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<midfavila> ye baybee
<midfavila> boss said he's going to instate a benefits package soon too which will be sweet
<midfavila> then i'll be able to afford food *and* dental work
<midfavila> wild
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<midfavila> also ive just about gotten a complete rootfs up on r01, gcc is just really giving me shit
<midfavila> but i'm dedicated to seeing this through at this point.
<midfavila> i'm hoping to port a lot of this work over to the pioneer
<midfavila> i've wanted to build a non-x86 desktop machine for years now and the pioneer from milk-v seems pretty compelling
<midfavila> especially since it would fit inside a checkmark 1500 plus case which is sick asf
<midfavila> checkmate with a pioneer, nvs 510 gpu, xonar stx sound card, and a couple SSDs in RAID packed into a checkmate 1500 with my rx340 monitors and one of those repro beamsprings...
* midfavila drools
<midfavila> i can never remember if its checkmark or checkmate tbqh
<midfavila> checkmate
<midfavila> then again i might wait until the rack reform is available... if it has competitive I/O i could install an aarch64 board in it and try to port mezzano
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<sad_plan> huh. I stumbled upon xxhash today, and so far it seems even faster than b3sum. interesting
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