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<linkmauve> Hi, I’m trying to use Vulkan on my ODROID-M1, but when I run e.g. vulkaninfo I get this output: % vulkaninfo
<linkmauve> ERROR: [Loader Message] Code 0 : vkCreateInstance: Found no drivers!
<linkmauve> Cannot create Vulkan instance.
<linkmauve> This problem is often caused by a faulty installation of the Vulkan driver or attempting to use a GPU that does not support Vulkan.
<linkmauve> ERROR at /build/vulkan-tools/src/Vulkan-Tools-1.3.269/vulkaninfo/./vulkaninfo.h:688:vkCreateInstance failed with ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_DRIVER
<linkmauve> My build of Mesa (main from this morning) correctly lists /usr/lib/ in /usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/panfrost_icd.aarch64.json
<linkmauve> ldd is happy on this driver, OpenGL and OpenCL are working fine from the same build.
<linkmauve> I have passed -D vulkan-drivers=panfrost to meson while building, so the driver should exist.
<linkmauve> Oh, strace tells me vulkaninfo doesn’t try to open the icd file there, it checks in many other locations but not in /usr/share…
<linkmauve> Hmm, on my anv laptop it does check there…
<linkmauve> With a symlink and PAN_I_WANT_A_BROKEN_VULKAN_DRIVER=1 vulkaninfo now works, thanks for being ducks everyone! \o/
<raster> hehehe
<raster> lovely how a problem solves itself :)
<linkmauve> It’s probably a bug of my distribution to not use the layers from /usr/share though.
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<linkmauve> And the ash examples fail to work unless I remove shader_clip_distance: 1 from vk::PhysicalDeviceFeatures. But now they work! \o/
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<linkmauve> Ah but I don’t have any working decoder on this platform, so this won’t work… Only encoding so far.
<linkmauve> CounterPillow, do you still have your early driver for JPEG decoding?
<linkmauve> I really should figure out why VP8 decoding gives me a green-uninitialised buffer. :/
<CounterPillow> I do but right now it doesn't do anything useful because I haven't implemented any significant part of the v4l2 api yet, not have I poked at hw registers other than the version and interrupt one I think
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<linkmauve> Ok, I’m going to a friend’s place today anyway, I might get back to it tonight or most likely tomorrow, see you then! \o_
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<krei-se> CounterPillow: Thanks for the tips on odroid m1, works like a charm with minor issues, i pasted my config online here
<CounterPillow> krei-se: "and panfrost still seems not to work" how did you test? Does it show up in /dev/dri? Can you show me a kernel boot log (dmesg)?
<krei-se> dmesg: panfrost is enabled there, i just get egl error on firefox
<CounterPillow> what does glxinfo say?
<krei-se> i can investigate from there on, no reason to waste your time, but thanks for any help regardless
<krei-se> i remember from prawnos / cros veyron minnie times llvmpipe is not a good one lol
<krei-se> direct output has 4 lines not redirected into the paste that complain about failing to load driver zink
<krei-se> "ZINK: vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices failed (VKERROR_INITIALIZATION_FAILED)" and "ZINK: failed to choose pdev" and "flx: failed to create drisw screen"
<CounterPillow> does ls /dev/dri show a card0, card1 and a renderD128?
<krei-se> yes
<krei-se> i use a wayland only setup btw
<CounterPillow> That's good, as xorg does not work well with panfrost
<krei-se> sway with root for now to prevent permission errors, but its the same with a user account
<CounterPillow> Your problem is in your userspace, namely mesa. Either it is built without panfrost support or something else is messing it up
<krei-se> i see, thanks for the headsup, i compiled mesa / panfrost myself earlier, will give that a try
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<krei-se> i compiled and installed mesa with the suggested options from and removed the arch package vulkan-panfrost. /dev/dri still has card0 card1 and renderD128 but glxinfo is still on llvmpipe
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<krei-se> i cant remove the package mesa as it would break dependencies and glxinfo is still on 23.3.3 even though i ninja installed 24
<krei-se> enough for today
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<krei-se> its installed to /usr/local/lib but arch is using /usr/lib - ill get to it later :) Thanks for the progress
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<raster> krei-se: i've had xorg work decently on a rk3399 - the 3588 though is horrid
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<krei-se> raster great name lol - obscure hardware is always good to run into walls making you learn hehe
<raster> hehee
<raster> or to find all the broken things :)
<raster> i'm trying to figure out why i get so many stalls/hangs
<krei-se> oh, i have a gru kevin next on my list to push some things to mainline. its 3399 and i miss easy integration of encrypted root in the linux-aarch64 alarm package. ill get to that one next
<raster> if i had some spare time i switch my 3399 over to arch
<raster> my 3588 is arch ... i've migrated it from the panmfork setup to 2.7 branches with panthor + mesa with matching patches + fixes
<raster> but this is actually something i need to do... so its priority :)
<raster> i get some nasty stalls inside eglCreateImageKHR it's seeming
<raster> i need to double check
<krei-se> thats over my knowledge for now, but i made bigger leaps in learning after i went into neuroscience (for starters) and base chemistry and physics again. I was surprised how many "we don't actually know" there is lol
<raster> eglCreateImageKHR took 816.41 ms
<raster> yup.
<raster> also seeing sometimes it take 90ms
<raster> or 11 or 14 ms or 16...
<raster> thats far far far far too long. i am getting stalls somewhere else too
<raster> so yeah - it's stalling talking to xorg which shouldnt be staklling but is
<raster> i haven't figured out out where its stalling yet
<raster> but i think this may have to go back onto the shelf for a bit. git ti di some other related things first
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<mps> heh, here is gru-kernel on alpine for long
<mps> I use this for more than 5 years
<mps> raster: in last time I switched to sway because xorg shows some problems
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<CounterPillow> xorg causing problems? unheard of
<mps> it is slow on gru-kevin
<mps> tuxpaint is unusable with xorg but works fine with sway, for example
<CounterPillow> I'm being sarcastic, running xorg is never a good idea
<mps> CounterPillow: ;-p
<mps> but have to add that on acer R13 mediatek mt8173 xorg works somehow
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<raster> mps: not a great solution... its an indication of an actual problem somehwere....
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<mps> raster: problem is panfrost driver, it is slow with xorg
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