ChanServ changed the topic of #libreelec to: LibreELEC Support ~ Log ~ No discussion or support for piracy addons or IPTV/VPN services
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<KotCzarny> hi
<KotCzarny> wiki is a bit outdated
<KotCzarny> for example i needed to install libparse-yapp-perl and zstd
<KotCzarny> also, is jernej coming to irc nowadays?
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<LEBot> [slack] <jernej> Yes, I'm following irc :)
<KotCzarny> hi there :)
<LEBot> [slack] <jernej> Hi!
<KotCzarny> i'm going to compile addon external, do i have to compile all first?
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<LEBot> [slack] <jernej> Just run create addon script and it will determine what needs to be built
<KotCzarny> right now im making some free space and reading wiki
<KotCzarny> also, why is devuan not supported as a build os?
<LEBot> [slack] <jernej> Until recently, that took a lot of dependencies but now it should be much lighter
<KotCzarny> it might alias to debian
<LEBot> [slack] <jernej> Because nobody cared enough to add support
<KotCzarny> i assume dibian is suppirted?
<KotCzarny> *supported
<LEBot> [slack] <jernej> Supported distros are what devs use and care enough to fix when it breaks
<LEBot> [slack] <jernej> Primary distro is ubuntu but debian should also work iirc. I only use arch...
<KotCzarny> and final question, why is my opipc idling at 57C, no vreg patch?
<LEBot> [slack] <jernej> What patch?
<LEBot> [slack] <jernej> Anyway, I don't have opipc and H3 is not main focus anymore
<KotCzarny> that adds cpufreq based voltage regulation on cpu
<LEBot> [slack] <jernej> Submit it upstream and it will trickle down eventually
<KotCzarny> i dont know if recent kernels support vreg nowadays
<LEBot> [slack] <jernej> I have to go...
<KotCzarny> kk
<KotCzarny> cya! :)
<LEBot> [slack] <jernej> Bye
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<KotCzarny> hmm, how to recompile addon?
<KotCzarny> i'm using "scripts/create_addon pvr.stalker"
<KotCzarny> but it doesnt pick up the changes i make in the source
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