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<branon> why was /home created by tmpfiles.d is the real question
<branon> isn't useradd supposed to do that
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<branon> > At least on the Debian side of things, /home is shipped in base-files
<branon> so which distros let systemd create /home via systemd-tmpfiles is the real question
<branon> this seems like a distro misusing a systemd tool
<branon> oh he's on debian unstable, maybe i am misunderstanding something
<branon> but still
<branon> shipping tmpfiles.d/home.conf seems like a wrong decision by the distro
<buZz> branon: remember the 'useradd' drama re: systemd? :D
<buZz> TLDR useradd follows posix, so lets you add usernames that start with numbers
<buZz> systemd isnt compatible with posix, any username starting with '0' will be root to systemd :D
<buZz> (because lennard only tests with redhats adduser)
<branon> i do remember :X if you create a user with a number as the first character, you still get warnings on current systemd distros
<branon> disappointing
<buZz> with useradd?
<branon> think so
<buZz> well
<buZz> it never beats the 'rm -rf' issue with systemd :D
<buZz> where lennard was suprised that 'rm -rf /directory' -doesnt- also recursively delete the '..' directory in there :D
<branon> actually it's the `adduser` wrapper that warns
<branon> adduser: Please enter a username matching the regular expression configured
<branon> via the NAME_REGEX configuration variable. Use the `--force-badname'
<buZz> sometimes i feel like he's developing on windows
<branon> option to relax this check or reconfigure NAME_REGEX.
<branon> `useradd` will do it without complaint
<branon> i never understood the difference
<buZz> branon: right, useradd follows posix
<buZz> adduser follows whatever redhat wants
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<kiva> Vivaldi Browser works with Pinephone Keyboard with Leste!!
<kiva> although not easy install..needs some debencies first and first "welcome" start hang, but second start works!
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<kiva> have to start from terminal (does not install icon) it gives some error messages to terminal, but works.
<kiva> the deb package was that arm64 package in Vivaldi web page..btw there is also arm if somebody wants test it also with droid or N900
<kiva> actually it install nice icon to debian folder.
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<Wizzup> kiva the icon install is something we did as a generic solution I think
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<uvos> buZz: heh it really would not suprise me that mutch if lennard announced that he swiched his delopment platform to wsl
<uvos> still systemd is over all an improvment over sysv or openrc
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<kiva> Wizzup: That generic solution works well.
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* sicelo opens the article
<sicelo> meantime ... openrc itself is on life support, it seems
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<unic0rn> re systemd, it's usually convenience vs security
<unic0rn> I'm on chromeos, linux container inside is a regular debian, but natively afaik chromeos is based on arch and uses upstart
<unic0rn> so there can be a balance
<unic0rn> systemd is a joke
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<branon> chromeos uses upstart? that's awesome, i always liked upstart
<branon> one of the few canonical projects i wish they had kept going with
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<branon> also partial to runit as used in void linux, though it is quite bare bones with plenty of sharp edges
<sicelo> fremantle used upstart too
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<moparisthebest> But then you miss out on awesome features
<branon> 08:10:47 <branon>shipping tmpfiles.d/home.conf seems like a wrong decision by the distro
<branon> i don't see how this can be refuted tbh
<branon> systemd didn't force anyone to create /home with a utility called **tmp**files
<moparisthebest> Technically, if you think about it, aren't all files temporary in the end?
<dsc_> that depends on if you use seagate barracuda HDDs or not
<branon> for me it's WD blues
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