(that number is real and it's my test sim, so feel free to spam it)
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that is my n900 db btw
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Wizzup: I think I can debug this oops, by using hints provided by sre
freemangordon: I didn't mean the ssi one, but fixing that is helpful too
not sure I can help with idle one
* freemangordon
looks at the backtrace
the idle one is the real painful one
I think the next steps for me are: build 5.15 without our patches and just try to boot it 10x, see if it's stable
if not, go to (say) 5.1 and try to boot it without our patches
if that is stable, try to bisect
the problem is that (afaik) the n900 is broken at many points in between 5.1 and 5.15 so a bisect is not at all easy
hmm, but 5.1 won;t idle
If by idle you mean RET or OFF increases, then I don't think this happens in 5.15 either and it still crashes
I mean, yes, I can make it go into RET or OFF, but it crashes even when it doesn't hit RET or OFF
I see
(or it hits RET for the first time somehow and then crashes, but I cannot see that, and it seems unlikely)
it makes sense then to bisect
also the problem is that it's semi random, so you need to repeat every boot say 10x
just to make sure the problem is actually gone
I have no way to repeat the problem other than "well let's try a few more times"
booting to leste with full desktop usually makes it crash pretty reliably about 3 minutes in (uptime), but getting a kernel all the way to that point is a whole other nightmare
my favorite type of bugs :(
the absolute worst yeah
that said I don't think tmlind has been able to reproduce yet (per his remarks) so maybe it's just in our patches on top of 5.15
if we're lucky
could you run "scripts/decode_stacktrace.sh" for both oops-es and send results on the ML?
I can;t do that as I need the matching vmlinuz
yes, but I probably (much) later in the evening
but only probably*
freemangordon: that said if you don't see these resets on your n900/kernel that's also a data point
but, I am rarely booting to full desktop
dthe difference I guess is in the config though
Wizzup: what about pulling 5.15.6? there is a pile of fixes on top of 5.15.2
I mean, yeah, but if tmlind is not aware of any changes in that domain it doesn't seem that worthwhile likely