ChanServ changed the topic of #kisslinux to: KISS Linux | | "the meme has gone too far" | logs: | song of the day: | word of the day: "ChanServ"
<acheam> zr: dilyn is back
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<riteo> cem: that's some pretty strong zoomerism lmao
<cem> Yeah, I regretted sending that immediately
<riteo> I was actually about talking about hating yourself
<cem> lmao
<cem> I was listening to songs I used to listen back on high school
<cem> That's probably why I said that
<cem> flashbacks
<riteo> amazing
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<acheam> which posix standard should I comply to?
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<riteo_> gtg to sleep, gn!
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<noocsharp> acheam: in what context?
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<noocsharp> also what are you doing that it would matter?
<acheam> noocsharp: uh what is this about?
<noocsharp> "which posix standard should I comply to?"
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<noocsharp> you asked which posix standard to use
<acheam> oh right
<acheam> just for my personal programs
<acheam> that require POSIXy things that aren't in c99
<acheam> such as popen
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<testuser[m]_> hi
<acheam> hey testuser[m]_
<acheam> done with school?
<testuser[m]_> Sunday
<testuser[m]_> online schlol is like 2-3 hrs so ive practically been on vacation since like a year
<acheam> by done with school I meant for the year, not for the day
<testuser[m]_> no
<acheam> i'm not *that* out of touch with reality
<testuser[m]_> 2 years
<testuser[m]_> soon
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<midfavila> i'm not done with class myself for another three weeks or so...
<midfavila> college fucking sucks.
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<testuser[m]_> \hug
<midfavila-laptop> man, you know what would be awesome
<midfavila-laptop> a proper CHM viewer for linux
<testuser[m]_> whats CHM
<midfavila-laptop> it's microsoft's last-gen help file format
<midfavila-laptop> Compiled HTML
<midfavila-laptop> it was reveng'd decades ago, but it's super cool, I think
<midfavila-laptop> especially for, say, e-books.
<midfavila-laptop> you might even be able to get away with expanding manpages for use as CHMs. I 'unno.
<midfavila-laptop> acheam sotd suggestion
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<riteo> hiii!
<midfavila> hello, riteo
<testuser[m]_> hi
<acheam> hi riteo , good to see you
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<midfavila> behold
<midfavila> the latest in my crimes against computer programming
<acheam> > he doesn't put spaces between for/if and paren
<midfavila> that's right
<midfavila> what're you gonna do about it
<midfavila> huh?
<acheam> or after //
<acheam> this is kill
<midfavila> cursed program
<acheam> or around equal signs!!!
<acheam> okay mid
<acheam> so you see that button
<acheam> at the bottom of the keyboard
<acheam> the long one?
<midfavila> nope
<acheam> well look harder
<midfavila> i'm looking real hard
<midfavila> you mean like
<midfavila> the big small-tab button?
<acheam> yes!
<acheam> click that!
<midfavila> no, it's obsolete
<midfavila> thought-leader says that tabs good, small-tabs bad
<acheam> if it was obsolete why'd they make it so big
<acheam> -- the caps lock key
<midfavila> something something typewriters
<midfavila> whoa hey
<acheam> im all for tab indentation
<midfavila> back off me man
<midfavila> back off
<midfavila> the caps lock serves a valuable function
<acheam> OH DOES IT??
<midfavila> no
<midfavila> >:c
<midfavila> you'll all see
<midfavila> one of these days my amazing C style will take off
<midfavila> and you'll look like a buncha normies, using *spaces* and *indentation* and *braces*
<acheam> unrelated but CGI is the shit
<midfavila> CGI is very cool, yes
<acheam> i'm a static page convert
<midfavila> i need to tinker with it, I want to add a simple photo gallery to my site
<acheam> have converted 3 of my web things into CGI from static
<midfavila> well, photo gallery is probably an overstatement. literally just "for each file in files/photos/* display thumbnail with link to original"
<acheam> oh that shouldn't be hard
<acheam> you could do that with a shell script
<riteo> yeah, mid's C style is a bit weird
<midfavila> yeah, it would be super easy in shell
<riteo> but I like it, somehow
<midfavila> all of the SDF pages are generated with ksh and awk
<midfavila> thanks riteo~ <3
<acheam> midfavila: I present to you the holy grails:
<midfavila> okay, so
<midfavila> unironically
<midfavila> if you use literal tabs in your programs,
<midfavila> you're a bad person
<riteo> I do though
<riteo> I mean, why shouldn't you?
