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<dsc_> freemangordon: I removed config stuff and AccountChannel from tp:
<dsc_> its much better
<dsc_> still wip
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<freemangordon> dsc_: cool
<freemangordon> dsc_: while on it, please, please, for the life of the kittens, do not use 'auto' unless strictly necessary
<freemangordon> also, instead of using isNull() on shared pointers, there should be operator bool, i.e. if (!shared_pre.isNull()) {} can be done as if (shared_ptr) {}
<freemangordon> umm, sorry for the typo, I meant "if (!shared_ptr.isNull()) {} can be done as if (shared_ptr) {}"
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<freemangordon> there is QStandardPaths::ConfigLocation and QStandardPaths::GenericConfigLocation and QStandardPaths::AppConfigLocation etc
<freemangordon> no need to create config path by hand, unless I am missing something, see
<freemangordon> why ConfigState() class, instead of just using QSettings? with QSettings you can store QVariant, and you can put there whatever structure you may need
<freemangordon> never use raw pointers as keys or whatever
<freemangordon> make that list map
<freemangordon> or use local_id or remote_id something when iterating
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: what is wrong with 'auto' ?
<freemangordon> code becomes unreadable
<freemangordon> so, unless it is lamda, auto *must* not be used in my book
<freemangordon> maybe there is one more legitimate use case, but I can't remember
<freemangordon> if we are to use auto, why not just switch to js and call it a day?
<Wizzup> I mean fair enough I guess
<freemangordon> umm, can't parse :)
<uvos__> sometimes deeply nested templateing can make it really undesirable to list the type more than once
<uvos__> but ofc your working a larger problem with auto there
<freemangordon> right, that was the other use case
<uvos__> *working around
<freemangordon> :nod:
<freemangordon> you'd better have typedef-ed that
<freemangordon> but yeah, if it is very long type, auto is fine I guess
<uvos__> but yeah i dont like "auto item = getItem(local_uid, remote_id);" either
<uvos__> since now i have to go figure out what getItem returns
<freemangordon> exactly
<uvos__> feals like python xD
<uvos__> who-knows-what-this-is
<freemangordon> == "unreadable code"
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<Wizzup> our user guide, shall we host it on or somewhere else
* unic0rn lurks out, shivers, hides back and hugs his tcl/tk
<Wizzup> is an option but it's a wiki too
<Wizzup> freemangordon: so for debugging audio issues with sofiasip I guess we have: voicecall-manager, telepathy-rakia, various gst dependencies/components, pulseaudio, and the different sip settings?
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<Wizzup> and I guess farstream is in voicecall-manager
<freemangordon> Wizzup: I have absolutely NFC how all this is supposed to work
<Wizzup> freemangordon: ok, so we're in the same boat then
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<dsc_> freemangordon> umm, sorry for the typo, I meant "if (!shared_ptr.isNull()) {} can be done as if (shared_ptr) {}"
<dsc_> ^-- I did that but didnt work hence I used isNull()
<dsc_> freemangordon> why ConfigState() class, instead of just using QSettings?
<dsc_> ^-- because I want to write state.json which is a file that can be hand-edited, based on an earlier request by Wizzup
<dsc_> < freemangordon> ugh, no, this is a recipe for disaster
<dsc_> ^-- your link is broken, I dont know what you a referring to
<dsc_> your reaction makes it seem like this code is terrible, which it is not. I will refrain from posting WIPs to you.
