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<mmind00> naoki: both of those ideas sound great :-)
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<CounterPillow> I'm currently working on RK3576 TSADC by the way, tried figuring out yesterday whether the DDR and GPU channels are swapped because downstream DT disagrees with the TRM
<CounterPillow> evidence so far is inconclusive because if I run a memory heavy workload what the TRM says is the GPU silicon also heats up though less so than what it says the DDR silicon is doing, and running a GPU workload is just gonna heat up the DDR as well due to it being memory bottlenecked
<CounterPillow> I didn't fix the ranges and ticks so a bit hard to compare but
<CounterPillow> (kmscube because panfrost hits job timeouts with glmark2? that's a new one)
<CounterPillow> Currently I'm gonna focus my efforts on implementing using the trim values stored in OTP
<CounterPillow> (thanks to mmind00's OTP series <3)
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<robmur01> CounterPillow: I recall from doing the GPU devfreq stuff on RK3399 that the thermal gradient between GPU and CPU zones only led to about 1.5-2 degrees difference. SoCs are small :)
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<dvergatal> mmind00: around?
<mmind00> dvergatal: yep
<dvergatal> mmind00: priv
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