<midfavila> but you're not as bad of a person as the type who mixes literal tabs and spaces
<midfavila> because tabs don't have fixed width across different editors riteo
<riteo> oh god that's just *evil*
<riteo> so?
<riteo> that looks like a pro to me
<riteo> I mean, you're not drawing ASCII art, you're writing code
<midfavila> so if you write your program with tab-indent in a zoomer editor
<midfavila> and I try to edit it in like
<midfavila> vi
<midfavila> it's gonna be all over the damn place
<midfavila> doubly so if you mix tabs and spaces
<riteo> then just resize tab to be 4 wide
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<midfavila> not always possible
<midfavila> how about you just set your tab to insert four spaces?
<riteo> because that's just stupid
<riteo> also, not always possible
<acheam> or just use tabs and give the power to the user to decide how they want to display it
<riteo> exactly
<midfavila> noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
<midfavila> you can't just write your documents the way you want to
<riteo> it's too late mid, two people are against your argument, you lost
<midfavila> fuck
<testuser[m]_> yes
<midfavila> i do want to develop my own style later on, though
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<riteo> yeah it'd be really the cherry on top IMO
<ang> make that three, spaces FUCKING SUCK
<jslick> just alternate, best of both worlds. project A uses tabs, project B uses spaces
<midfavila> the concept of functional programming is interesting
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<midfavila> jslick I'll kill you I swear to god
<midfavila> never say that again
<midfavila> >:C
<jslick> what is wrong with that?
<ang> alternate by line, even cooler
<midfavila> this is a holier crusade than vi vs emacs
<midfavila> no
<midfavila> fucking
<midfavila> mercy
<acheam> I do have a repo where some of my files are 2 space indent, some are 4 space indent, and some are tab indent
<midfavila> you know who else uses tabs, acheam?
<midfavila> drunkards
<midfavila> are you a drunkard?
<acheam> I present to you the greaest, most standard repo of them all:
<acheam> midfavila: yes.
<midfavila> at least you're honest
<midfavila> uwu
<riteo> oh my god acheam why did you do this
<acheam> uhh lots of editor/config hopping
<acheam> i will go through right now and standardize it
<riteo> will you do it by hand?
<midfavila> i went through all my shell scripts a while back and did that
<acheam> no
<acheam> ==
<riteo> I'm curious, how will you fix it? Sed?
<acheam> open them in emacs, and use the automatic indentation command
<riteo> oh cool
<acheam> because I use evil mode, its mapped to ==
<acheam> its in vim too
<midfavila> why not just like
<midfavila> sed s/ */[tab]/g
<noocsharp> mid: i suggest that you don't use bool as a variable name generally because it becomes a type as soon as you #include <stdbool.h>
<midfavila> noocsharp yeah, I know it's not the best name
<jslick> or just :retab!
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<midfavila> but I haven't worked with booleans themselves yet
<midfavila> and I'm trying to stick to what K&R has introduced so far
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<midfavila> so I figured it didn't matter.
<noocsharp> ah ok
<midfavila> one thing I really need to work on is drafting an idea instead of just diving right into my text editor
<midfavila> any program/script I've ever written that was actually presentable was planned out, first
<june> bool didn't exist in ANSI C :)
<midfavila> oh, well, there you go
<midfavila> there's another reason for it to not be much of a problem, haha
<riteo> midfavilla: yeah, that's a good thing to learn
<riteo> I mean, for small programs it's probably easier to just dive right into it and then at most refactor it later
<riteo> you know, make it work first
<midfavila> you would think so, but I disagree
<midfavila> i spent like five hours tinkering on 1-18's solution without a plan
<june> I mean I think sticking to a standard published 32 years ago is a bit silly
<midfavila> and then spent five minutes writing a solution down, then implementing that solution in maybe half an hour
<acheam> ansi C is just inconvinient
<midfavila> C99 will come later.
