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<warpme> guys: i have well working video decoding + rendering to drm planes on rk3568. On rk3566 however video playback gives green screen. Looking on 6.6.8 vop2 sources i see rk3568_vop_win_data[] is common for 3566 and 3568. I recall however Andy Yan (rockchip) said: "But take care that the vop on rk3566 has a special limitation: there are three windows(Cluster1/Esmart1/Smart1) that have a mirror lock, that means they can't be programmed
<warpme> framebuffer address independently , they can only share framebuffer address with Cluster0/Esmart0/Smart0". I suspect my 3566 green video is somehow result of "too" common vop2 code for 3566 & 3568 variants. Isn't that 3566 should have dedicated variant code to deal with 3566 limitations?
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<CounterPillow> You should first verify that your hypothesis is right
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<warpme> CounterPillow : my logic is following: if 2 soc variants have the same kernel code but one variant works ok other not with exactly the same userspace - then imho code is too common (not covering variants difference with level invisible to userspace).
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