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<headius> Good morning!
<byteit101[m]> morning. Got subspawn released last week and moved the jruby PR's forward as a result last weekend. I think they are finally now at or near completion
<enebo[m]> byteit101: I am hoping 9.4 next week and hopefully before mid-next week
<enebo[m]> we have not discussed a date other than before rubyconf but we need things finalized so if we find something significant we can fix it before the conference
<enebo[m]> headius did some simple web perf so I think we are not too bad in that things did not explode
<byteit101[m]> enebo: cool. I've been working with that in mind with this pty.spawn thing, currently two PRs outstanding: (clean) and (depends on the first PR)
<byteit101[m]> I'm now waiting for feedback on the former, then I'll fix up the latter within a day
<byteit101[m]> (that desire for something not significant is also why I only changed pty.spawn)
<enebo[m]> cool. I have not been following this but I will also look at them
<headius> I'll have a look into that stuff today
<byteit101[m]> awesome. TLDR: new builtin gem (subspawn) + native lib loader - pty.rb = new PTY impl
<headius> I will try to finish up a couple more of these outstanding features as well
<byteit101[m]> Sweet!
<byteit101[m]> make sure you look at #7446 first, as it's changes are in 7393 too as the latter depends on #7446
<enebo[m]> Most of that is being really picky about style rules just to match up better with the rest of our source
<enebo[m]> You have committed enough where I will be more picky about style
<enebo[m]> I had one substantive question about how you knew you could split on \. in that URL but I did not spend much time. If that is guaranteed then it is likely fine (or you can add a comment)
<byteit101[m]> hmm, I suppose you could make "filedll" or "fileso" or such, but that sounds very weird. I'll guard it though
<enebo[m]> kares: We got another issue comment on the openssl 0.14 security thing. In re-reading the issue I got a little confused. I think 0.14.1pre had an issue and it was never actually released and 0.14 never had the security problem. Is that correct?
<enebo[m]> byteit101: yeah if it is not possible for that to be entered incorrectly then you don't need to worry otherwise it will throw
<enebo[m]> if it gets wrong input
<byteit101[m]> this is coming from what users pass to ffi_lib
<byteit101[m]> so bad input is expected
<enebo[m]> So they could make a typo and we would crash...yeah be a little better on parsing that then
<byteit101[m]> this method is called repatedly with a bunch of attempts at a path
<byteit101[m]> I think ffi.rb catches lots of exceptions though
<enebo[m]> You are really just looking for a literal '.' so if that is not there then just perhaps return
<kares[m]> enebo[m]: havent seen the comment yet but yes your reasoning is correct, 0.14.1 had no changes in terms of security it's as secure as 0.14.9
<enebo[m]> It is either error or skip but since you are trying multiple paths I guess I don't know...if it is bungled and you know it raise
<kares[m]> kares[m]: sorry 0.14.0 ... am on mobile
<enebo[m]> he seems to think 0.14.0 has an existing security warning and he specifically is asking if it is also vulnerable
<byteit101[m]> rescue Exception => ex
<enebo[m]> oh
<enebo[m]> I don't see that
<byteit101[m]> Wait, what's the error?
<byteit101[m]> stdlib: ffi/library.rb
<byteit101[m]> line 112 is the call to java
<enebo[m]> String[] names = basename.split("\\.");
<enebo[m]> Oh you are blanket catching from Ruby?
<byteit101[m]> names[0] yes, names[1] is never used
<byteit101[m]> FFI is
<enebo[m]> I do not have that checked out so I am just reviewing from the PR alone
<byteit101[m]> jruby- :001 > "foo".to_java.split("\\.")
<byteit101[m]> => #<Java::JavaLang::String[1]: ["foo"]>
<enebo[m]> yeah it will just return an array of length 1 so name[1] will AIOOBE
<byteit101[m]> But again, I am not using name[1], right?
<enebo[m]> which will not be a helpful error to blanket catch
<enebo[m]> HAHAH no are not but it is still odd
<enebo[m]> "" would be the search right?
