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<ldywicki[m]> Had to hang dockcross and ci/cd stuff, got a bunch of support calls last few days which will keep me busy till weekend.
<headius> No worries, it's not a critical need right now, take care of your own stuff and we appreciate whatever you can do
<headius> enebo: almost no pushback on Twitter against dropping 8
<headius> Closest was a legacy app but it probably won't upgrade from 9.3 anytime either
<enebo[m]> yeah twitter does not really count
<enebo[m]> but I tend to agree most people will not care
<enebo[m]> I think they notion of people keeping up on tech but needing to stick with Java 8 on their sutff is going to be a smaller venn overlap
<enebo[m]> So I guess I don't really have a good sense on how to actually figure out. Java deployment survey/reports might help but even those do not tend to pick up small back-office stats as much as cloud deploys
<enebo[m]> headius: one takeway from yesterdays conversation is our ergnomics is worth examine more
<headius> Oh yeah I will catch up
<headius> What was it you wanted from Java 9?
<enebo[m]> well as it turns out I just used MBean data for it but the original answers made me realize a lot of stuff we work around is just in Java now. We just need to update to get those benefits
<headius> Yeah
<enebo[m]> I have traditionally been much more conservative on updating Java but I think we have waited a long time no leaving 8 behind
<headius> Upgrading before we release means we can start taking advantage of those improvements during the 9.4 maintenance cycle
<headius> If we don't upgrade beforehand we can't really put any of that stuff in until 9.5, or we have to do complicated version specific code
<enebo[m]> That is worth looking at above
<enebo[m]> yeah exactly
<enebo[m]> I just changed forward = true to keywords = true based on a coversation we had a couple of weeks ago
<headius> Free hand to start leveraging 11+ feature on the way to a big tech improvement in 9.5
<headius> Ok makes sense
<enebo[m]> I am also going to add some convenience methods I put off. I actually wanted our current system to be a bit painful to nudge us to a new system but a couple of methods won't really make this much less painful :)
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<headius> Good Lord yubikey is hard to set up under Linux
<enebo[m]> Taking a shot as Process::Status#wait
<enebo[m]> I got a number of 3.1 features done yesterday
<enebo[m]> I plan on unit testing Rails this afternoon to find issues
<headius> ok I'm bagging this for now and I'll just deploy from MBP I haven't sent back yet
<headius> 73 open issues and PRs
<headius> I find it very hard to believe that AddOpens could work within a modularized app
<headius> you will not be able to access those private methods without opening java.lang to JRuby, which I guess is an option...
<headius> it could potentially be something we allow in a debug setting to handle the case of being deep into IRB and unable to proceed
<headius> of course you could put --add-opens java.base:java.lang=org.jruby.dist in .jruby.java_opts and always have that option available 😄
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<headius> I can attempt the cleanup again... the bug I found in javac should be fixed now on 11+
<headius> this was a showstopper for building under 11 with any module logic in place
<headius> -Prelease fails with 11... I will see what I can do
<enebo[m]> ok
<headius> ok, jruby-core will not generate javadoc unless we can turn off module stuff, because of the shading of everything
<headius> I had a WIP PR to split JRuby up into modules and boot that way but it isn't 100%
<headius> this might be too much to fix before 9.4
<headius> something in one of the maven plugins does not work right under 11
<headius> hmm there's a much newer one
<headius> no dice
<enebo[m]> yeah we still have other things to do before release so any issues we should just bail
<headius> Caused by: org.jruby.embed.EvalFailedException: (OpenSSL::X509::StoreError) setting default path failed: No password supplied for PKCS#12 KeyStore.
<headius> so here's status then
<headius> Java 11 does appear to be able to build us fine for a local dist, but not for full release without changes
<headius> my workaround for jruby-core javadoc was to skip it, which is fine because the docs should be in jruby-base already
<headius> oh I also access a class from backport9 for Java 8-style stack walking but it is not exported, so that requires a backport9 release
<headius> and the java 11 build pkey store thing I believe I have an issue filed about... I think it is due to using an older JRuby as part of the build, so that would need to be upgraded in the relevant plugins
<headius> that's as far as I can get
<headius> I kinda put 11 build and modularity work on the back burner when we decided we weren't going to drop 8
<enebo[m]> yeah well it is maybe a better .next thing when the whole project is records and kotlin
<headius> haha
<headius> KRuby
<headius> ok, priorities
<headius> transpiled to JavaScript and running on V8
<headius> having looked through issues there are not a ton of them that are critical to this release now
<headius> I can do a better review but do you have some items in mind that I should deal with?
