regression for weka/scikit. The task at hand is to get the probs for mlpack so that mlpack logistic regression is completed. i need your help there. After that I will start implementing LR for other libraries.
< Anand_> After that I will take HMMs
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< jenkins-mlpack> Starting build #1962 for job mlpack - svn checkin test (previous build: SUCCESS)
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< jenkins-mlpack> Project mlpack - svn checkin test build #1962: SUCCESS in 1 hr 11 min:
< jenkins-mlpack> Ryan Curtin: Oops, missed one unused variable.
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< sumedh_> naywhayare: hey ryan, U awake? Done with the abstraction. Just want to confirm with you before commit.
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< udit_s> naywhayare: are you there ?
< udit_s> marcus_zoq: are you free now ?
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< sumedh__> naywhayare: Hey ryan I figured out the the problem with cmake and header file.. If header file is modified or new header file is added the header file does not get copied... Its because of the use of file(GLOB.. its given online this use is not recommended
< naywhayare> oh! cool. do you have a fix?
< naywhayare> if so, please commit it and resolve ticket 322
< sumedh__> yeah... I am right now doing that... like you add all the sources to MLPACK_SRCS ...
< sumedh__> add all the includes to another variable
< sumedh__> do you know how to get relative path from absolute path??
< sumedh__> any string subtraction function??
< naywhayare> that is not a good solution, that is a huge amount of code; there must be an easier way
< sumedh__> yeah I know... bt the problem is file(GLOB.. does not track files... when a new file is added it won't copy that file unless you touch that CMakeList file with new timestamp
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< naywhayare> all of the header files are already collected with the MLPACK_SRCS variable, so you can parse that list for any hpp files
< naywhayare> also, bug 322 is a different problem -- the header files aren't being copied when they are modified
< naywhayare> that's different than the problem the cmake documentation is detailing, which is when a header file is added or removed but no changes are made to the CMake configuration
< naywhayare> basically, the issue is that every single time the mlpack target is being built, the header files should be moved
< naywhayare> *the header files should be copied to build/include/
< sumedh__> how to parse that list for .hpp files??
< naywhayare> I'm not sure; read the CMake documentation. probably some regex magic is what is necessary
< sumedh__> this problem looks same...
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< marcus_zoq> udit: Hello, do you need some help?
< udit> yeah, I was having some trouble while I was going through adaboost literature.
< udit> marcus_zoq: I was wondering how training a weighted classifier would work.
< udit> marcus_zoq: I've basically understood how to implement adaboost should be implementd, except for the training the weighted classification.
< udit> as in how they would translate for the decision stump and perceptron.
udit is now known as udit_s
< udit_s> marcus_zoq: because that might involve rewriting the API for these two.
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< marcus_zoq> udit_s: The aim of the weak learner (perceptron/decision stump/naive bayes) is to find a weak hypothesis with low weighted error given a training example. After each classifier is trained, the classifier's weight is calculated based on its accuracy. We give a classifier with a high accuracy more weight.
< sumedh__> naywhayare: I tried some solutions... I have a working solution but one has to run "cmake" before running make to reflect the modifications...
< naywhayare> sumedh__: that's not a solution that will work, then. :( we can't expect users to type 'cmake' every time before they type 'make'
< naywhayare> unless I've misunderstood what you meant
< sumedh__> yeah... I haven't given up yet :)
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< jenkins-mlpack> Starting build #1963 for job mlpack - svn checkin test (previous build: SUCCESS)
< sumedh__> naywhayare: Yesssss..... finally... :)
< sumedh__> I don't think you are going to like the solution though :) I basically adding another target which is executed on every make...
< sumedh__> as the files are in INCLUDED_FILES... either there should be a copy with multiple files... I don't know if it exists...
< sumedh__> to overcome this I compressed all these files first... copied that tar to include... extracted those files ... and then deleted the tar...
< sumedh__> this will be called on every make...
< sumedh__> I cannot run loop on INCLUDED_FILES as a multiple targets have to be set then....
< naywhayare> can I see a diff of the solution?
< naywhayare> via pastebin or email or whatever
< sumedh__> its a 5 line code... I have used some dummy files ... not mlpack files... can I paste the code here...
< naywhayare> sure, go ahead
< sumedh__> add_custom_target(process_includes ALL COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E tar cfj ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/include/temp.tar ${INCLUDE_FILES}
< sumedh__> add_custom_target(copy_includes ALL COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E tar xfj temp.tar ${FileList}
< sumedh__> COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E remove temp.tar
< sumedh__> naywhayare: to get all the includes in INCLUDES_FILES can be done with simple regular expression matching to MLPACK_SRCS...