<byteit101[m]> result, yes
<enebo[m]> "" could actually load the wrong dll
<byteit101[m]> This is the resolution code, so it should be returning a full path
<byteit101[m]> see line 126
<byteit101[m]> so I still think I'm safe?
<enebo[m]> Let's just see if I am being too picky or not
<enebo[m]> If someone just types in a name which ends up being "so" and in that same directory there is a load library then it would load that
<byteit101[m]> Incorrect
<enebo[m]> which is quite unusual
<byteit101[m]> this is for extracting to a temp dir
<byteit101[m]> if someone types in "so" and "so" is in the classpath (ffi/library.rb) then we attempt to extract to /tmp/jrub-$RAND/'
<byteit101[m]> extractLibrary takes an InputStream, and outputs a absoloute path to a temporary file based on the original file name
<byteit101[m]> I don't think there is a possibility for what you are suggesting. though I may be missing someting?
<enebo[m]> ok. So it sounds like this is not possible.
<enebo[m]> My comment I think stems from the notion from the PR code itself I see you doing name[0].name[0] which looks strange. In this case just canonicalizing and seeing if it is a valid file naively looks like a mistake even if it cannot cause the wrong thing to load
<byteit101[m]> Fair enough, I was considering using File.basename, etc but I saw I would have to convert to RubyString and thought a simple dumb split would be easier
<enebo[m]> So another question as someone who is only looking at a diff :)
<enebo[m]> What is the return values of this method we are discussing. It will return a full path or just a name?
<byteit101[m]> Absoloute path to the temporary file where the data was just extracted to
<byteit101[m]> :126
<enebo[m]> ok so it really never expects this to be an invalid file since you copied it there
<headius> enebo: so I figured out why this wrapper isn't working... U
<headius> I
<headius> gah
<enebo[m]> but the input of the file to copy would be from user input right? So in that case something earlier will notice it is not there
<headius> I'm not sure wrapping is working at all
<byteit101[m]> No, I mean .createTempFile on 120 kinda gives the jig away in that this is supposed to be a new file :-)
<enebo[m]> yeah wrap = true is not working at all
<headius> at the point where we determine how to define instance or script-level methods, we always go with self's metaclass, which isn't where methods should go in a wrapper script
<enebo[m]> I am not sure why but I assume the solution to both would be to pass wrap: RubyModule
<enebo[m]> ah
<byteit101[m]> enebo: yes, file resolved on 78 and opened on line 83
<headius> I have a one-liner that changes the method def logic to use current scope's module and that makes this work but we'll have to see what it breaks
<enebo[m]> byteit101: ok. I guess I just needed to be guided through this since only the PR code looks like you will return something which cannot exist
<byteit101[m]> If we can't resolve or open it, we abort on 87 and fail "normally"
<byteit101[m]> happy to help
<enebo[m]> ok that is fine. I just talk through things mostly to make sure you have a handle on it even if I don't
<byteit101[m]> :-D
<byteit101[m]> Alright, I gotta get "real" work done, I'll fix the other style issues this afternoon
<enebo[m]> It does find a lot of issues inasmuch as it forces the author to think about what they wrote differently
<enebo[m]> thanks for taking the time
<byteit101[m]> My pleasure!
<headius> going to run some stuff locally before I push this change
<enebo[m]> headius: so do we need to do something special for self or is this something to intrinsically all over the place we are doomed
<headius> might be possible to narrow this to only use scope's module for script defs and leave instance defs alone
<headius> I think this would only have to change in the logic for top-level defs for this to work
<headius> we already use cref for constants
<headius> in any case I have the logic working as well as it can without fixing the wrapping so it at least accepts the module and puts it in the right place
<enebo[m]> ok cool. That was the part I was worried about since it seemed to be a lot of signature changes
<enebo[m]> Did you just deprecate boolean wrap versions?