<headius> lots of wishes
<headius> we are kind of down to wishes and fishes
<enebo[m]> At this point I have just been knocking down failing specs/tests
<headius> with fishes being features
<enebo[m]> I did definitely focus on features recently
<enebo[m]> I think refinements and prepend are two of note for 3.1 which you may have addressed part of with your landing
<headius> I can check on the refinement part
<enebo[m]> fiber stuff is lurking especially with io scheduler
<headius> the prepend thing should be resolved with PR merged today
<headius> IO scheduler is definitely a 9.4.1
<enebo[m]> Not sure how much it will matter but we need to at least noop if like puma is using it
<headius> but all code that uses it does respond_to? with a fallback so far
<enebo[m]> ok yeah that makes sense
<enebo[m]> we are probably covered
<headius> it needs to come and it will make some things better (back to a native timeout, for example) but it is just a lot of fiddly work
<headius> adding callbacks all over
<enebo[m]> I did find another kwargs bug with super I need to fix but I think we are mostly just squashing new APIs and addressing things we find which are broken
<enebo[m]> I am hoping not much will turn out with Rails unit tests but it will be a good test
<headius> "The flip-flop syntax deprecation is reverted."
<enebo[m]> I need to hit up some ripper-based libraries this week too
<enebo[m]> hahahah
<headius> done: Refinements take place at Object#method and Module#instance_method.
<headius> I went through test_refinement WIP excludes and knocked a few extras off in that PR
<headius> there's some weird shit though
<headius> pardon my french
<enebo[m]> oh so another thing I did is I went through all of benoit's last spec tags with attention to any 3.x fails
<enebo[m]> He has does a few syncs since spec had wip: so we should go back in history and examine those syncs
<enebo[m]> About 90% were 3+ fails so I think that will be true for a few other commits
<enebo[m]> lopex: You still planning at a looksee?
<enebo[m]> lopex: I know you said maybe if you had time the other week
<headius> yeah if it's not there it won't make 9.4, but I dunno who is using CESU-8
<enebo[m]> headius: it is in jcodings already but broken for decoding
<headius> hmm
<headius> ok
<enebo[m]> It passes in a 1 in the constructor implying something in an array exists but the array is empty
<enebo[m]> So it was a mistake in how it was added
<enebo[m]> so a) it should have something in the array b) it should be 0 but then the one method added should be doing something else
<headius> aha
<enebo[m]> I spent a few minutes and I did not understand how the system works
<headius> don't blame you
<enebo[m]> It was just clear what was wrong :)
<enebo[m]> I hope not. I didn't fo it :)
<headius> oh maybe trancode?
<enebo[m]> we have one fail in mri:extra?
<enebo[m]> It is the only backtrace I think you can see
<headius> aha ok
<headius> bingo
<headius> transcoder porting bug I reckon
<enebo[m]> yeah I think they looked at another encoding and copied some methods and just made a mistake
<enebo[m]> The good news is the data is there and it is just a single bug away from being done
<enebo[m]> (probably :) )
<headius> I'll fis it
<headius> fish it
<headius> fish it from the jaws of defeat
<enebo[m]> Down to one bug seemingly in spec for Process::Status::Wait
<headius> CRuby doesn't override state init
<headius> probably can just delete this
<headius> lopex: you overrode state init in this transcoder but I don't see that in CRuby
<headius> trying without it
<enebo[m]> I remember changing constructor to 0 and removing that one method in it
<enebo[m]> but I suppose if somehow it really is 1 because it is not overridden perhaps it just works
<headius> doesn't fix that test but doesn't AIOOB
<enebo[m]> heh progress!
<headius> it does get farther through the test method too but I'm not sure what else is wrong yet
<headius> # characters outside BMP (double surrogates in CESU-8)
<enebo[m]> bold error
<headius> it almost passes, that is the last assertion
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<headius> oh lordy
<headius> classic
<headius> fixed
<enebo[m]> begin?
<headius> yes
<headius> father forgive me for pushing directly to master
<headius> it passes now, just needs jcodings release
<headius> I see nothing else going into jcodings so I'm going to release it
<headius> wow I'm out of the game... forgot to release maven repo for jffi yesterday
<enebo[m]> I have been pushing smaller things to master
<headius> release is out, should propagate soon
<headius> so that is cesu fixed then
<headius> omg you already did resolve_feature_path
<enebo[m]> someone did
<enebo[m]> I think I did fix something with it but I think it was mostly there already
<headius> that was the last 2.7 feature other than flip-flops and warning crud
<headius> I was about to add it and there it was
<enebo[m]> That was just returning nil right?
