ChanServ changed the topic of #kisslinux to: KISS Linux | | "the meme has gone too far" | logs: | song of the day: | word of the day: "ChanServ"
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<riteo> well, I'll go for now
<riteo> bye!
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<midfavila> have you considered loving lain today, #kisslinux
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<testuser[m]> Hi
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<noocsharp> im not sure whether you mean the anchor or the guy who buys the fucking garbage-ass shit that doesn't work
<noocsharp> or both simultaneously
<dilyn> every person in this video is all of us at once
<dilyn> it's roughly a synopsis of how my girlfriend describes what I do
<dilyn> today she said to me "you know, some people just pull up zoom and start there meetings" after I did a five minute mic, sound, and video check for my interview
<necromansy> me using a separate laptop just for zoom coz fuck flatpak
<noocsharp> as a teacher once told me: technology will fail you at the most inopportune time
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<dilyn> :v
<noocsharp> better to be prepared than one of the fools who falls victim to the failures of technology
<noocsharp> i say as my virtual keyboard consistently segfaults
<dilyn> gotta love it
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<m3g> midfavila: fvwm3-git does an oops?
<dilyn> are you sure the url is right
<dilyn> sometimes pages don't do some kind of error redirect or anything and the file you get just reads 'error' or 'redirecting to bla' :|
<m3g> hmm
<GalaxyNova> is it possible to use kiss on a architecture other than amd64?
<dilyn> sure
<dilyn> you can do it yourself if you have a cross compiler, and some other people have setup repositories for other architectures (arm being a big one)
<dilyn> glasnost linux aims to support a variety of architectures and is a fork of KISS; uses llvm tho
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<jedavies> I added initial riscv64 support recently, now I just need some real hardware to test on.
<cem> Good job jedavies!
<cem> I wish I had some riscv hard
<cem> s/hard/hardware
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<testuser[m]_> what grep implementations exist other than busy/toybox and gnu ?
<cem> testuser[m]_: sbase?
<cem> One can also port openbsd's grep
<cem> Really depends on why you are looking for a different implementation
<cem> There is also ripgrep which is rust that excels on fast recursive searching
<testuser[m]_> thanks
<cem> sure thing
<testuser[m]_> i saw gnugrep was like 10x faster than busybox's for package installation, so wanted to compare others too
<cem> Yeah, I think GNU grep is the fastest of what's available.
<guest8722> Does somebody know anything about lld in community repos? There seems to be a function signature mismatch in the sourcecode.
<testuser[m]_> its not been bumped to 12.0.0
<testuser[m]_> you can use the one here
<guest8722> Thank you, I will try this one
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<soliwilos> There's ugrep.
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<midfavila> m3g fvwm3-git builds for me
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<riteo> hii!
<testuser[m]_> hi riy
<testuser[m]_> riteo:
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<zenomat> Hey
<acheam> hiya
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<paniash> hi everyone!
<testuser[m]_> hi paniash
<paniash> mcpcpc: I've seen you on r/unixporn! hey there
<paniash> testuser[m]_: Hi! How are you today?
<testuser[m]_> nice
<testuser[m]_> you?
<paniash> just wondering, what happened to dylan? His github profile has been inactive for a while
<paniash> testuser[m]_: I'm good. thanks :-)
<paniash> ah, thanks!
<paniash> is dilyn and dylan the same person?
<midfavila> paniash tl;dr dylan burnt himself out and then Houdini'd himself the fuck out
<midfavila> and no, dilyn is different
<midfavila> he's the beta timeline dylan
<midfavila> but we still love him
<paniash> midfavila: hehe
<paniash> that's good to hear
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<dilyn> I would like to be the sigma Dylan pls
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<midfavila> sorry, too late.
<dilyn> :(
<dilyn> that's a new one
<paniash> dilyn: Hi! nice to meet you. :-)
<testuser[m]_> that link is not loading
<testuser[m]_> oh it did
<testuser[m]_> dilyn: are you patching something ?
<testuser[m]_> i use cppcheck for syntax errors
<dilyn> halo paniash
<dilyn> it's just a new release of fcft
<dilyn> i use clangd, which ofc reports an identical error
<dilyn> i've just never seen this before
<dilyn> i... assume this is a header file issue, and I don't like it :X
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<dilyn> hm. regular builds work fine. PGO builds do not.
<testuser[m]_> btw dilyn is meson pgo different than just adding -fprofile-generate to cflags
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<mmatongo> I got bored a few months ago and made that.
