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<unic0rn|maemo> irc connects back after reboot despite availability set to offline
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<freemangordon> unic0rn: I think conversations misbehave
<freemangordon> autojoin function shall follow account status
<freemangordon> not it seems to ignore it
<freemangordon> *now
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<inky> foks, i don't know what you did, or maybe that's something specific to devuan, but let me tell ih again, i don't believe the battery life of pinephone.
<inky> it works with shermans aquarium live wallpaper fro about 9 hours.
<inky> and perhaps more.
<inky> under pmos+sxmo it is like half of that.
<freemangordon> Wizzup: what is the proper way to add Cyrillic keyboard layout to d4?
<gnarface> 9 hours eh, that does seem pretty impressive...
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: I haven't figured out a maemo way to get cyrllic yet
<Wizzup> I think we tried the same as on fremantle and ti didn't work
<Wizzup> the switching doesn't happen
<Wizzup> iirc we considered it a h-i-m bug at the time
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<Wizzup> uvos: pls check out the nested menus when you have some time and let me know what you think (qt only of course)
<Wizzup> 04:21 < unic0rn|maemo> irc connects back after reboot despite availability set to offline
<Wizzup> I am not sure if this is conversations, I think this is mission-control
<Wizzup> when I leave availability on online and reboot, iiuc, mc tries to connect the accounts even when wifi is not connected
<Wizzup> or perhaps our status applet
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<Wizzup> uvos: btw so headset in general doesn't work yet on the d4, it's not just cals related
<Wizzup> at least when I plug one in it does show headset mic as potential input but it says 'unplugged'
<Wizzup> arno11: have you ever tested headset calls on n900?
<arno11> yes i do, it works but only if you plug the headset once the call starts
<arno11> if the headset is already plugged before it doesn't work
<arno11> not sure if it is ucm related
<freemangordon> Wizzup: my quastion wahs not h-i-m related
<freemangordon> *question
<freemangordon> but rather xorg
<freemangordon> do we need d4 specific layout?
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<Wizzup> uvos: hm now it sees it
<Wizzup> freemangordon: we probably do
<Wizzup> I am going afk for ~2 hours or so
<freemangordon> ok
<Wizzup> I think it will mostly work
<Wizzup> but not sure about keys on non a-z places
<Wizzup> maybe try with setxkbmap and such
<Wizzup> arno11: ok ty
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<freemangordon> ok, thanks
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<inky> gnarface: compare it to 2-3 when pinephone was released.
<inky> freemangordon: will appreciate if tell me if u figure that out.
<inky> the keyboard
<inky> i use onscreen only
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<Wizzup> yeah a roaming sim works fine in my razr
<Wizzup> freemangordon: new conversations has the menu filter
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<arno11> Wizzup: new conversations UI with filter is really cool
<unic0rn> oh. is it on devel?
<arno11> yes
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<unic0rn> it's a compromise I guess. I kinda liked the possibility to switch between filters with single tap, now it requires 3, but there's more screen space for list
<unic0rn> on different note, I didn't check it earlier so I'm not sure if it was there, but in recent contacts - and only there - I'm getting IRC contacts as well
<unic0rn> but those cannot be opened, it throws an error
<dsc_> thanks for testing stuff though :)
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<unic0rn> I just like using it. should probably use github issues, but figured a lot of smaller stuff like this may just be known already
<unic0rn> also, I hope to contribute some code when I'll have more time at hand
<dsc_> yes, quite the moving target whilst in -devel
<dsc_> stable should be more stable o/
<unic0rn> it's between alpha and beta, progress is more important and to have that, it has to be tested
<unic0rn> any idea how big the actual userbase is?
<dsc_> suppose its impossible to know since (I assume) no tracking is done
<unic0rn> guess so. other than download count perhaps
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<Wizzup> dsc_: stable will be more stable with time :D
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<unic0rn> the weirdest thing, I've managed to break IM settings I guess
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<unic0rn> had 2 irc networks active, but libera wasn't connected I think. wifi connection was lost and at that point conversations seemed to crash for a second
<unic0rn> libera was showing network error in availability dialog, I wanted it to reconnect, tried disabling it to enable it back.