<headius> no
<headius> I didn't plumb it through
<enebo[m]> oh wait I read what you did
<headius> yeah
<enebo[m]> threadlocal
<enebo[m]> ok
<enebo[m]> not the ideal but the safest route
<headius> to be honest we probably could plumb it through by adding another method to Library interface but it only really needs to be there for Ruby sources
<headius> so existing exts can just keep the existing interface and continue to ignore wrapping like they always have
<headius> at that point it didn't seem like it was worth the effort to add the interface right now
<headius> maybe I should though so people can migrate to it... but then they just ignore it anywah
<enebo[m]> yeah I think it would be nice to eventually just have load(name) and load(name, wrapper =
<enebo[m]> when? I don't know but it seems like we have a lot to do right now
<enebo[m]> out of band definitely seems like a good solution for 9.4 to me
<enebo[m]> At some point we need to just put "deprecate" on our entire code base
<enebo[m]> We have a lot of debt associated with not knowing what people are consuming and we sort of need a do over
<enebo[m]> I am not suggesting a grand rewrite as much as just again noting we have a "mature" code base
<headius> yeah
<headius> ok I pushed the change to DefInstMethod
<headius> or rather the change to the logic to find where methods get defined for top-level
<headius> latest commit in
<headius> I believe this IR helper is used by JIT too so this should work for both
<headius> ah joni needs a release for jcodings, I'll do that while I wait for PR to settle
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<enebo[m]> headius: that findImplementer change is the crux
<headius> yes
<enebo[m]> Looks fine to me but if anything breaks it then that is it
<headius> stdlib failed but it seems unrelated
<enebo[m]> TestOpenURI#test_ftp_over_http_proxy_auth:
<enebo[m]> yeah I have been seeing this one quite a bit lately
<enebo[m]> I assumed it was a flaky test based on what it is doing but it is happening a lot
<headius> yeah I dunno, have not looked into it
<headius> PR looks ok other than some flaky failures... seems unlikely they are related, since they should fail in the other versions of these suites
<enebo[m]> cool
<headius> I updated exclude_wip for that feature (works now) and will merge it in a bit
<headius> enebo: you finished masgn ordering yes?
<headius> I thought I saw more stuff come in
<headius> just going over checklists... not much left other than ractor and scheduler
<enebo[m]> no I am not working on it
<headius> so punting to 9.4.1 officially?
<enebo[m]> I have a start on it but it is so unimportant
<headius> ok
<enebo[m]> I may do it if we finish other things
<enebo[m]> but no one will hit it for years
<enebo[m]> since you have to deal with old ordering for quite a while
<enebo[m]> and it is unusual to hit it
<headius> well that kinda wraps up feature checklists then
<enebo[m]> I have not finished by I am adding local_variables to NameError
<enebo[m]> or trying
<headius> ok
<enebo[m]> I know of one other kwarg error I have to fix so it may as well be this afternoon
<headius> enebo: this came in late last week
<headius> looks related to kwargs
<enebo[m]> yeah defniitely
<enebo[m]> I guess selenium gives us an anchor to what may be happening
<headius> also not sure if you saw this but we have accumulated a lot of crap in LoadService:
<headius> most has been deprecated since before 9.3 and some loonger
<headius> second commit there is only important one... I just based it on wrapper thing so the diff would not get messed up
<enebo[m]> ship it
<headius> ok
<headius> I rebased it and if it passes core tests I'll ship it (only concern was with OSGi stuff but that gets tested with core
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<byteit101[m]> alright, going to start working on enebo's style suggestions in about 30 minutes, did you get a chance to ponder my PR headius?
<byteit101[m]> (native library loader one)
<headius> hey in process now
<byteit101[m]> Thanks!
<headius> looks fine to me other than enebo comments (basically the same code you showed me before)
<headius> we can iterate on this after release
<byteit101[m]> I did change it to use RubyFile resolution, but yup
<headius> I saw that, seems good
<byteit101[m]> excellent, I'll update this shortly
<headius> ok gotta run for a bit, bbl
<byteit101[m]> Updated
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