<enebo[m]> The big ask is wrap = true or wrap = Somemodule for load
<headius> tall order
<headius> what was returning nil?
<enebo[m]> I don't think the actual put stuff under a module is that bad but it goes through like 30 methods to get to that point
<enebo[m]> resolve_feature_path when nothing resolves is nil and not an error
<enebo[m]> HAHAHAH OMG I did implement resolve_feature_path
<enebo[m]> ok well who knew
<headius> I ran git blame praying it wasn't me
<enebo[m]> I did this in April so I won't say I feel bad for not remembering
<enebo[m]> So I see wrap (the boolean) is passed but I think this feature is not working
<headius> hey you worked on warnings, did you do categories?
<enebo[m]> yeah
<headius> I want to either hook up -W flag or make it no-op
<enebo[m]> It is largely done but there is a couple of failures in the suite because it is not dyndispatching for some particular case
<enebo[m]> largely == totally done with a bug which is only hit infrequently in an unimportant way
<enebo[m]> people are not generally overriding warn() in Warnings in Ruby
<enebo[m]> I believe I marked that as done in whatever feature issue has it
<headius> ah yeah
<enebo[m]> I will likely fix the failure before release but it seemed less important than just nailing more missing stuff
<enebo[m]> and for normal users the warnings will work as advertised (e.g. you will see the right warning when the rtight categories are set)
<headius> we need to evaluate some lock-free options after the removal of biased locking
<headius> I'm adding one so that the categories for the warnings are per-runtime instead of static
<enebo[m]> sure makes sense although it is warning
<enebo[m]> If you are hot looping over a warning perhaps performance is not important
<headius> also true
<lopex[m]> enebo: yeah, havent got a chance to look at it, headius for cesu ?
<enebo[m]> lopex: howdfy
<enebo[m]> headius fixed it
<enebo[m]> numbers!
<lopex[m]> yeah
<headius> that should be sufficient for -W:category stuff from 2.7
<enebo[m]> yeah looks good and I am not sure why I didn't realize static would not work well with multiple instances :)
<enebo[m]> not that multiple instances would be likely to have different categories but it was still wrong
<headius> you did shareable_constant_value?
<enebo[m]> no
<headius> I see it in lex
<headius> so it parses but is not used
<enebo[m]> Oh I may have implemented lexing it
<enebo[m]> but it is not useful without ractor so I did not do any live state stuff
<enebo[m]> with that said we will parse a file using it
<headius> yeah it is only ever written in LexContext
<headius> never read
<enebo[m]> makes sense
<headius> When a class variable is overtaken by the same definition in an
<headius> ancestor class/module
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<headius> these class var changes might need to be done
<enebo[m]> I don't know
<enebo[m]> they are error changes which will not break working code
<enebo[m]> fwiw I have not looked at that one but I discounted it
<lopex[m]> it was ahorek afaik ?
<headius> looks like it
<enebo[m]> yeah
<headius> my mistake!
<headius> enebo: masgn order is done?
<headius> we have nearly everything in all three versions
<enebo[m]> nope
<enebo[m]> I decided it was rare enough to not do until .1
<enebo[m]> I can get it done but I would rather be in a position that release is ready first
<headius> ok
<enebo[m]> It is almost impossible that anyone will be depending or even observing that change for years
<headius> I am creating a few issues for the obvious missing features that we either have to do for 9.4 or might punt to 9.4.1
<enebo[m]> ok that could be one but it depends on how we sit next week
<headius> no sweat to just have it and close it with 9.4 if we circle back to it
<enebo[m]> I think one thing I would like you to do would be to run some rails bench numbers and that will double to make sure stuff is working more
<headius> sure, I'll need that anyway
<enebo[m]> I plan on getting to rails unit tests tomorrow
<enebo[m]> but yeah I just want some advance warning if something big is wrong and Rails is a great way of determining that
<headius> these auto-made bugs from checklist are ugly
<enebo[m]> hahah mr roboto
<headius> marked for 9.4 for now
<enebo[m]> The work for this is to build up a lhs/rhs set of nodes and/or operands (depending on what) and then emitting them but you don't want to bother unless it matters
<enebo[m]> I do have it partially written but it is a little weirder than I thought since lhs can have nested lhs masgns which all have to eval before rhs which will just be a single rhs
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<headius> warning stuff is merged and 2.7 is done except for flip-flop and some unresolved stdlib exts
<enebo[m]> FFF is an acronym for something involving flip flips
<headius> yeah 3.0 and 3.1 are pretty much done now too other than ractor and scheduler stuff
<headius> ok I created four total issues for features that stood out to me
<headius> enebo: unsure if you saw this but getting the 7.0 arjdbc gems out would make it a fully stock process generating a new app
<headius> can be deferred until closer to RC since there's a workaround to get the pre gems
<enebo[m]> I can do that tomorrow I guess. I want to run unit tests first to make sure nothing huge
<enebo[m]> pre works enough for scaffolding so that is good
<headius> yeah
<headius> production CRUD works
<enebo[m]> with sqlite3
<enebo[m]> so probably we need to try out pg
<headius> what you wanted a real database?