<midfavila> i don't intend to write GTK programs in ansi c
<midfavila> that sounds like hell
<riteo> wait, you aren't writing stuff in c99?
<midfavila> no
<midfavila> i'm sticking exclusively to what K&R has introduced
<riteo> is it c89?
<midfavila> so all I can work with is for/while loops, if statements, and put/getchar, as well as printf and basic variables
<midfavila> and yes, c89 is ansi c
<noocsharp> one of these days i'm gonna make a programming language that's literally just c without the bad stuff
<riteo> oh
<riteo> noocsharp: Have you looked at crowbar?
<acheam> if you're working with for/while loops then c89 is the most inconvinient
<midfavila> one thing that really struck me as irksome is the dismissal they had towards = and ==
<acheam> because you cant declare the counter variable
<acheam> within the thing
<midfavila> meh
<midfavila> i can see why that would be convenient, but working with convenient tools is a poor method of learning the fundaments, I think
<june> I find C89's requirement that variables are declared at the top of a function make it hard to read
<midfavila> hmm.
<midfavila> i haven't found C89 difficult to read.
<midfavila> ...then again, you've probably seen my shell scripts.
<june> when the code starts using a new variable and the declaration is already off the top of your screen and you need to scroll back up to check what type it is
* midfavila shudders
<june> what is the dismissal of = and ==?
<midfavila> they mention that "sometimes novices will use = as an equality check instead of ==. the result is usually valid, so there will be no warning"
<acheam> right
<midfavila> that kind of bugs me about C
<midfavila> it's tripped me up a few times
<june> modern compilers have warnings for that
<midfavila> clearly not
<june> you need to turn them on
<acheam> with -Wall -Wextra gcc/clang will warn about that stuff
<june> using C without -Wall -Wextra is like walking blindfolded
<acheam> ^
<midfavila> okay, well,
<acheam> -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -pedantic
<midfavila> it would have been awesome if someone had told me that before
<midfavila> because I've literally just been "cc foo.c"'ing
<testuser[m]_> -fanalyzer can be usefull too
<acheam> yeah... don't do that
<testuser[m]_> useful
<acheam> I also don't use tcc for development
<acheam> for the nice warnings
<june> echo "CFLAGS += -Wall -Wextra" >Makefile && make foo
<midfavila> there's so much shit that you're expected to know intrinsically when it comes to programming, it feels like
<acheam> testuser[m]_: thanks, will have to play around with that
<midfavila> just tested with -Wall, flags using void for main as an error. that's stupid.
<riteo> wasn't it supposed to be an int?
<midfavila> it's not *supposed* to be anything.
<riteo> that looks like an error to me
<midfavila> it's *suggested* that it be int,
<riteo> how will you return the exit codes then?
<midfavila> exit codes aren't needed in simple programs.
<testuser[m]_> -Wall doesn't imply -Werror do you can ignorw it ?
<june> pretty sure in C89 main is required to be declared int main
<midfavila> well, pretty sure it's not
<midfavila> considering I've been declaring my mains as void since the start.
<riteo> I knew that implicit exit code returning was a """""new""""" thing
<riteo> not something from ansi c
<midfavila> K&R suggests it
<midfavila> so it's not """""new"""""
<riteo> I see
<midfavila> but like,
<june> yeah in C99 you don't need to return a value from main
<midfavila> if my shitty histogram program breaks
<riteo> gtg for a moment
<midfavila> i don't need a return code to tell me that
<june> it's declared int and implicitly returns 0
<midfavila> ew.
<midfavila> i don't like that.
<june> and yet you don't want to return anything from main!
<midfavila> right, I don't. which is why it's declared void.
<midfavila> if *I* was in charge of things, main wouldn't return anything if not explicitly stated.
