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<midfavila> today in "what the fuck even is electromagnetism"
<midfavila> putting load on my CPU, even a single core, solves the interference problem with my mic.
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<lastchansen> midfavila: laptop?
<midfavila> nope
<midfavila> desktop
<midfavila> :^)
<lastchansen> I thougth only old cpus had the whine-problem, but it seems even newer intel cpu has the problem. Weird
<lastchansen> I remember the was a package on arch fixing it on my thinkpad x200
<midfavila> sure, but the issue there is,
<midfavila> wouldn't the CPU load only reduce interference if it was across all cores, or at least have a cumulative effect?
<kiedtl> whitequark is logging #kisslinux as of now: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/kisslinux
<midfavila> as it stands, regardless of actual clocks, more load on even a single core is a marked reduction in interference...
<lastchansen> midfavila: not sure why, but it could perhaps be related to the psu at idle? I seem to have had that problem a few years back.
<midfavila> that would be weird...
<lastchansen> well.. I think that's the solution to your problem. Constant compiling :)
<midfavila> this is a 80+ gold unit
<midfavila> and yeah, I make that joke earlier
<lastchansen> :p
<midfavila> "whenever I need to call someone, I'll just cat random into null"
<lastchansen> hehe
<midfavila> it could also have something to do with the physical proximity of the GPU and sound card... but...
<midfavila> based on my rudimentary understanding of wave interaction, a higher-frequency wave doesn't jam a lower-frequency one. it.. kind of just ignores it.
<lastchansen> Yeah, that was my next thought, but that has not been a problem for many years.. newer designs seem to be pretty solid on most motherboards.
<midfavila> well, this is a server board, fwiw. they're both discrete boards
<lastchansen> Perhaps a simple solution with a usb sound card?
<midfavila> ew ew ew ew ew
<lastchansen> Perhaps a simple solution with a high end goldplated usb sound card?
<midfavila> i'm using a high-end PCIe sound card . -.
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<kqz> an external DAC may help with a lot of that interference
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<lastchansen> yeah, but if he already has a expensive PCIe card..
<kqz> a pci-e card in a very beefy two(?) socket mobo ;p
* lastchansen looks at his expensive dusty unused DAC.
<midfavila> yeah, two-socket. if it *is* the CPUs causing interference, then I'll have to work something out there...
<midfavila> at this point I'm more curious than anything.
<kqz> yeah i had a similar issue about a few years ago with my internal soundcard, switched to a DAC and i can't hear any of that anymore, would reccommend 7/9
<midfavila> Eeh...
<lastchansen> hehe
<midfavila> thing is, I'd need to invest in a ton of USB-based equipment at that point. which would entail investing in USB expansion boards.
<midfavila> this motherboard hasn't got onboard audio.
<midfavila> and only like four USB, two of which are already in use.
<kqz> ah yeah dealing with all the usb devices is a pain, I had to buy a pretty pricey usb hub just to fit everything
<midfavila> another reason I think it might be the GPU is that even with the CPU under load, moving windows of different sizes produces corresponding interference
<midfavila> i.e larger windows generate more interference
<riteo> mh
<midfavila> this is so janky
<riteo> can you try moving it away? Maybe even with a riser?
<midfavila> that's what I'm thinking I'll do, if it *is* the GPU
<riteo> well, if you say that moving windows and such changes the interference
<riteo> maybe try running some 3d program?
<kqz> get an external gpu enclosure! /s
<midfavila> >use an external GPU enclosure for your SSI-EEB build in an ultra-tower, Mid
<midfavila> #kisslinux moment
<kqz> hahahaha
<midfavila> as if my rig doesn't already take up most of my living room
<riteo> that's an epico kisslinux moment too
<kqz> on the opposite end, i moved to an sff case, it's smaller than my toaster
<riteo> lmao I wrote epico, damn it muscle memory XD
<kqz> (and i imagine about the same size as most external gpu enclosures)
<midfavila> no, the epic kisslinux moment was putting together a dual socket system so that I can build mesa and llvm faster
<riteo> lmao
<riteo> kqz: how do you deal with temps on that thing?
