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<linkmauve> Besides the proprietary rknpu2 and rknn-toolkit{,2}, has there been any reverse engineering done on the NPU side?
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<linkmauve> If not I think I’m going to start exploring that area.
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<linkmauve> phh, is that your doing?
<phh> yes
<phh> linkmauve: don't be dumb like me, and look at the TRM which completely describe it before reversing it
<phh> (reversing it did help me understand how it worked)
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<phh> to help understanding it, one thing to note is that it is NOT a CPU. it doesn't have an instruction set. As a first abstraction, consider it's just memory-to-memory hardware blocks. you set their config, the memory pointers, set their START register, and wait for them to finish their task
<linkmauve> Unrelated, but the GPU can use YUV formats as both input and output?!
<linkmauve> (I’m reading the TRM and “input” contains “npu”… ^^')
<linkmauve> phh, makes sense.
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<phh> it has a more advanced mode where it can chain commands (actually it's one hardware component of the NPU that simply writes the registers you asked it to, kinda like a DMA key-value writer), but I don't think it's very useful [1], and it'll just clog your brain
<phh> [1] it basically just gets you to be able to ignore most IRQs. I doubt you'll get micro-second NN tasks which would make this useful
<phh> either way, once you've written the ""basic"" mode, the advanced mode is a simple evolution of the basic one
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<linkmauve> Is it described in another document than this one? I couldn’t find useful mentions of it in there:
<phh> uh, actually I've had much better understanding of the NPU than what I wrote...
<linkmauve> Heh. :)
<phh> linkmauve: look at RKNN section of the RK3588 documentation
<phh> kinda have to hope that the change isn't too big between those two...
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<phh> i seem to remember that rk3588 had SRAM while rk3568 didn't?
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<phh> linkmauve: you have full documentation for rk3568 in part 2
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<linkmauve> Thanks!
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<phh> (rk3588 has three cores, that actually means three identical IPs at various memory offsets, but that have a flag to compute things together, but let's just forget it)
<linkmauve> The RDMA thingy (is that the advanced mode you mentioned?) reminds me of the display list feature of old OpenGL.
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