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<midfavila> riteo, limited compute power
<midfavila> i'll just shell out for a VPS and META this month probably
<midfavila> it's about time i sent in more dues to SDF anyway
<midfavila> also i installed debian on my pinenote today :OOOOO
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<sewn> phoebos: oooooo maintainers fighting
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<vouivre> phoebos: I'm not sure I understand your comment about my PR for ghostscript.
<vouivre> Do you mean is "cups" is not given as a dependency it won't build ?
<phoebos> what
<phoebos> it's not necessary to have cups to build ghostscript
<phoebos> perhaps you added it from the kiss dep checker?
<vouivre> yes, I have just tested now in a chroot to be sure. It builds without cups.
<vouivre> But in this case it won't have cups support
<vouivre> yes, in some of my packages, I had some information from the kiss dep checker.
<vouivre> Ghostscript is one of those packages.
<phoebos> typically the community package is minimal, so you should remove the optional deps
<vouivre> hhhhmm, what about cups-filters. It needs the cups support in ghostscript.
<phoebos> if cups is already installed then ghostscript will include the support without changing a build flag?
<phoebos> so you can add a note to cups-filters to build cups before ghostscript
<vouivre> I think so. Wait a minute.
<midfavila> kiss drama :OOO
<midfavila> phoebos layin on the smackdown
<phoebos> hmph
<vouivre> yes, it works, I can remove the dep
<phoebos> :)
<vouivre> any idea how to add a note before the user install cups-filters ? There is no pre-install file in kiss.
<vouivre> I can use the post-install file, but the user has to built cups-filters twice. Not a big deal, but not the best.
<phoebos> or add a note in a README
<midfavila> you could just use printf and a sleep in the buildfile
<midfavila> dump out a huge banner to grab attention
<midfavila> readme would also be good
<phoebos> lol
<vouivre> midfavila: I like it!!!
<vouivre> I just need to find a funny ascii
<vouivre> ok for a banner and printf phoebos ?
<vouivre> lol
<phoebos> I would prefer a readme, but it's your package
<vouivre> I will use the readme.
<vouivre> I will fix later cups-filters.
<vouivre> thank you.
<vouivre> midfavila: I'm open to other suggestions ;-).
<vouivre> by the way: maple syrup is back ?
<vouivre> phoebos: done.
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<midfavila> maple syrup reserves remain critically low in light of political instability in the region
<midfavila> could have that triple election by the end of the month
<midfavila> bloc is bullying trudeau now
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<sewn> took me a bit to realize that was about canada
<sewn> i should have made the association as soon as i heard "maple syrup"
<vouivre> I have missed it. I didn't know about political instability in your country.
<vouivre> I also didn't know that there will be soon election.
<vouivre> sewn: I have read you have a thinkpad t430. Is it your main laptop ?
<sewn> currently yeag
<sewn> why?
<vouivre> just curious: would you be interested by something newer ? Or is it ok for you ?
<sewn> why asking that lol
<sewn> I'm using my t430 while I can get my pc fixed
<vouivre> because it's time for me to sell some computers or give some of them.
<vouivre> I bought some computers to do some experimentation and it's time for me to give them to somebody else
<vouivre> if somebody in the kisslinux community is interested, I think I could give some of them.
<vouivre> I had my reasons to try a thinkpad X230 and I didn't want something else.
<sewn> mm yes pay about 200 dollars for shippimg
<sewn> not all of us are in the US
<sewn> or um the country you're in
<vouivre> that's possible. I'm in europe. Is it far from you ?
<sewn> I've come in contact with a x230 before and could definitely have bought it
<vouivre> so I'm also not in US ;-)
<sewn> but the overall specifications of the t430 are pretty bad so I don't think I'd want another old thinkpad
<sewn> I think definitely someone here will find your thinkpads intriguing
<vouivre> I totally agree. But I have also two t480 and that's too much.
<sewn> can i have one
<vouivre> do I understand it correctly: a t480 could be interesting for you ?
<sewn> better than a t430
<sewn> (in specs)
<vouivre> for sur, I was able to build firefox without too much problem with it. With a X230 it was something else.
<vouivre> chromium was doable: about 10-11 hours if I remember correctly.
<vouivre> so I'll contact you. If it's worth it, it's another question. No idea about the shipping.
<sewn> 10 hours for chromium too much probably will just build using pc
<sewn> would just like to see a laptop with less shitty speakers and modern ports lol
<sewn> everything else is good
<vouivre> about the speakers I don't know. For me that's not so important. I think it has modern port, that should be ok.
<vouivre> at least it was for me.
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<testuser[m]> hi
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<midfavila> sewn acquire mnt reform
<midfavila> :3
<sewn> yeah and go several thousands in debt
<sewn> no thanks
<midfavila> yeah but think of all the internet nerd points youll get
<midfavila> :333
<sewn> I'd rather join the wired
<midfavila> get a uconsole then
<midfavila> literally a navi
<midfavila> related
<midfavila> does anyone here know of a good telephony daemon?
<midfavila> i'm going to put out a barebones image for the r01 preconfigured for use as a phone but i don't know of any daemons that automatically pick up and react to incoming calls from the cli
<midfavila> i know that gnome has stuff but
<midfavila> >gnome
<midfavila> right now the suggested approach for telephony is just sending raw hayes commands ad hoc which is fine for testing but not actually using the damn modem
<sewn> why an r1
<midfavila> cheapest and least power hungry
<midfavila> in the future i would like to get a cm4 adapter and a milk-v mars module
<sewn> midfavila: can't compile chromium on a uconsole
<midfavila> sewn if you got one of those bananapi SoMs i bet you could :3
<sewn> nnnnnnooooooo
<midfavila> or was it orangepi?
<midfavila> there's one that has like 16gb of ram or something
<midfavila> altho tbh idk why youre bothering with chromum
<midfavila> chromium
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