<midfavila> probably water cooling
<kqz> yeah, that
<riteo> cool
<midfavila> i don't like liquid-cooled systems
<midfavila> they make me nervous
<riteo> same thing
<kqz> oh yeah it can be a nightmare for sure
<kqz> when i was first putting together the loop, after a few days, the first radiator i had **melted**
<riteo> how
<kqz> luckily i hadn't put anything in the case yet so nothing else got leaked on, but wow
<midfavila> imma stick with my noctuas and fuckoff huge heatsinks kthx
<kqz> i'm still not too sure what happened, think just unlucky qa
<midfavila> hopefully you were able to get your money back
<kqz> the current rad i have has been going without issue for over a year
<kqz> yeah I got it rma'd, it was an ek rad too, they're usually pretty awesome
<kqz> fun project though all-in-all, so much power in a tiny little package
<kqz> 3950x + 6900 xt and 64 gigs of ram :D
<riteo> oh wow
<riteo> a smol beast
<midfavila> >mfw my ultra-tower is cucked by a SFF
<midfavila> this injustice will not stand
<midfavila> time to invest in 1.5tb of RAM
<riteo> yes
<kqz> ahaha
<midfavila> crypto based on RAM when
<riteo> and use it as the main storage
<riteo> hyper fast ssd
<midfavila> i mean, at that point, I would have more RAM than SSD space
<riteo> yes
<riteo> just remember to keep it powered and everything will be fine
<midfavila> now I can finally play crysis in HD!!!
<riteo> CRAZY
<riteo> now I want 1.5 TB of ram too
<riteo> me and the boys depleting the ram market of all its supplies
<midfavila> mid in here single-handedly causing another silicon shortage
<midfavila> get dabbed on, third-world manufacturing plants.
<riteo> we do a little trolling
<acheam> kiedtl: thanks!
<acheam> little reminder to do the group reg
<riteo> oh kiedtl that's very cool!
<riteo> I really like that interface and the fact that it works well even without javascript
<kiedtl> riteo: yeah, and extra points for working in netsurf!
<midfavila> netsurf is comfy
<midfavila> sucks that it's kind of clunky-feeling.
<kiedtl> acheam: thanks, I sent the email yesterday, am waiting for a reply :)
<kiedtl> yeah, netsurf's UI is... primitive
<midfavila> the bigger problem isn't that it's primitive
<midfavila> it's that the actual rendering window does whatever the hell it wants
<midfavila> like, it doesn't interact with the clipboard properly, for example
<midfavila> and there's the weird scroll-by-dragging-the-cursor
<kiedtl> yup, that too
<kiedtl> NetSurf's CSS support isn't complete, but that'll get better in time
<testuser[m]> what group reg
<june> not much what's group reg with you?
<midfavila> oh damn
<midfavila> get destroyed
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<kiedtl> testuser[m]: "project registration" in libera.chat speak
<kiedtl> see https://libera.chat/chanreg, section "Project registration"
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<testuser[m]> oh
<acheam> kiedtl: thanks a ton! you keep this channel running like a well oiled machine
<kiedtl> thanks :)
<kiedtl> acheam: btw, did you stop updating the sotd?
<acheam> yeah
<acheam> I do it on occadion
<acheam> but not daily
<kiedtl> ah, i see
ChanServ changed the topic of #kisslinux to: KISS Linux | https://k1sslinux.org | "the meme has gone too far" | logs: https://gemini.ctrl-c.club/~phoebos/logs/ | song of the day: https://inv.skyn3t.in/lhVoP9CrlEU | word of the day: "ChanServ"
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<midfavila-laptop> goodbye, me
mmatongo has joined #kisslinux
<mmatongo> hello cool people
<omanom> hi!
<mmatongo> how are you
<omanom> decided to torture myself by trying to get wayland working on my laptop
<mmatongo> hows that going
<omanom> much torture, very fun
<omanom> how about you?
<mmatongo> I just spent 4 days using macOS
<omanom> you're not going to ditch us now, are you...?
<mmatongo> no no, I just wanted to get familiar with it in case I have to use it for anything.
<midfavila-laptop> tl;dr it's like linux but shit
<midfavila-laptop> open a terminal and you'll be fine.
<mmatongo> so much shit
<mmatongo> I only felt safe with the terminal on
<mmatongo> open
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<june> excuse you, it's like FreeBSD but shit
<june> get it right at least
<mmatongo> how similar are they, I know apple uses darwin over linux
<kiedtl> mmatongo: darwin contains a lot of code from freebsd
<june> almost all the command line tools in macOS are from FreeBSD
<kiedtl> I think the entire networking stack was lifted off of freebsd
<mmatongo> geez
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<mmatongo> I need to try a bsd
<mmatongo> Odd though, is it good as a daily driver?
<june> OpenBSD <3
<mmatongo> j\une has spoken
<mmatongo> *june
<kiedtl> ensure that it supports your hardware and wifi card first
<mmatongo> Wait what
<midfavila-laptop> june freebsd is already shit
* midfavila-laptop dabs
<mmatongo> isn't that built into the kernel
<kiedtl> mmatongo: freebsd can't support every hardware item in existance
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<kiedtl> gotta make sure the drivers are there
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<mmatongo> midfavila-laptop: you hearing this shit
<acheam> yeah hardware support, especially on laptops, is slim compared to linux
<midfavila-laptop> hardware support is slim compared to linux*
<mmatongo> What even does that mean, who doesnt own a laptop
<acheam> gaymerz
<midfavila-laptop> anyone who needs to get actual work done, beyond typing documents
<acheam> just dont expect good nvidia or high speed wireless suppory
<mmatongo> june, it's a no from me.
<kiedtl> ..did you check if they have drivers for your hardware?
<kiedtl> You don't need to say 'no' just because their hardware support is slim, it won't matter if they have your drivers
<acheam> well if AC wireless for example, Is a requirement (it is for me) then that can be an auto no without needing to check suppory
<acheam> among other things
<mmatongo> I feel like I shouldn't have to research my hardware
<midfavila-laptop> then go use windows
<midfavila-laptop> or buy a mac
<kiedtl> ^^
<kiedtl> it's not like you never have to do that with linux
<midfavila-laptop> "not having to research your hardware" didn't become normal until like windows vista/7
<midfavila-laptop> if you think having to know the chipset of your wireless card is bad, wait until you have to fuck around with IRQs
<midfavila-laptop> kids these days, kiedtl
<midfavila-laptop> smh
<mmatongo> I'm good mid
<midfavila-laptop> back in *my* day, you had to make sure your *monitor* supported your video card
<mmatongo> My laptop came with linux preinstalled
<kiedtl> o_O is that the pinebook?
<mmatongo> no
<mmatongo> wait, are we doing sarcasm?
<mmatongo> Ya'll gotta warn me
<june> OpenBSD runs well on approximately the same machines that Linux runs well on. thinkpads, macbooks, dell xps (I think)
<noocsharp> the apostrophe comes before the a btw
<noocsharp> "you all" => "y'all"
<midfavila-laptop> hot take
<mmatongo> ahhhh I see, thanks
<midfavila-laptop> if your OS doesn't support common desktop hardware, 'tis a toy OS
<june> I think there are better things to care about in an OS than support for some crummy hardware
<mmatongo> Are you calling BSD a toy Os
<noocsharp> hot take: if your hardware doesn't support your OS, it's toy hardware
<testuser[m]> install gentoo
<june> noocsharp++|
<midfavila-laptop> considering the last time I installed BSD on real hardware, it lacked support for my mouse, I didn't leave with a very good impression.
<noocsharp> sounds like a pretty bad mouse
<noocsharp> :P
<midfavila-laptop> just an older kensington trackball.
<june> really must be a shitty mouse. USB HID is pretty universal
<midfavila-laptop> it was PS/2.
<midfavila-laptop> don't @ me.
<noocsharp> then it really must be shitty, because i can't imagine bsd doesn't have ps2 support
* midfavila-laptop shrugs
<midfavila-laptop> Mouse works just fine everywhere else.
<midfavila-laptop> DOS through win10, linux since pre-2.6, and MacOS.
<june> really though complaining that your hardware isn't supported by an OS is backwards. you bought the wrong hardware.