<dilyn> not... substantially... afaik
<mmatongo> wot
<dilyn> that was at testuser sry
<dilyn> basically telling meson to do it makes packaging PGO things "simpler"/"easier"
<dilyn> aw look you packaged php ;v
<mmatongo> hehe yeah
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<midfavila> Any of you guys know of a good office chair that doesn't cost a billion dollars?
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<kqz> i just bought an ikea markus, pretty good "budget" chair
<midfavila> hmm. Looks alright, I suppose. I've been thinking of replacing my armchair recently
<midfavila> As comfy as it is, it's too easy to slouch in it.
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<dilyn> i don't think you're going to find a 'good office chair' for under $600 :|
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<midfavila> probably. still, I can hope.
<midfavila> worst comes to pass I'll just have to be more mindful of the way I'm seated.
<midfavila> Maybe attach wheels to my usual chair this summer... *what could possibly go wrong*.
* acheam sits up
<dilyn> XD
<midfavila> lmao
<midfavila> ...oh shit, STLWRT reworks the file picker. Based, TheSquash.
<ang> midfavila: wasn't it you who considered sitting on the floor?
<midfavila> I don't think so.
<ang> oh ok, I just remember someone mentioning the idea in this channel
<dilyn> that's some chaotic neutral shit
<midfavila> as the channel's chaotic evil, I have an obligation to only sit in tall wing-back armchairs
<midfavila> it's part of the motif. or something.
<acheam> can't get good ergonomics with a computer while sitting on the floor
<dilyn> unless...
<acheam> I dont remember chairs being part of motif, and I read the manual pretty well
<acheam> is this some compile time feature?
* midfavila brandishes a rolled-up copy of 2600 magazine
<ang> depends on the table height, acheam
<acheam> oh I assumed no chair and table
<midfavila> My primary concern is back support
* acheam realizes he slouched over already
<ang> get one of those gymnastic balls
* midfavila whaps acheam
<midfavila> Back straight, feet planted firmly on the floor. >:c
<midfavila> next time it's the yardstick
<ang> it's kind of a meme but I moved to the floor
<ang> it's not too bad tbh
<ang> second best thing is a gymnastic ball tho
<midfavila> I don't mind sitting on the ground if I can find a nice tree to curl up under for a few hours.
<acheam> phoebos: have you considered upstreaming the make file target changes in catgirl
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<dilyn> thanks, google devs
<dilyn> llvm main compiler for the kernel wheeeeeeeennnn :v
<testuser[m]_> wonder when gnu is gonna catch uo
<testuser[m]_> up
<dilyn> is something like cfi 'in-scope' for gcc?
<kiedtl> cfi looks like massive overkill for normies like us
<kiedtl> but I get why you'd use it in a high-risk env
<kiedtl> or just any old server, lol
<dilyn> yeah google has been using it on android devices for years
<dilyn> and that's basically... it for gcc, as far as i can gather. just some intel cet
<dilyn> there's a paper about it... hm
<kiedtl> well on the other hand you can't expect your typical android user to know what's safe to run :^))
<dilyn> it's nie impossible considering how many apps there are
<kiedtl> Obviously the solution is to not use Android, but to instead work with a niche OS like PostmarketOS which no malware author in their right mind would dream of writing malware for
<midfavila> testuser[m]_ are you a LWN subscriber? if so, do you think it's worth it?
<testuser[m]_> no i got that links from elsewhere
<midfavila> Aaah, gotcha.
<jedavies> dilyn: compiling the kernel with LLVM=1 and LLVM_IAS=1 should work already on x86_64?
<kqz> yes, since 5.11 i believe
<midfavila> ...oh, god fucking damnit...... somehow I lost track of my bash bunny.
* midfavila groans
<dilyn> it does, yes
<dilyn> i mean supplanting gcc as the 'de facto' compiler
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<midfavila> prrrrrrobably not for, uh
<midfavila> quite a long, long time
<midfavila> :v
<acheam> midfavila: bash bunny?
<midfavila> it's a type of "bad USB"
<midfavila> basically, it's a little ARM machine running Debian that can emulate different types of USB devices, and can run programs automatically when plugged into a machine
<midfavila> so an example that's actually kind of practical would be automating a KISS install.
<midfavila> ...of course, you could also be boring and just use it as a regular USB drive.
<GalaxyNova> kernels above 5.10 don't compile on KISS
<GalaxyNova> for some reason
* midfavila laughs in 5.11.11
<midfavila> there was a blog post about that
<midfavila> apparently it's an issue with ifdefs?
<GalaxyNova> is there a workaround?
<midfavila> see the aforementioned blogpost on the site
<dilyn> check
<midfavila> i think it's been linked here before a few times
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