<headius> activerecord-jdbcsqlite3-adapter, version 70.0.pre
<headius> We will get some non-pre gems out soon
<postmodern[m]> boom got it
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<byteit101[m]> https://twitter.com/jruby/status/1594926152363102209 is somewhat of a lie, as Kernel#spawn isn't replaced by default unless you do require 'subspawn/replace'. Only PTY#spawn is replaced by default
<byteit101[m]> But Yay! 9.4 is out!
<headius> ah that's true... but it will become default eventually
<headius> oh, we should maybe add text to the warning for rlimit etc mentioning the gem!
<headius> for 9.4.1
<byteit101[m]> Ah true
<headius> enebo: CGI security patch PR has been updated with patched specs from CRuby repo
<headius> unfortunately I also applied them to master, so they might be annoying when merged back to ruby/spec
<headius> the CGI CVE PR should be ready to go once it is green
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<postmodern[m]> So how do you make a gem that depends on sqlite3 for the default DB, but can switch to activesupport-jdbcsqlite3-adapter for JRuby?
<headius> There's no way to do per implementation or per platform dependencies without releasing a separate gem
<headius> So you wouldhave a -java platform gem with the different dependency
<postmodern[m]> ah I'll have to finally figure out how to build multi-platform gems.
<headius> It's not too bad, and I believe Ruby Jim's has a gem building flag to force the platform so you don't necessarily have to build it under JRuby
<byteit101[m]> Do note that may or may not work as I found out recently: https://github.com/rubygems/rubygems/issues/6056
<headius> CVE patch is merged
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<postmodern[m]> <byteit101[m]> "Do note that may or may not work..." <- hmm yeah, I think I'm hitting that with bundler. `Could not find gem 'ronin-db' with platform 'ruby' in source at `.`.`
<byteit101[m]> to double check, you can extract the gem, then gunzip the metadata.gz file to see what the gem thinks it is
<byteit101[m]> luckily this is easy enough to fix: build it with jruby
<byteit101[m]> (oh and if that is the issue, you can mention you ran into it too on that issue)
<postmodern[m]> hmm platform is definitely java
<postmodern[m]> s//`/, s//` (if I build a gem)./
<postmodern[m]> bundler is having trouble loading the .gemspec while running under jruby 9.4. I even added special logic to detect RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /java/ and set gem.platform and change the dependencies.
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<headius> What kind of trouble
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