<V> That's a very narrow way of looking at it
<mmatongo> Why am I buying specific hardware for a single OS
<midfavila-laptop> my hardware works just fine everywhere *but* the BSDs.
<kiedtl> ^^
<june> it's like complaining that the couch you bought doesn't fit in your apartment
<V> your apartment is the hardware, the couch is the software :)
<omanom> it's the chicken and egg question -- did you buy the hardware to fit the OS or did you choose the OS based on your hardware
<V> it's comfy to sit on
<midfavila-laptop> I was gonna say, if the apartment doesn't fit my couch, it's a shitty apartment.
<kiedtl> lolol
<midfavila-laptop> the failing of the apartment has no bearing on my couch.
<june> right, that's the attitude
<V> Mostly it doesn't make much sense to complain about one thing not supporting another thing if one wasn't intended to support the other, or if another is a item
<V> Which depends on context, etc
<V> I'm a little surprised at BSDs not supporting that trackball though
<midfavila-laptop> i was kind of surprised too. it's not like it's exotic hardware
<midfavila-laptop> kensington 64215 serial/PS/2, four buttons.
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<noocsharp> you plug it into the keyboard ps/2 port accidentally? lmao
<midfavila-laptop> = w=
<acheam> june: dell xps isnt as good as think pad but its pretty good
<midfavila-laptop> eh
<midfavila-laptop> ngl I prefer the latitudes over the XPSes
<acheam> I had to swap out my WiFi card to get it to run on dragonfly bsd
<midfavila-laptop> the XPS feels more prosumer than business
<acheam> nerditup has a page on 9360, which is what I have
<acheam> midfavila-laptop: that's because it is
<acheam> lol
<midfavila-laptop> look, what do you expect from me
<midfavila-laptop> up to date knowledge on consumer hardware?
<midfavila-laptop> please
<acheam> yes.
<acheam> be a conzooomer
<midfavila-laptop> everything I own is obsolete, military, or industrial
<acheam> wait you own things?
<midfavila-laptop> like two things
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<acheam> sounds like consumerism to me
<acheam> let's get those numbers down
<midfavila-laptop> fuck you're right
<lastchansen> :P
<midfavila-laptop> ...oh boy, kernel panic with "processor context corrupt"
<midfavila-laptop> today just keeps getting more and more exciting
<june> must be that toy OS you're running!
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<midfavila-laptop> nope, just fucking with kernel parameters.
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<jslick> I remember looking at XPS a while ago, but didn't buy bc it had soldered ram
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<acheam> yeah
<acheam> could you have slapped that sense into me when I bought it?
<midfavila> amd chads, I kneel. apparently intel chips being whiny is a known phenomenon
<acheam> well you already have lots of experience with whining
<midfavila> uwu
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<noocsharp> goteem
<GalaxyNova> amd cpus come with the best coolers
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<lastchansen> midfavila: so you're learning towards my intel whine theory? I think there is a fix for that on linux
<lastchansen> leaning
<midfavila> oh, not leaning
<midfavila> that was it
<midfavila> and i already fixed it
<lastchansen> :D
<lastchansen> cool!
<lastchansen> how?
<midfavila> disable frequency scaling.
<midfavila> and then lock the C state to 1. still unsure of the long-term effects of that.
<lastchansen> is that a bios setting?
<midfavila> freq. scaling was BIOS
<midfavila> the C state forcing is a kernel param
<lastchansen> yeah, okay :)
<midfavila> intel_idle.max_cstate=1
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<dilyn> imagine owning intel silicon
<midfavila> nobully
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<jaafarrc> Long time no see, guys.
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<dilyn> cmake is such overkill for libxml. wtf gnome
<acheam> baby me used cmake for a single file program
<acheam> it had 2 cmakelists
<acheam> I was rather inexperienced just a few months ago
<dilyn> :<
<midfavila> but now acheam is a big boy who don't need no cmake
<dilyn> uSe MeSoN
<acheam> I use POSIX make now because I'm a big boy
<acheam> but bmake make kind of sucks ngl
<acheam> much less powerful than gmake
<dilyn> 30s build time with ./configure && make; 44s build time with cmake. fuck
<acheam> take that
<noocsharp> for libxml?
