linkmauve: I'm running without rk2_crypto, just CPU ARMv8 crypto
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with latest TF-A/U-Boot/mainline 6.12.x
zigflu_, oh, and TF-A is improving the speed of said ARMv8 crypto as well? I definitely should upgrade then. :)
I was running an older TF-A (bl31) that where ARMv8 crypto wasn't enabled
def recommend updating
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sigmaris: interesting, that TF-A crypto change probably explain why we cannot use aarch64 crypto extension in U-Boot SPL (before TF-A has started) and why counter is being reset during boot using vendor TF-A blob
Kwiboo: considering SPL is running in the same EL as TF-A, we could simply enable it the same way, just in the SPL?
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qschulz: possible, the code seem to suggest it will require a cpu core0 reset to take affect, so may complicate things for very little gain
at least it explains why crypt extensions seem to work later but not in SPL, if I remember correctly the sha256 checksum always ended up zero when I initially tested and could not really understand why
everything pointed to it already working in vendor u-boot and in linux so could not really understand why it did not work for FIT checksum validation, could probably check if we can use CE in u-boot proper and just skip using it in SPL
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