<midfavila> main() would be equivalent to void main()
<midfavila> not int main()
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<june> well that's just not how it is
<midfavila> doesn't change my opinion on it. = w=
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<june> there is runtime code that calls your main function, and that runtime code needs an exit status to use when your function returns
<midfavila> why does it need an exit code?
<midfavila> more importantly, what changed from 89 to 99 that warranted that?
<midfavila> legit questions
<june> because that's how processes work
<midfavila> ...I mean.
<midfavila> programs run just fine without using return at all.
<testuser[m]_> echo $?
<june> yes and their exit code (in C89) is undefined
<midfavila> so long as nothing is depending on that, who cares?
<june> yeah C89 says there are only two ways to declare main:
<june> int main(void) { /*...*/ }
<june> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /*...*/ }
<riteo> here I am
<midfavila> K&R doesn't say anything of the sort.
<acheam> semi-related question
<june> K&R is not a language specification
<acheam> if I need argv, but not argc, how can I do that without a compiler warning
<midfavila> right, but I'm not implementing a compiler.
<acheam> because if I use argc,argv in the main declaration, I don't use argc
<acheam> do I just cast it to void or something?
<june> (void)argc;
<acheam> hm thanks
<june> is the usual idiom for marking unused parameters
<acheam> oh heres another style question
<acheam> when do I put space between the cast type and the thing to be casted
<acheam> I usually put a space between malloc and (type), but not between (type) and variable
<june> this is similar to where does the * go
<acheam> hmm so always to the right?
<june> (type) is a high-precedence right-to-left associativity operator
<acheam> still, it feels weird to write:
<acheam> (char *)malloc(10)
<acheam> but maybe thats just me
<june> so it's the same as a ! for example. you'd write !foo, so you'd write (int)foo
<june> at least that's the justification. write how you want :)
<acheam> thanks!
<june> the place I make an exception for this, because it's not really the same imo, is in compound literals
<acheam> a what now
<june> (struct Foo) { 1, 2, 3 } looks much nicer than (struct Foo){ 1, 2, 3 }
<acheam> ah yeah
<june> ah actually found a good way to link the relevant section of C89:
<june> C89 is harder to find a good copy of than more recent standards
<acheam> there is quite an irony of linking to http link from
<acheam> same as the logs in our topic lol
<noocsharp> riteo: crowbar looks interesting, but i think i would want something simpler
<midfavila> scheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeme
<midfavila> i mean, or wisp. wisp is even simpler than scheme, at the cost of syntactically significant whitespace
<june> midfavila: you say nothing depends on it, but are you really never going to run your program with && after it? ever? for sure?
<midfavila> yes, june, positive
<midfavila> as it stands my programs are not intended to be scriptable. they are simple enough that if you wanted to script them, you can modify them for your own needs
<riteo> noocsharp I see
<midfavila> when I write programs that *are* intended to be scripted, I will return exit codes, because at such a time they're actually going to be useful
<riteo> noocsharp: maybe I got another "simpler C" kind of project for you. What would you use it for?
<june> you've definitely spent more time typing into IRC about this than it would've taken to replace void with int and add return 0; though
<midfavila> yup, I have. because I don't particularly need my main to return an int.
<midfavila> until such time I do, I will continue to cast main as void.
* midfavila shrugs
<june> and your programs will continue to be incorrect
<june> something to be said about habit development, I think
<midfavila> the compiler seems pretty happy with my programs.
<june> like oh I don't *need* to check if this function call succeeds, this is just a toy program. so you don't develop the habit of error checking
<noocsharp> riteo: i would mostly want to make the language to learn how to build a compiler, and maybe use it for other esoteric projects
<riteo> mhh
<midfavila> june it's a matter of "It's unneeded in this instance."
<riteo> noocsharp do you know that devault is making a system language aimed at that? Maybe you could take a peek at it, altought it hasn't released yet
<june> here's the thing about C compilers: they're pretty much happy to compile a literal turd
<midfavila> cool.