<dilyn> and that's *assuming* the user already had cmake installed.
<dilyn> yeah
<acheam> no
<dilyn> 36s with ninja tho
<dilyn> :V :V :V :V :V
<acheam> you have to factor in cmake compile time
<dilyn> yeah it's gonna take 2 days to update libxml2 basically
<acheam> yes.
<acheam> correct.
<acheam> there's a reason people say XML is shit
<dilyn> it would be more okay if it had a dependency that required cmake. but it don't.
<noocsharp> i don't even have it installed anymore
<noocsharp> don't remember what i used that it was a dependency of
<riteo> xml has been overused in many many ways
<noocsharp> the better question is how does an xml parser take 30 seconds to compile at all?
<midfavila> i remember being extremely upset when I learned that SAML is a thing.
<riteo> what's SAML?
<midfavila> "yeah, uh, XML? let's use it to authenticate people."
<midfavila> "good idea."
<midfavila> that's SAML.
<riteo> oh god
<riteo> IMO it doesn't do its job that well either
<midfavila> the only time I actually like XML is when it's used for game modding
<riteo> Do you want something really fast? Binary format
<riteo> do you want something human readable? JSON or even YAML if you're into that mess
<riteo> xml is like right in between, having the worse of both worse
<riteo> worlds*
<midfavila> use scheme. smh.
<noocsharp> s expressions
<riteo> noocsharp yeah sorry, I couldn't think fast one that wouldn't change everything tooo
<riteo> s/tooo/too/
<midfavila> s/too/two/
<noocsharp> s/two/toe/
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<claudia> But you need cmake anywas for so much stuff
<dilyn> do you even need it when you go from fresh install to `kiss b qt5-webengine`?
<dilyn> we need a nice dependency tree grapher for an arbitrary package
<dilyn> it is nonobvious to me that cmake would appear at any point building any of the packages that require libxml2 :X
<dilyn> if it DID, I'd be more okay with it
<omanom> you'd have to make sure the depends files are accurate
<omanom> unless you mean a different way of identifying dependencies
<dilyn> most of our depends files are 100% accurate
<dilyn> the few that aren't are missing small make deps like linux-headers & pkgconf
<omanom> which wouldn't really be the ones you'd be interested in seeing anyways
<dilyn> yeah terminal nodes are the most borings features of this sort of graph
<omanom> lol that reminds me i was looking at the Ropes data structure a bit ago: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rope_(data_structure)
<dilyn> that's cute...
<omanom> the splitting of the graph i just can /not/ wrap my head around how to do it
<dilyn> graphs are fun
<dilyn> lolg /shrug
<honeyedbee> What'm I doing wrong? Everytime I run make on my kernel config it throws an error about objtool...
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<omanom> Can you post the full log to something like ix.io so we can see the error?
<honeyedbee> Yeah, One second.
<omanom> nim's thoughts on dependency tracking: https://github.com/nim-lang/nimble/issues/890
<omanom> this has a lot of funny symbols that might be helpful, i dunno: https://research.swtch.com/version-sat
<ang> just deleted a statusbar script I've been working on for a couple hours, big oof
<ang> fortunately I would recover it from /proc/<pid>/fd
<ang> could*
<honeyedbee> https://termbin.com/mhqz - I think this is the whole thing.
<ang> how would one do that on obsd I wonder
<omanom> honeyedbee take a look here: https://k1sslinux.org/news/20210507a
<honeyedbee> Ah. I came from arch, you'd think I'd know to check the dang news feed!
<omanom> no worries, it's tripped up a bunch of us :)
<honeyedbee> Thanks. I appreciate the help.
<omanom> sure, welcome btw!
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<dilyn> of course recursive dependency resolution is NP complete. why tf wouldn't it be
<dilyn> this is why we are a simple distro with <<1k packages :v
<midfavila> did I hear someone say "let's rewrite kiss in scheme"?
<honeyedbee> Thanks for the welcome too! I've been lurking. But a lot of stuff tends to go over my head, so I just hang around in case the smart rubs off.
