btw the known issue with the cpcap detection code
is that the device name of the chip changes (baste on what exact supplier motorola used for the eeprom i presume?), and i have no way of knowing what device on the bus is the right one
so it uses only the chip i hapen to have on my devce
hehe :)
ok, will see what we can do
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uvos__: I see no polling there
why do you think it polls?
reading the protocoll spec
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HW does polling?
it also uses a lot of power
its possible that hw dose poling, main symptom here is it draws a lot of power to have it on
ok, will see what happens, reading TRM atm
also theres a commen in android kernel somehwere
about avoiding the bus polling
uvos__: I think cpcap shall allow userspace to write the id of the battery
freemangordon: feals ugly, but maybe its the only option
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unless we know how ids are coded
like - if it starts with 89, then it is the battery
right , but i dont, i wanted to figure out whre it comes from
but wasent a priority ofc with the code being dead due to the blacklist and all
it is programmed during manufacture afaik
I don;t see it in nvram
well it might also help if everyone could post the ids they have
you have mine in the code
was about to ask you what is your id :)
ah, right
well mine is none now
since i dont use a battery with a chip :)
as for identifieng idk if opening random devices to look for MOTOROLA is really acepptable
to the mainline folks
why random? it is nvmem
freemangordon: thanks
well random nvmem devices
ok, lets gather some IDs, will decide what to do
uvos__: 'your' idle is not as 'my' idle, I have ssh connections active
this is with 2 sessions, lemme check with 1 only
i think maaajordomo was a software to setup a mailing list. it was written in perl and had a web frontend.
you also supposed to create a mail account for it so that it will be possible to subscribe or unsubscribe by sending an email.
norayr: yeah i know about that one
i was hoping for something simpler
it is sad that droid4 is not available on market (read ebay) any more for pretty long time already. i k last time i saw about a month ago the one which was in state 'read' and it had some problem.
uvos__ i think 20 years ago when i was searching for something that was the simplest.
norayr: ok yeah i might have to use it, i was thinking there would be some 300 line c program that just mails whatever it recives on pop3 to a static list.
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yes it would be good to have such a thing. maybe that's a good idea to write something like that. i wish i had a bit of time, that's something that inspires me for work.
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uvos__: do you know which blob reads nvmem on android? I may try to RE the structure
freemangordon: i dont quite remember, but it had an obvious name batd or something like that
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uvos__: nvram contents on 2 devices here is exactly the same
freemangordon: that is correct
its allways the same for eatch battery of one type
that's good
I guess
it dose _not_ contain any information on battery health or anything like that
or even a serial
this is just device id
so we can use to match
its lots of data for a device id
presumably its a voltage/current->state of charge table
maybe some cherging parameters
as this is how the batttery display works on android
could be
lemme feed IDA with batd
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uvos__: so, blob checks for "CORP", "MOTOROLA E.P CHARGE ONLY", uid starting with 0x89 and last 2 bytes being 0x0050
it also calculates 2 checksums, but I don;t think we shal care
that all?
what about all the other data
it is used co calculate "SBCM CORE convert_rom_data: bcap= %d, raw= 0x%x"
so most-probably you are right and this is voltage->% table
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also it seems the capacity is there
uvos__: capacity = mul * batt_data.nvram.data[34];
where mul is calculated based on some other data
I will provide the formula later on
something also has to tell the android what to charge too
what do you mean?
what is the type?
if you plug in a bw8x to bionic it suddenly knows to only charge to 4,2v
just click through the depends and download them all
Guest224: another alternative is a usb-otg cable and a usb ethernet adapter
youll have to setup the network by hand in comandline
but then it should work fine
assuming d4/bionic/pp here
n900 cant do otg
Is pp with dockin-bar ethernet supported yet?
no idea
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uvos__: I think so @ buying ones that got removed, kinda lame ;)
freemangordon: I can send it, how do I read it?
(just woke up, brb)
Wizzup: i can live with just one btw
if you are short
since i have just one d4 now anyhow
just short on time atm, not short on devices
(i want one to modify)
i mean doors
I need coffee :p
what time zone are you in, Pacific?
Wizzup: umm, send what?
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freemangordon: you wanted me to share some battery data
ah, no
we already figured it out
like, I am writing patches to cpcap-battery to process eeprom data
I have a lot of d4's that I am bringing back
like, it has to be ~40
freemangordon: ok, cool
freemangordon: I wonder if we also ought to have a patch to charge the battery a bit more than 4.2 for folks who want it
I think we shall increase that
like, if battery is for 4.35, so be it
right, but we thought it maybe caused them to balloon quickly
this happened two at least two android phones I had that I kept on charger at all times
d4 phones?
why keep them on charger though?
also, charger driver shall be smart enough and have some hysteresis, like, it should not restart charging before the voltage has dropped by lets say 2 or 3 percent
but in general, I would trust what manufacturers say
so, if they say 4.35, then...
Wizzup: also, were those batteries new?
I guess no
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uvos__: did you check idle power usage with hdq enabled?
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freemangordon: no, probably not new
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freemangordon: yeah d4 batteries kept on charger at higher than 4.2v will ballon after some weeks or months, no issues at 4.2v afaik
you can already tweak the charge voltage via sysfs if you really want, i would not recommend it
I don't see a reason why anyone would want to keep the device on charger
but ok
though, I think default should be what battery is made for
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the battery was not made to last it seems
well, I guess we can at least increase a bit, like to 4.25, no?
im terribly convinced that there is anything wrong per say with charging eb41 to 4.35V
but hvlipos have lower cycle lifetime
which is why they are all very degraded by now
only charging them to 4.2v helps emensely
afaik even 'new' are degrated
sure yes
10 years is old even for purley calendary ageing
ballooning batteries are such "fun"...I just had to throw out a brand new, unused Nokia XL battery a few weeks ago because of how swollen it had gotten, all on its own :-/
shelf life of lipos is about 5 years so yes
so, I am not convinced reducing the charge voltage help much, but ok :)
all d4 batteries are degraded
degraded batteries tend to be most unsafe at full charge
it makes some sense to reduce the voltage
not that i agree we should
btw, why do we report li-ion and not li-po for genuine batteries?
freemangordon: looks good to me, please check the default charge current stays the same to be sure..
tmlind: ^^^
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* buZz
excited to try this new cpcap :)
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freemangordon: hmm i guess that patch does not affect the default charge voltag
just design voltage
tmlind: please, what is the proper git command to send series? "git send-email -3 --subject="[PATCH 0/3] power: supply: cpcap-battery improvements" --compose"?
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freemangordon: i first use git format patch to /tmp/outgoing, then to send git send-email --confirm=always --suppress-cc=self --cc-cmd=~/bin/my-git-get-cover-cc --to "..." --cc "..."
that git-get-cover-cc is some script that adds folks to cc
not sure if that's even needed any longer to add folks to cc
ok, thanks
the get cover i have is from some mailing list thread i can't find and contains: