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How can I develop a pvr client addon? I saw the demo pvr client but didn't understand the code. Is there like a guide or documentation?
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[slack] <chewitt> Go look at the existing sources for other PVR clients. There is no guide, only prior art.
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hi, wanting to test/play around with libreelec on a live usb stick, i went to the offifial download page and i see that the burner is nolonger made for linux
i haven't tried yet, but will dd in linux burn the image?
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ok, i burnt the img with dd...plugged it into my zbox, booted from stick, i get it'e grub with 3 options, install, live, and run....clicking on either of those choices just gives me a blank screen(i'd prefer to just use it live)
remove the partition number from the of bit of dd
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MrTAP, how do you mean, i'm using this to burn it(like all other ISOs): sudo dd bs=4M if=/home/slee/Downloads/LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-10.0.2.img of=/dev/sdb && sync
right. in that case i'm not sure. i've never seen LE give the option to run live or install though
maybe that version is different from the raspberry pi version?
i grabbed the 'generic'(amd/intel/nvidia) manual download
i mean to say i've only used the rpi version myself, never another one
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ok, ti's loading up on live now, had to enable CSM in my bios
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