<dsc_> i shared it to share the general architecture
<dsc_> and ill use `auto` whenever I want ;)
<dsc_> < freemangordon> there is QStandardPaths::ConfigLocation and QStandardPaths::GenericConfigLocation
<dsc_> why even mention this, this code is about Tp, I am well aware aboug XDG paths, you want me to fix everything in one commit? :P
<dsc_> its just being pedantic for no reason
<dsc_> regarding `auto getItem`, the API is easy to follow; add, get, delete, save, load:
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<freemangordon> dsc_: weird that the link is broken, anyways, I was referring to channelByName() implementation
<freemangordon> for(TelepathyAccount *ta: accounts) {
<freemangordon> dsc_: also, my comments were not meant to offend you, it is a pity you take it like that
<dsc_> QList<TelepathyAccount*> accounts;
<freemangordon> dsc_: re auto - it makes it way harder to read the code, esp when doing peer review os a commit
<freemangordon> *of a
<dsc_> this one right? ought to be wrapped in Ptr
<dsc_> SharedPtr
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<dsc_> we've had this forever, and yes its bad, ill do something about it
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<inky> if today anyone would like to help me to install maemo on mz617, i think i can concentrate on it in nearest hours.
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<Wizzup> there's no documentation yet, so don't brick it
<Wizzup> like I said, I am working on it, I likely won't be able to help if you brick it by doing it before we have documentation
<Wizzup> also you need the -experimental kernel for it to boot and the current images do not have this
<freemangordon> dsc_: sorry, got a call
<freemangordon> yes, this one QList<TelepathyAccount*> accounts;
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<freemangordon> dsc_: again re auto - ofc I cannot tell you how to code, but, most-probably at some point I'll change all autos to proper types
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<freemangordon> using auto for bool ...
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<freemangordon> a side note - I was thinking you have been long enough in BG so there is no need for me to be politically correct. Obliviously that's not the case, so I'll watch my tone more strictly for the future.
<dsc_> hehe
<freemangordon> no, really, I was kind of surprised by your reaction, however, I'll watch my comments
<freemangordon> exactly
<dsc_> please, just be yourself, no need to change
<dsc_> and in return i will keep telling you you are being pedantic
<dsc_> its fine
<dsc_> :P
<freemangordon> ok, we have a deal, as long as there are no hard feelings
<dsc_> no no
<freemangordon> and we are moving ahead
<freemangordon> :deal:
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<dsc_> regarding isNull(), ill fix that too because
<freemangordon> maybe my browser is old, but that link renders no usable info
<freemangordon> I see just some top bar "compiler explorer" and thats all
<dsc_> i was observing other results last night but you are correct, isNull should not be needed
<freemangordon> hmm, wait
<freemangordon> ah, right
<freemangordon> my bad
<freemangordon> however, you should be able to do FooPtr p; if (p) {}
<dsc_> yes
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<havenoname> hi all
<dsc_> hi
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<kiva> sicelo: I did not find Fremantle fingerterm, but more resent source found quite obvious place:
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<sicelo> ah, now i remember that when i used it on N900, i was running Meego CE
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<dsc_> I think this works without using `requestsSatisfied` (old version: )
<dsc_> but I will verify
<Wizzup> yes, please don't rewrite the core tp stuff too much, I spent a lot of time figuring out why we need to do all these things
<Wizzup> with various edge cases that you might not run into here
<Wizzup> and I honestly have no idea why it was needed anymore but it definitely was at the time
<Wizzup> so please don't get rid of it :(
<Wizzup> although it would make sense that requests satisfied is something we write, not read
<Wizzup> Requests_Satisfied — ao
<Wizzup> The requests satisfied by these channels.
<Wizzup> Rationale:
<Wizzup> If the handler implements Requests, this tells it that these channels match previous AddRequest calls that it may have received.
<Wizzup> There can be more than one, if they were EnsureChannel requests.
<dsc_> yes
<dsc_> however I did check various Tp clients on Github and could not find one that actually uses `requestsSatisfied`
<dsc_> like the KDE one etc.
<dsc_> but we'll see
<Wizzup> how will we see?