< sumedh__> code for that...
< naywhayare> right; now we should make the 'mlpack' target dependent on this target
< naywhayare> I think it might be possible to do this without the tar... just ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy, maybe
< sumedh__> naywhayare: is the dependency required?? cause the target is running everytime anyway...
< naywhayare> but if you type 'make mlpack', that target probably won't be built
< sumedh__> yeah.. right...
< sumedh__> I looked for such copy command... I didn't find any...
< sumedh__> naywhayare: in the meantime... that abstraction is ready... building fine... added 3 file... simple_residue_termination.hpp, simple_tolerance_termination.hpp and validation_rmse_termination.hpp...
< sumedh__> how to run nmf_test now??
< naywhayare> there is definitely a ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy
< naywhayare> you should use that instead
< sumedh__> yes but it only copies one file...
< sumedh__> how to copy multiple files??
< naywhayare> use a for loop
< sumedh__> then multiple targets have to be added...
< sumedh__> a target for each file...
< naywhayare> use add_custom_command then
< sumedh__> then how to add all those command to target??
< sumedh__> sorry I am not getting you :(
< naywhayare> read the documentation for add_custom_command. it allows you to add a command to a target
< naywhayare> you could add individual copy commands for each file to the mlpack target
< jenkins-mlpack> Project mlpack - svn checkin test build #1963: SUCCESS in 1 hr 14 min:
< jenkins-mlpack> Ryan Curtin: Remove classLabels; it isn't necessary for the DecisionStump class to hold it.
< naywhayare> or create a new target and make each command correspond to that new target, and make the mlpack target depend on that new target
< sumedh__> can I add command to a target after declaring it??
< sumedh__> cause I tried this... but there are dynamic number of commands now... each one has to be added to the same target...
< sumedh__> and I cannot redeclare a target... so I have to run a loop and add each command to this target...
< naywhayare> I don't understand what the problem is
< sumedh__> okay let me explain...
< sumedh__> so first I run a loop and add a command for each file to be copied right??
< sumedh__> different command for each one...
< naywhayare> yes, you use add_custom_command and add each command to a specific target
< sumedh__> yes... by using add_custom_target.... in this add_custom_target I have to mention all the command...
< sumedh__> how do I mention all of them??
< naywhayare> no, you shouldn't need to mention all of the commands in the call to add_custom_target
< naywhayare> look at the documentation for add_custom_command
< naywhayare> you can specify a target that the command is associated with
< naywhayare> use that
< sumedh__> ohh okay.. let me try that...
< sumedh__> naywhayare: right now in mlpack all the command are linked with target mlpack... with the same technique... but it's not working...
< sumedh__> add_custom_command(TARGET mlpack POST_BUILD
< sumedh__> copy ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${incl_file}
< sumedh__> ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/include/mlpack/${incl_file})
< sumedh__> you meant like this right??
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< sumedh__> naywhayare: you there?
< naywhayare> sumedh__: yes, what you wrote is what I meant. that is currently how the code is. however, those commands are not always executed when the mlpack target is built
< naywhayare> which is why the ticket is open in the first place
< naywhayare> maybe if you create a different custom target, which is always out of date, then the custom commands will always be run
< sumedh__> yes... I read that online but also that does not work...
< sumedh__> naywhayare: before that... how to run a specific test.. like nmf_test alone??
< naywhayare> sumedh__: this was mentioned yesterday, see the end of the logs here:
< naywhayare> when you say "also that does not work", what do you mean? why does it not work?
< sumedh__> I only found this solution...
< naywhayare> the command 'add_custom_target()' creates a target that " is ALWAYS CONSIDERED OUT OF DATE even if the commands try to create a file with the name of the target."
< naywhayare> you should use that function to find a way to make the commands run every time that the mlpack target is built
< sumedh__> so lets try this way... right now all custom commands are linked with mlpack ... i will link them to new custom target instead... and add that target as dependency... will that work??
< naywhayare> if the cmake documentation is not lying, then it seems like it might
< sumedh__> naywhayare: okay all tests are passing with termination policy... making the commit
< jenkins-mlpack> Starting build #1964 for job mlpack - svn checkin test (previous build: SUCCESS)
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< jenkins-mlpack> Project mlpack - svn checkin test build #1964: SUCCESS in 1 hr 14 min:
< jenkins-mlpack> sumedhghaisas: * Templatized termination of AMF matrix factorization
< jenkins-mlpack> * added 3 termination policies
< jenkins-mlpack> 1) SimpleResidueTermination
< jenkins-mlpack> 2) SimpleToleranceTermination
< jenkins-mlpack> 3) ValidationRMSETermination