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<tinybronca[m]> Hi all, do any Rockchip SOCs have microcode as part of their operation, either updatable or not? I heard claims some ARM SOCs have microcode like Intel CPUs
<robmur01> None of Arm's CPUs have microcode
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<tinybronca[m]> Interesting I guess you cannot believe everything you read then
<mps> tinybronca[m]: heh, I never trust in anything
<mps> always ask myself did I read it correctly and did the author write it correctly, and a lot of such questions
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<mps> s/write/wrote/
<mps> old crypto people saying "in God we trust, everything else we check with pgp"
<hanetzer> think the closest thing they have to microcode is trusted firmware I guess.
<mps> well, these are different things
<hanetzer> true, I guess trusted firmware is more akin to the ME firmware in a sense, and literally the psp firmware since the psp is an arm secure proc
<mps> yes, firmware is executed by cpu, but microcode goes in cpu and controls cpu executions of instructions
<lurchi_> It is probably part of the CISC-microcode translation step, and and RISC processor typically wont have that step
<mps> right
<mps> ciscs usually have microcode while riscs doesn't, in theory at least
<mps> but I'm not sure nowadays, maybe some riscs also have microcode
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<CounterPillow> modern ARM isn't RISC
<robmur01> it never was really, only RISC-inspired. Just look at the "load several registers, update the base register, branch and change the processor mode" instruction that was there from day 1 ;)
<robmur01> but indeed more modern ISAs (e.g. AArch64) tend to be designed as compiler targets rather than for hand-written assembly, so the RISC/CISC distinction is even more blurred and less relevant
<mps> CounterPillow: yes, I know they are not RISC, I call arm as 'RISC like'
<mps> long ago I designed industrial computer with 6502 which is some kind of arm predecessor
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<tinybronca[m]> mps: Do IBM Power ISA CPUs have microcode?
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<mps> tinybronca[m]: I didn't worked with them so not sure but I think it has. Take this with grain of salt
<mps> though they told it is 'true RISC' so it shouldn't have it
<mps> I think RISC-V doesn't have microcode (so or better called microprogramming)
<mps> if the RISC follow principle of 'single-cycle single instruction' then it shouldn't have microcode
<CounterPillow> whether or not something is microcoded is entirely down to the implementation of the core, not the ISA itself
<mps> yes, ISA is not relevant to this
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