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<Guest14> Hi
<Guest14> I have problems with armbian for amlogic downloaded from . I have devices with Amlogic s912 but they all have problems.
<Guest14> sorry, i need to use
<Guest14> The best of the devices is an Abox A3 because it is the only one with Ethernet 1000FD, but it does not start from emms. only SD.
<Guest14> All devices have problems. The Beelink gt1 is the only one to start with emms, but for long powercycles it does not activate the ethernet. It is necessary to reboot from SD to initialise the tranceiver.
<f_> Well
<f_> which issues are you having?
<f_> Guest14: and surely when you said "emms" you meant "eMMC"?
<Guest14> OK! Yes EMMC
<f_> Guest14: So explain exactly what's happening on which board, and paste UART logs in .
<f_> note that I've no idea how this fork of armbian works however.
<Guest14> ntomorrow try recompiling u-boot as indicated in linux-meson. I will prepare screenshots to share.
<Guest14> thanks
<f_> not screenshots
<f_> UART logs
<f_> At worst it won't show up anything on screen
<Guest14> OK, that takes time. I have to solder uart on the board of the TV box. Are there any other debian to try?
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<f_> meh, disconnected :(
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