<unic0rn> disable -> save -> couldn't bring it back, it disappeared from the list obviously, but choosing accounts or going to IM accounts through settings did nothing
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<unic0rn> or rather, was trying to launch the settings which were crashing immediately
<unic0rn> at the moment when I was disabling libera, I had conversations windows with it opened
<unic0rn> reboot in progress, will see if it fixes itself
<unic0rn> still crashes
<dsc_> dont have time to help you atm, working on other conversations stuff
<dsc_> maybe best to submit a Github issue with steps outlining how to reproduce
<unic0rn> to be sure how to reproduce, gotta fix it first. reenabled libera in config manually, will see if that helps
<sicelo> unic0rn: userbase - there are definitely more users than are in this room
<Wizzup> we don't do any tracking so we actually have no idea :)
<unic0rn> Wizzup: I know what happened. availability dialog broke telepathy account config
<unic0rn> lemme ssh back to d4 and I'll give you the details
<Wizzup> did you do anything out of the ordinary with command line, or did you just use the ui?
<unic0rn> just ui
<unic0rn> one of irc accounts, libera, wasn't connected - network error
<unic0rn> I've opened it from within availability popup, switched it to disabled, and saved
<Wizzup> btw you can install gdb and some -dbgsym packages and then you can probably figure out what is happening, assuming the error/crash is somewhere in the control panel / settings
<unic0rn> in .local/share/telepathy/mission-control/accounts.cfg there's DisplayName and param-account
<unic0rn> after that operation, param-account was empty
<Wizzup> freemangordon: is it possible that having our screen off (and SCRN=0 in AT) causes sms send notifications to be missed or something?
<unic0rn> because it picked the nick from the connection - no connection, no nick
<unic0rn> when I've entered correct param-account into the config and rebooted, IM settings stopped crashing
<Wizzup> k, so some plugin in the rtcom accounts ui doesn't like it when the account param is not set?
<unic0rn> no idea. that account was irc, so idle
<unic0rn> all I know is that param was empty for libera, and that was the reason of the crashes
<unic0rn> my guess is it shouldn't be empty in the first place
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<Wizzup> I think this is something for fmg to look at, but I can also look at it a bit later
<Wizzup> freemangordon: when I keep my display on, then I get one more sms and then the repeating stops
<Wizzup> if I keep the display off I will keep getting them
<arno11> Wizzup: seems specific to D4, never seen this sms issue on N900
<Wizzup> yes, mapphone more specifically
<arno11> ok
<Wizzup> we set SCRN=0 over the modem so that we don't get signal strength notifications when the screen is off
<Wizzup> to save battery
<Wizzup> but it might have some negative side effects
<arno11> ah ok
<Wizzup> it might also not, I am not sure
<Wizzup> but the repeated sms is def on driver/kernel level yeah
<Wizzup> not conversations/userspace
<Wizzup> could be ofono driver
<arno11> should be interesting to check what ofono-monitor says when you get repeated sms
<amunizp> for those moderating the mailing list sorry. please ignore the messages I sent with the wrong email. no need to moderate them as I ammended later and the email cam through.
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<freemangordon> Wizzup: no idea about SCRN, it was not me :)
<freemangordon> unic0rn: backtrace would be helpful
<arno11> freemangordon: h-s-m is maybe the culprit ('network error in availibility dialog')
<arno11> it remembers me something
<arno11> btw now, i have to killall h-s-m after boot to be able to use availibility dialog and avoid errors with im accounts
<arno11> this way, absolutely no troubles
<arno11> so something goes wrong with h-s-m during boot
<freemangordon> h-s-m is just loading plugins
<freemangordon> so the issue is with accounts plugin perhaps, not with h-s-m as such
<arno11> yes indeed
<arno11> makes sense
<arno11> unic0rn: maybe you should try 'killall hildon-status-menu just after boot and wait few seconds to be sure accounts plugins are loaded properly
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: no, that was me/uvos/tmlind, but still I wonder if it's related
<Wizzup> amunizp: sorry, I saw your message too late and had already aproved them
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