<dsc_> by first understanding what `requestsSatisfied` is, or why we are the only one using it, and to see if everything works without using it
<dsc_> > If the handler implements Requests, this tells it that these channels match previous AddRequest calls
<dsc_> e.g: are we doing AddRequest calls
<dsc_> if so, is it relevant to us to match them handleChannels()
<dsc_> > The main purpose of Requests_Satisfied is matching up channels you're being asked to handle with either requests you started (if you create/ensure channels), or channels whose channel request you were previously asked to approve (if you're an Observer or Approver)
<dsc_> > If you're doing either of those, you have a TpChannelRequest already, it's probably already prepared too, and all you need to do is match it by object path or by object identity, for instance looking it up in a hash table { channel request => chat window }.
<dsc_> sounds like `Requests_Satisfied` is a way to make sure handleChannels is only handling the channels it previously requested (in the case there are multiple observers)
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<Wizzup> dsc_: what about ensuring that a channel doesn't already exist
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<dsc_> Wizzup: channels are unique on TargetID (remote_uid in practice)
<dsc_> and we're only handling TextChannels at this point
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<Wizzup> ^^
<freemangordon> nice :)
<Wizzup> dsc_: in the latest stable release the bug is still there btw
<Wizzup> this happens for every sms
<Wizzup> well, stable, I mean devel release
<Wizzup> freemangordon: just for the record the repo I made on github might not be 'official' one atm so I am not sure if the guy will see it but I will let him know
<Wizzup> brtw
<Wizzup> btw
<Wizzup> apt install maemo-user-guide
<freemangordon> ok
<freemangordon> I just closed the issue anyways
<Wizzup> I will update hildon-desktop's user-guide.desktop now
<Wizzup> root@maindroid:/usr/share/applications/hildon# grep Exec user-guide.desktop
<freemangordon> great
<Wizzup> Exec=x-www-browser file:///usr/share/doc/maemo-user-guide/html/index.html
<Wizzup> agreed?
<Wizzup> this works with jib and dillo (n900)
<freemangordon> isn't it better to open the pdf?
<Wizzup> no, because our pdf reader is shit
<Wizzup> :)
<freemangordon> is it?
<Wizzup> it crashes frequently and I haven't given it any more love
<freemangordon> never had issues, but ok
<Wizzup> even locking the screen will make it crash
<Wizzup> really?
<Wizzup> on leste?
<freemangordon> mhm
<freemangordon> not that used it much :)
<Wizzup> that's probably why
<freemangordon> yeah
<Wizzup> I use it every time I take the bus or whatever
<Wizzup> and it is very crash prone
<Wizzup> there is also epub version which might be ok on n900, maybe better than dillo, but, eh.
<freemangordon> ok.
<Wizzup> ftr I did most of the pdf reader porting so the blame probably falls on me ;)
<freemangordon> good to know :)
<Wizzup> dsc_: and re: the bug, incoming sms is not a group chat and also not a chat message (different icon)
<Wizzup> and it goes away upon conversations restart
<freemangordon> ok, I am going MIA, see ya in 2 weeks :)
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<Wizzup> ttyl
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<Wizzup> any objections to running this in leste-config-n900 postinst?
<Wizzup> update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/x-www-browser x-www-browser /usr/bin/dillo 100
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<dsc_> Wizzup: lets fix this in this commit im working on
<dsc_> but I will need info
<dsc_> brb 30min
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<dsc_> Wizzup: since made significant changes to both tp.cpp and the way overview renders
<dsc_> lets try this on the new version first
<dsc_> but not now, I am dealing with quite a big refactor
<dsc_> im in the process of testing IRC and XMPP and the functionality related to that
<dsc_> after that I can push changes, at which point we can see what exactly happens to SMS
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<Wizzup> okay, please also test sms if you can, assuming you have a second sim card
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<dsc_> ugh finally found the leak
<dsc_> but thats good news
<dsc_> should use `qtrtcom::rtcomel()`
<dsc_> not sure how it was missed
<dsc_> ok great :)
<dsc_> Wizzup: sorry I dont have a 2nd SIM right now
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<Wizzup> dsc_: ok, I will get you one on monday ;)
<dsc_> ah yes :)
<Wizzup> I'll drag you to the a1 store :P
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