<noocsharp> riteo: ive seen it, looks interesting, but the main reason i would make my own language is to learn how compilers work
<riteo> oh, I see
<riteo> so you want to make more of a toy language?
<midfavila> write a POSIX shell compiler
<noocsharp> probably, maybe if it gets good enough, actually use it for things
<midfavila> maximum cursedness.
<noocsharp> midfavila: i an not that much of a masochist
<midfavila> make a POSIX shell compiler in POSIX shell
<riteo> noocsharp: cool idea
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<cy6x> @testuser, hi again :). I reinstalled gkiss just in case, but this time i took into account everything you told me: "ln -s /etc/sv/seatd /var/service" and "echo -e '#!/bin/sh\n\n/bin/modprobe nvidia-drm modeset=1' > /etc/rc.d/modules.boot". The strange error that appeared last time remains. I want to debug the program, but I still don't understand how to do it. Could you please explain how to do this for
<cy6x> a beginner (with the commands)?
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<testuser[m]_> before building anything with debug symbols, try plain "ulimit -c unlimited" and see if the trace says anything uswful
<testuser[m]_> (ulimit -c unlimited; sway --args)
<cy6x> ok, i'll try
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<cy6x> there is no difference with or without using the command in the output
<cy6x> the output is the same
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<cy6x> hmm
<acheam> ugh writing documentation is the worst, I can see why so many projects just don't do it
<riteo> acheam: just think all the times when you couldn't do something due to missing documentation and how much you/anybody using your program will be frustrated
<riteo> you'll write it in flash
<midfavila> ngl I've always looked forward to writing docs for stuff I write
<midfavila> it's my own little opportunity to gush about what I've done.
<midfavila> now,
<midfavila> writing docs for *other* projects? *that* would be a pain
<midfavila> because then you have to pore over the source code and figure out what everything does.
<riteo> I mean, if you really care for that piece of software why not?
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<midfavila> oh, if you already care for it, then it's whatever. you're used to staring at the source all day and probably know it in and out
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<midfavila> but if you've got a super-complex program that you've never read before, well...
<midfavila> let's just say I don't envy anyone who writes docs for Mesa, LLVM or GCC
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<riteo> I see
<riteo> yeah I agree
<testuser[m]_> cy6x: running ulimit -c unlimited before running the cmd should always show a trace on segfault
<testuser[m]_> is it not-segfaulting now ?
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<acheam> riteo: nah i'm a selfish son of a bitch
<acheam> but I did finish writing all of it
<testuser[m]_> nice
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<cy6x> testuser: , no it shows segmentation fault
<kqz> what version of libglvnd do you have installed, off the top of my heads looks similar to but eglstreams really induces a whole lot of...not goodness
<cy6x> 1.3.3 1
<kqz> ah, that commit should be part of that release, no idea what's causing it then
<cy6x> that's true, i checked. but thanks for the help anyway
<riteo> acheam: nice
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<m3g> can fvwm treat super as modifier?
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<acheam> id be very surprised if it couldnt
<acheam> midfavila:
<zr> m3g: by "super" you mean what's usually the windows key, no? most wms have that
<midfavila> it can't
<midfavila> super is treated as a regular input button
<midfavila> you would have to patch the source, although I imagine it's a relatively easy change.
<kernelc> Has anyone compiled with tiny frontend?
<midfavila> "Tiny"?
<kernelc> yes
<midfavila> i'm asking you to expand on that.
<midfavila> what do you mean by "tiny"?
<midfavila> = w=
<kernelc> AFAIK it was created for use with oasislinux, which has its own build system, so Makefiles and build instructions are missing
<cem> kernelc: My main suggestion would be just asking mcf on IRC, but oasis' build files also show exactly what needs to be compiled and linked together
<cem> It's kind of cryptic for the first time you are looking at oasis' build system, but you get easily used to it
<cem> Though browsers are always complicated stuff :)
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<midfavila> ugh, my ISP-issued modem is so dogshit
<midfavila> i wish I could use my own. this is making setting DDNS up so much more complex than it needs to be
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