we can support this but I guess with how we do things this would be a jnr-constants and jnr-posix add for syscall + constant values
The feature says it can return nil if unsupported (and the syscall is only valid for linux I think) so I will just make it return nil for now
I assume this is so you can pass it out to other thread related native calls?
Can't we just call the pthread function that gives you thread ID?
I believe this is meant to be for debugging where you want to know actual thread which is busy
we have other ways of figuring this out but a generic Ruby library may still want this
Looks like Process in Java 9 does have a way
So I think we said we plan on 9+ for 9.4?
I have been building with 8 but
If we want to make that leap I think 11 is the proper base
yeah 11 is LTS
What do you think?
I'm game to make the move, there's a bunch of stuff in 9 through 11 we can start taking advantage of
And I did my rails verification under 17 so we're looking pretty good
I wonder if it's too late to make this change though
We have been saying 9.4 would support Java 8
I like to meet expectations but I don't think anyone can reasonably expect this now even if we did say it a few months ago
9.3 still is alive too
I like not having to deal with module issues with 8 and jrubyfx
lol...that feedback was fast
I think we need a good way to deal with add-includes etc before dropping 8
This issue will come to a head this year or next year for you
I know, but I remember reading that this would still be on 8 and I've planned as such
We do actually support jrubyfx 9+ already but it is just a pain to add-opens right?
I want to do more research to see if there's any way we can add opens at runtime, but the best we have right now is the Java options dotfiles
My command line for testing jrubyfx on 9+: ruby -J--add-opens=java.base/sun.nio.ch=org.jruby.dist -J--add-opens=javafx.graphics/com.sun.javafx.application=org.jruby.dist -J--add-opens=javafx.graphics/javafx.stage=org.jruby.dist -J--add-opens=javafx.graphics/javafx.concurrent=org.jruby.dist -J--add-opens=javafx.controls/javafx.scene.control=org.jruby.dist -I lib samples/contrib/fxmltableview/FXMLTableView.rb
headius: do we have a link on the new dot files for this?
this should all be possible to put into a dot file
byteit101: look at bin/.jruby.module_opts
I don't recall how this works with user apps loading them but there is some hierarchy of file loads
It seems like doing this at runtime would somewhat defeat module unless the code up to that point did not interact across module boundaries
but I've had to do this for maven libs with maven_require, and other not-just-ruby libraries
which is a royal pain when I have a good IRB session going and have to re-create it
so other than the ergonomics in how to specify this you will still be forced to specify this in some form once 8 is gone
I am just having a discussion now and not really pushing back that we have to use 9
err 11
I was just thinking we have been talking about no longer requiring 8 for a long time but we have been worried about losing people. The Java world who still is on 8 tends to be people who never update their apps which means our newer versions probably are not really going to be used by them
your use case is something I do sympathize with. desktop/cli apps just seems like it is outside the motivation of the module system
with that said unless we can improve the ergonomics to pick up some app-specific config I am not sure how much further we could really take this
these days 9/10 of the time it's me loading a new library in IRB, getting things set up, then realizing I have to tear down and re-setup the IRB session with new flags
but if you package an app do we have a way of picking up a config without having to make people install jruby's install? I don't remember how this works. I think we have ~/.jruby.module_opts?
Not automatically, no. Hence why jrubyfx has that note in the install section
it would be cool if it picked up that section from all installed gems
ok well perhaps based on not having this be simple enough we still have some work to do to lower the configuration needed
Only solves the gem case, not the maven lib case though
But yes, lower config and automatic config would be great
maven lib could be solved via gem for loading an artifact
if you load the .jar raw you need to manually load it but if you use ruby-maven (I honestly don't remember how these work) it could plug into whatever we did for gems themselves
Anyways, I will back off the suggestion for now since we are super super close to being in a releasable state without moving and we want to release soon
The benefit to moving now would be point releases could cut out and depend on newer APIs without anything weird to opt into them
but Ruby 9.3 will be out in 1.5 months so :)
JRuby X/next/moar perhaps will jump up to 17 and we will have a better solution for modules
I can use JMX to get native thread id as well and that works with Java 8 but it is wonky because I think I need to parse a string apart in an undocumented field