<enebo[m]> hahah yeah I only did sqlite3 as well
<enebo[m]> I thought "ship it"
<headius> sqlite is all anyone needs
<headius> heh ten clients isn't enough to redline this machine
<enebo[m]> dont' get lopex too excited
<lopex[m]> wrt numbers ?
<enebo[m]> the numbers we know are coming
<lopex[m]> wrt sqlite this is sick
<headius> oh I need to bump up puma size too
<headius> duh
<headius> ho ho only 5 threads surely you jest
<lopex[m]> are there still musl issues like in alpine ?
<lopex[m]> got bitten by those a few times
<headius> not recently
<headius> but I don't think we have any tests to confirm we don't regress
<lopex[m]> that ldap thingy afair
<headius> it was mostly changes to jnr-posix
<headius> hmm unsure
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<headius> lots of variability in CPU usage early on
<headius> it starts to flatten close to 100% after jit settles down
<headius> well, approaching 3000rps after a few rounds
<headius> I don't know if that's good anymore, this is a fast machine
<headius> my CPU monitor also doesn't combine virtual cores and regular cores so all "16" max out right around 50%
<lopex[m]> btw, hows M1/M2 perf for java loads ?
<headius> haven't tested recently but it was pretty fast when I was getting it working
<lopex[m]> well those wont end up in cloud provides any soon I guess
<lopex[m]> and via native or that rosetta is still a thing ?
<headius> lopex: there's a native openjdk for it
<headius> it's mostly just arm64
<headius> we run fine with native or rosetta though
<lopex[m]> I wonder what intel does next, and how tsmc became so critical for global markets
<lopex[m]> this channel is awesome
<lopex[m]> like fpga histoty etc
<enebo[m]> lopex: is this the same guy who did the video on soviet venus missions?
<lopex[m]> yep
<enebo[m]> he did a good job on that video
<lopex[m]> the soviet union is so hard to get through
<lopex[m]> enebo: also recommend
<lopex[m]> soviet union in a pill
<lopex[m]> er, that's polish phrase...
<enebo[m]> lopex: you see netflix kleo? Or even have that option?
<lopex[m]> but at times they hade the most powerful comouters
<lopex[m]> no I dont
<lopex[m]> and havent
<enebo[m]> quirky german show about east german assassin
<enebo[m]> There is also a polish series: krakowskie potwory
<enebo[m]> unrelated to soviet union but I just remembered you were polish :)
<headius> do people still use mysql
<headius> I feel like I ask that once a year
<lopex[m]> but hah, did you know that at the times we were in soviet "influence sphere" - that's how it was called, there was a propaganda that US was dropping potato beetle on our fields
<enebo[m]> little did you realize...
<lopex[m]> hah
<enebo[m]> why can I never remember the empty IRubyObject array
<lopex[m]> EMPTY_ARRAY ?
<headius> brain tumor
<headius> we have a lot of constants I forget about and sometimes add again
<enebo[m]> I see 3 of those and none are the right one?
<lopex[m]> haha
<lopex[m]> like string/array constructor proliferation
<lopex[m]> etc
<lopex[m]> we shuld use spring
<enebo[m]> NULL_ARRAY
<lopex[m]> ah
<lopex[m]> oh well makes sense since most likely it comes from mri
<enebo[m]> We should have called is p
<enebo[m]> p
<lopex[m]> is/it ?
