Hey so I picked up a Droid 4 to try daily driving Maemo Leste
great, any questions?
(also, I'll be back again later, in a few hours)
Anyone know if there's a way around needing a micro sim?? Just to poke around the base android install
Also is it just standard micro sim? the pins look weird
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dakedres: you don't need a sim, but if you want to use it as a phone you kind of do
or maybe they mean that annoying thing with having to touch the four corners on a freshly flashed device
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yeah with the same sdcard als works in a different droid
so als in this d4 just decided to die
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> Hey so I picked up a Droid 4 to try daily driving Maemo Leste
i do that since january. it is hard, but doable.
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i also daily my d4, altho i do usually also carry a android phone just in case, i usually dont use it besides giveing the d4 lte
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My goal is to get away from smartphones haha
All I need is calling and music
All I need is call, text and music
dakedres: then why not just a phone?
calling leste 'not a smartphone' is weird to me
maemo cool
oh, I'm just going to not use it *as* a smartphone
so you're not going to use the touchscreen?
where you say 'smartphone' you ment PDA, right?
I mean I don't plan to web browse
or use gps
oh, ok, that works pretty well though
same with gps
Another part of my motivation was needing to text but I loathe touchscreen keyboards lol
> oh, ok, that works pretty well though
What doesn't work well? Camera?
<WunderW_PL> Grab some Symbian and enjoy it :D
<WunderW_PL> Or MeeGo or Maemo. It will be even better, as it's Linux. Will do "not a smartphone but still can do something" very well.
Oh wow
<WunderW_PL> I use Symbian as daily phone and it's possible :P
<WunderW_PL> (although can be sometimes hard, but I don't mind. My dad uses Symbian as daily phone too)
<WunderW_PL> As long as 3G works (works in Poland)
Well I'm atleast pretty sure the droid is 4g
which should still give me very good coverage here in the states
<WunderW_PL> Yes, I'm thinking of using Droid 4 as main phone when I receive it :P
<WunderW_PL> For now, if 3G dies, I will use Xperia 10 Plus with Sailfish OS
<WunderW_PL> Or F(x)tec Pro1 (with Sailfish too)
i wish maemo was as fast as symbian
dakedres: cameras doesnt 'not work well' it doesnt work at all on droid4
someone started trying to implement, afaik they never got an image from it
dakedres: droid is ONLY 4g on 'verizon LTE'
not on the actual 4G the globe uses
what Noooo
Curse you verizon
you misspelled motorola?
the hw can do it, motorola limited the implementation
<WunderW_PL> Oh no
<WunderW_PL> Sad
that's so pain
<WunderW_PL> So I will use Sailfish then
imho, even 2G is just fine
<WunderW_PL> Well I will miss 3G
<WunderW_PL> Even for visiting Telegram on my Nokia 808
i dont understand what sailfish has to do with limitations of droid4 hardware, but sure
<WunderW_PL> <Re maemoleste_irc_bot: <buZz> i dont u…> I just mean I will use Sailfish as daily in future
<WunderW_PL> Nothing to do with D4
could you please just chat, not use dumb reply spaqm
<WunderW_PL> Sorry, report it to TeleIRC dev, lol
i could just kick the bot, np
<WunderW_PL> Cool... sorry if the bot spams...
no, its you
<WunderW_PL> "<Re maemoleste_irc_bot: <buZz> i dont u…" is written by bot
tg-bridge-bot was kicked from #maemo-leste by buZz [ok]
fcking nonsense
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Sorry, I didn't mean to spam
The bot teached me to not use bridges anymore, lol
Is maemo leste slower than maemo?
kernel 6 is way faster than kernel 2
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that's what i figured
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you can't really make that kind of comparison
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i would exect leste to be overall slower on n900, since things hve grown in size and n900 is mostly slow due to ram ressure
that said, leste is mutch faster because you can run it on mutch better hardware ;)
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i remember the amazing faster desktop i got from moving to kernel 2.x to 3.x , and similar increase from 3.x to 4.x
but yeah , that was x86
buZz: I think it was kind of nice that we had a wider reach for to the community with hte bot
oh, it was from leste?
no, they added it, but it wasn't just his
it was brides to the leste telegram group that someone else runs I think
I also haven't really caught up with the backlog yet, will in a bit
i never seen anyone use it
beside this one user
sorry, just assumed it was their own
I used it to chat with some folks, but I don't have a good sense of many there are