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<claudia> dilyn: I agree that using cmake is overkill. But you would need it anyways to build webkit2gtk, firefox, falkon or chromium.
<claudia> So its in your basic tooling anyway.
<dilyn> uuuhhmmmm
<claudia> So I view it not to use libxml directly but I need it to build other stuff.
<dilyn> you certainly do need cmake to build other things, but... hm
<dilyn> chromium doesn't require cmake btw. or at least, it shouldn't, afaik
<claudia> I apreciate your idealism and I think its right
<riteo> solution: don't use XML :P
<dilyn> the biggest downfall of wayfire is that it requires xml >=|
<dilyn> would prefer yaml ffs
<noocsharp> wayland itself requires xml
<claudia> chromium -> libjpeg-turbo
<dilyn> hng
<dilyn> right.
<claudia> we are cursed
<dilyn> gooooooddddddd
<riteo> IMO yaml is a mess too
<riteo> better than XML, but it has way too many ways of doing the same thing
<dilyn> just parse plaintext amirite
<riteo> JSON hits the sweet spot imo
<riteo> it's very very simple and extremely readable
<noocsharp> i don't know why more people dont use s-expressions
<claudia> But hosting a makefile in the repo is messy. And hosting it somewhere only for this one seems also overkilled.
<noocsharp> its like the most flexible thing there is, and its simple
<riteo> noocsharp, oh, you weren't talking about sed expressions? Now I'm feeling stupid, sorry for ignoring you
<riteo> I've never heard of them
<noocsharp> lisp programs are s expressions
<riteo> oh
<riteo> wouldn't that make it all turing complete and very complex to parse?
<riteo> or is there some other condition?
<carlosdavidepto> sexps are not turing complete by default
<riteo> I'm reading it on wikipedia but still can't get what's different from normal lips code, since there's ifs and whatnot
<carlosdavidepto> they're a data serialization format
<riteo> s/lips/lisp/
<carlosdavidepto> one way to think of it is this
<carlosdavidepto> a lisp program is just a list
<carlosdavidepto> in fact a list of lists of lists of...
<noocsharp> here's an example of not code in an s-expr: https://nihaljere.xyz/words/djvu_outlines.html
<carlosdavidepto> but that just so happens to have a special property: when fed to the correct interpreter, it will execute as a program, if valid
<riteo> oh, I see
<carlosdavidepto> the fact that (f x y) means apply f to x,y is just a notational convenience
<riteo> oh, so it's the raw structure that defines an s expression?
<carlosdavidepto> the lisp interpreter first sees the list f,x,y
<carlosdavidepto> correct. without an evaluation engine, it's just data
<riteo> btw noocsharp thanks a lot for the example file, it's helping a lot too
<riteo> I see
<carlosdavidepto> like json, but with less restrictions
<riteo> oh, cool!
<noocsharp> and really simple to parse
<riteo> well, that's because json has the concept of objects *and* lists
<GalaxyNova> is wayland bloat?
<riteo> now you convinced me, that sounds actually cool
<riteo> I might look into that
<noocsharp> GalaxyNova: without a doubt
<noocsharp> sane people use the framebuffer
<noocsharp> i wonder what wayland protocols written as s-exprs would look like...
<omanom> be the change you wish to see in the world...
<riteo> just pipe your program into the whole framebuffer, nobody needs more than one graphical program open smh
<riteo> are there any network protocols use s-expr?
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<riteo> s/use/that use/
<omanom> can you do schema validation on s-expr like you can do with XML?
<dilyn> claudia: I don't think hosting our own dist tarball is messy
<dilyn> we could also theoretically generate them once and include them in files/
<noocsharp> i mean s-exprs are just lists of data, so you can do whatever you want on them
<carlosdavidepto> sexps would be awesome for rpc
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<riteo_> test
<riteo_> nice
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<riteo> brb
riteo has quit [Quit: epic device switch moment]
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<riteo> here I am
<carlosdavidepto> omanom it really butchers the thing to have to type annotate arrays because the rpc implementations are in c
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<omanom> honestly it was the first result when searching "s-expr rpc", i didn't get much further than laughing at the name