<enebo[m]> it
<lopex[m]> jeeze why is go so popular
<lopex[m]> I hate it
<enebo[m]> "it is simple" is what I hear
<lopex[m]> basic is simple as well
<enebo[m]> someone I know complains about go a fair amount so I am pretty amused by Go hate
<enebo[m]> Every time I look at Go I feel like it was written by someone 25 years ago as a modern language
<enebo[m]> but having said that I don't really care. If people like it that is fine by me
<lopex[m]> well, yeah
<lopex[m]> actually, the next native language I'd like to learn wuld be something like zig
<enebo[m]> it compiles fast
<lopex[m]> go ? yeah, it's sold sa such
<enebo[m]> zig does
<lopex[m]> it does
<lopex[m]> I guess julia was quite interesting on the rise of ml bubble
<lopex[m]> and then nim maybe
<enebo[m]> Actually I think I was think of V as the super fast compiler
<enebo[m]> but zig is not slow at compilation and compared to Rust it is amazing
<headius> enebo: your arity message errors broke some green suites
<headius> actually most of them
<headius> I thought it was my encoding changes but maybe not
<enebo[m]> wot
<enebo[m]> ah I only ran spec:ruby:fast thinking it would hit enough
<headius> that also failed though
<enebo[m]> yeah how could this all fail?
<enebo[m]> I will revert
<headius> yeah weird errors
<enebo[m]> yeah super weird
<enebo[m]> how could this actually break anything
<enebo[m]> HAHAHA I see it
<enebo[m]> I named it instance_eval as a Java method
<headius> oh nice
<enebo[m]> I may have been a bit sloppy here and only tested the first commit which was for instance_eval
<enebo[m]> It was the exact same fix to a different signature. ok well a little fast and loose
<enebo[m]> just verifying it quick
<headius> I forgive you
<enebo[m]> lol
<enebo[m]> so I looked at settracepoint stuff a little bit...ugh
<headius> heheh
<enebo[m]> I did do some work on it already but that is pretty granular now
<enebo[m]> enable(line: 20)
<headius> all the tracepoint stuff we are behind on?
<headius> like branches and stuff
<enebo[m]> yeah. we do all ruby stuff for the basics but they added a lot of extra options like specifying hwich thread
<headius> ah yeah
<enebo[m]> branches can get supported but I just made it for the resume/suspend feature
<enebo[m]> just realized enable has 3 keywords now
<enebo[m]> we are not emitting for native calls which makes omse of these tests weird
<enebo[m]> they expect to see tracepoint methods themselves in the results
<headius> I cancelled the current CI runs
<enebo[m]> ok
<enebo[m]> I will let one local spec;ruby:fast complete but this was definitely the issue
<enebo[m]> I should not have even bothered to fix this but I was annoyed that what MRI wants is not really even reasonable
<enebo[m]> 1..3 for eval which can be 0 with a block
<enebo[m]> 0..3 seems more correct
<headius> ah yeah I agree
<enebo[m]> so this is a dummy method definition just to correctly report when you provide too many args
<enebo[m]> I mostly did it just to figure out how to do it
<headius> so they just skip the arity check altogether if there's a block
<enebo[m]> contort our anno logic to my will
<headius> or warn about unused args
<enebo[m]> if no block it is one arity but that isn't even true. for no args it still prints 1..3 :)
<enebo[m]> I am annoyed that ruby/spec even went down this rabbit hole...why are we comparing error strings
<headius> yeah I liked it better when it did not
<enebo[m]> MRI also seemed to have changed all the methods on type coversion errors
<headius> they can only cram so much information into their rb_scan_args descriptors
<enebo[m]> or many of them
<headius> oh like quoting differently?
<enebo[m]> just a different message
<headius> courage
<enebo[m]> in many cases the error messages in MRI have evolved to have more info which I welcome
<enebo[m]> but some are just rearranging and using slightly different words
<headius> hopslam is early this year
<enebo[m]> I suppose at some point that will just stop
<enebo[m]> hmm. I would drink one can of that
<enebo[m]> honey is not my jam
<headius> jam is not my jelly
<enebo[m]> yeah
<headius> ok well I have a few things to do... get M1 builds working (env issue), the big features I pulled out into bugs, see how far off we are on mysql and pg for testapp
<headius> gonna break for a bit and bbl
<enebo[m]> yeah until tomorrow for me but I plan on testing rails tomrrow and if good I will likely release 70 arjdbc stuff
<headius> ok