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<linkmauve> sigmaris, thanks for the pointer, I’m now running an almost blobless u-boot and TF-A, with only DDR training remaining as a blob. :)
<linkmauve> I forgot to check AES-XTS performances prior and after upgrading to latest everything.
<linkmauve> aes-xts 256b 1472.1 MiB/s 1480.6 MiB/s
<linkmauve> But this is definitely good enough.
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<Kwiboo> Tartarus: do you plan to merge the recent devicetree-rebasing v6.13-dts tag into master? or should I pick and include dts/upstream commits for an upcoming series?
<Tartarus> Kwiboo: A good and timely question. I just checked that the rebasing tree has the tag about an hour ago
<Tartarus> So I'm waiting for my current testing cycle to finish and then I'll update and post it
<Tartarus> And probably merge in a few days
<Kwiboo> great, then I will hold of and leave out DT picks from my series :-)
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